The CEO's Office Boy is a Girl

Chapter 38 "Venting Anger"

Chapter 38 "Venting Anger"

3Nan Shen was worried to death. He was a famous person so there would be a lot of people who dislike him. Not to mention that he had business in the dark world...he had many dangerous enemies.      3

If someone spotted Tan Hua entering his house then maybe those bad was possible that they kidnapped Tan Hua.     

This is bad!     

Nan Shen quickly dressed neatly and called his secretary.     

"Wu Yin! Tan Huo disappear! Last night i bring him to my house and then...then..." Nan Shen was unusually shaken. He really was panicking right now.     

The Nan Shen who always face everything calmly was now lost his calm.     

"Calm down Mr.Nan! Tell me the detail first" Wu Yin who had just woke up, quickly wore his eyeglasses and straighten his back.     

Mr.Nan voice was shaking and he talked too fast! What's wrong with him? He was usually very calm even in the most dire situation he ever face but now just because a mere office boy went missing after he went to Mr.Nan house, Mr.Nan was panicking!     

.....wait WHAT??? That skinny office boy went to Mr.Nan house???? It was only a day or so after they first met and Mr.Nan already allowed that boy to came to his house?! Was he dreaming??     

"...right. I need to calm down" Nan Shen who heard what Wu Yin said, took a deep breath as he sat down on his bed.     

He indeed felt panic for a moment back then. He was the one who took that boy as his guest so if the boy went missing right in his house....and if the media knew....his reputation...would crumble!     

Nan Shen thought that he was worried because of his image and reputation when in fact, even if he did put a good gentleman image with excellent reputation, he never lost his calm just because his people was kidnapped.     

Nan Shen himself didn't know why he was feeling very worried. He felt uneasy. He want to see that boy in one piece, unharmed, healthy and alive!     

Then Nan Shen told Wu Yin about what happened last night about how he slept with Tan Huo and the next morning which is today, the boy disappeared.     

Author: :face_with_rolling_eyes: mind your word you'll make readers have a wrong idea.     

Well Nan Shen words did mislead someone, Wu Yin.     

??!!! WHAAATT???? not only Mr.Nan invite that boy to his house, he even slept with him??? He didn't know that Mr.Nan was gay!!     

"O-okay Mr.Nan I'll try to find his location...." Wu Yin ended the call after he heard the whole story and sighed.     

Today he just found Mr.Nan biggest secret! Mr.Nan was actually a gay! He even do it with someone 6 years younger than him! And that someone was even only an office boy!     

That morning, Nan Shen and Wu Yin was busy searching for information about Tan Hua as the culprit may contacted them to ask for something but until 8 a.m there was still no news.     

The girl who created the storm in Nan Shen house, didn't know that someone thought she was kidnapped. The girl had just woke up at 7 a.m and was too panicked that she would be late making her didn't realize that she had changed house.     

She woke up in her cramped apartement again.     

"Shen Ling I'm leaving!!!!" Tan Hua didn't eat breakfast that morning and hurriedly dashed to the station. It took 1 hour to get to the neighboring city and the train she could took now departed at 7:30!     

If she couldn't get to this train then she would be super late!!     

Shen Ling who saw Tan Hua dashing outside like a mad dog, could only shook his head as he continue cleaning the house alone.     

At Nan Shen office. 9 a.m     

Nan Shen was walking back and forth in his office, waiting for Wu Yin to found news about Tan Huo disappearance but he still didn't get anything.     

He was getting more worried as time passed by and right at this moment, his office door was opened so suddenly with a rude BANG! sound.     

"Boss!! S-sorry I'm late!!!" the boy whom the duo was looking for several hours already, out of sudden just popped out inside the office successfully made Wu Yin almost throw his handphone to Tan Hua face.     

Nan Shen: ヽ(#゚Д゚)ノ┌┛Σ(ノ´Д`)ノ     

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING THIS MORNING???!!!! HOW CAN YOU LEAVE JUST LIKE THAT?!" the moment Tan Hua came, Nan Shen grabbed her by her collar and nearly slammed her to his table out of anger.     

Well he did anyway.     

"W-what...? I don't know....i wake up this morning and find out i'm already in my house...." Tan Hua tried to push away Nan Shen but she was too powerless.     

"Heh. Do you know how worried i was huh?! I thought you were kidnapped by my rival in business!!!" Nan Shen put his hand on Tan Hua head and squeezed it hard.     

"Mmm b-boss sorry boss sorry...." With tears in her eyes, Tan Hua grimaced in pain as she looked over to Wu Yin, trying to seek help which splendidly ignored by Wu Yin.     

"Heh. You troll me don't you? I's punishment time!" :angry_face:     

!!! NOOOOOO!!! :face_screaming_in_fear:     

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