The CEO's Office Boy is a Girl

Chapter 312 "Vacation"

Chapter 312 "Vacation"

3Tan Hua head spin around seeing the unfamiliar room. The room was indeed nice like any expensive villa in Hawaii but how could she suddenly be here when last night she was in her room? It's crazy! Did someone kidnap her?      3

Wait. It could be Nan Shen who kidnap her since this room looked similar to the villa he owned in Hawaii.     

Tan Hua gulped her saliva nervously as she kept observing her surrounding. She notices that all the things she owned were already placed neatly in the room but the position of the things changed.     

The room was actually nice with a big balcony where you could see a nice view of the beach and ocean but somehow for a place as crowded as Hawaii...wasn't this place too silent?      

"Just where am I…" Tan Hua touched her head feeling a bit worried that she woke up and suddenly wasn't in her room anymore. She still had so much stuff to do like going to the office to work...but how could she do that now she didn't even know where she was??     

Tan Hua sat down again on her bed trying to calm her mind. She remembered last night she felt so sleepy and maybe she falls asleep while finishing her work. If that's the case it's impossible for Nan Shen or anyone to kidnap her right?     

Shen Ling was still there in her house last time he won't let anyone took her away...wait, Shen Ling? Where is that guy?     

Tan Hua quickly stood up again when she recalled about Shen Ling. Shen Ling should also be with her back then so if she was moved to this place it was possible tor the man to be here too. Or maybe the kidnapper leave him behind, who knows?      

But would there be a kidnapper this kind to provide such a good room for her?     

Tan Hua stopped walking toward the door when she thinks about this. Nothing makes sense now instead of thinking about nonsense things...she should find Shen Ling first!      

Tan Hua was about to open the door in hope of finding Shen Ling when someone suddenly opened the door itself, almost hitting her nose with the door.     


"Ah, you wake up already?" Shen Ling's face suddenly popped out behind the door with a bright smile on his face. His blonde golden hair shone under the sunlight slipping into the room through the door and the balcony.     

"S-Shen Ling??" Tan Hua heart leapt to her throat thinking that the one opening the door was the kidnapper but when she saw it was Shen Ling, her legs turned into jelly out of relief.     

It's Shen Ling! Speak of the devil she had just about to find this man.     

"Yes? What's wrong?" Shen Ling closed the door as he put down the tray filled with food which he was holding in his hand, to a nearby table. The man walked to a sofa next to the bed as he made Tan Hua sat down across him without saying anything else.     

"Where are we?? Are we being kidnapped now? Are you alright? What's going on?!" The moment Tan Hua sat down, she immediately bombarded Shen Ling with questions. She was confused and a bit scared now okay? She needs the certainty of her current situation!      

"Calm down. No one kidnapped us. I'm the one bringing you here. Are you surprised?" Shen Ling chuckled seeing Tan Hua panicked like a baby chick losing its mother. Tan Hua worried too much! Who would be able to kidnap her as long as he is here?     

"Huh? You are the one bringing me here?" Tan Hua paused for a second and slowly calmed down when she heard what Shen Ling said just now. Did her ear hear it right? Shen Ling was the one bringing her to this place?     

For what??     

"Calm down and listen. I want to surprise you because you already work hard for the past weeks, you need a good vacation" Shen Ling smiled like he usually does as he pinched Tan Hua's cheek, trying to make the girl calmed down.     

He didn't want to give this girl a heart attack or a heart attack so he better makes a very good lie about why she was here now.     

"Vacation? So you secretly bring me here in just a night for a vacation? Can't you tell me first?? I'm so shocked okay?" Tan Hua slumped down to the sofa with an exhausted face.      

Shen Ling intention was good but he almost makes her had a heart attack for real okay?! Who wouldn't be frightened when they woke up and saw that they weren't home?      

"Sorry I want to give you a surprise so how could I tell you first? Anyway, your work will be handled by your secretary so for a week you are free to do anything you want here. This isn't Hawaii so no one can bother you"      

Shen Ling stroked Tan Hua's head with a big grin on his face. His previous cold attitude had returned to his usual self. The cheerful, naughty and kind Shen Ling is back!      

"Well I'll forgive you since you do this for me" Tan Hua coughed feeling embarrassed that Shen Ling always treated her like a hopeless little girl. She was indeed shocked but vacation...doesn't sound bad!      

This novel is uploaded to with many free chps if you steal my novel at least include the link there! ┌П┐(►˛◄'!) -Zehell2218     

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