Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Brother can't walk anymore

Brother can't walk anymore

2Yuta contemplates the meaning of peace solemnly.     1

Ever since he regained consciousness, there hasn't been a moment of solitude. Nobody would leave him alone. If it's not his mother with him, it would be his father. Then, his sister would visit and cry her eyes out whenever she sees him.      

"I am not dead." Yuta glares at Aerie. "Why are you crying, for god's sake?"     

"Brother can't walk anymore." Aerie's big brown eyes become watery. "I feel sad."     

It's hard to believe that this child is Valerie Kang. Yuta studies her face. The eyes are the same. The colour of her hair, nose, and lips are also the same. This girl is Valerie Kang.      

He sighs. "Don't cry. I am going to be fine."     

"But you can't walk." Aerie grabs the end of the blanket. "Then, what will happen to Honoka?"     

How is this connected? Yuta frowns at her. "If I can't walk, what does it have to do with her?"     

"Honoka will become your wife." Aerie tells him, "If you can't walk, how are you going to walk down the aisle and marry her?"     

"First, it's the bride who walks down the aisle." Yuta replies coldly, "Second, I am not marrying her."     

And his senses are returning to his body. He can move his arms and toes. The numbness is going away. It should be fine in a few days.     

Maybe the book had some poison. His skin might have ingested it. But others had touched the book before him. The nightmare was strange too. Ever since his rebirth, he doesn't think that supernatural or paranormal things are unreal.      

He is living proof.     

"Why?" Aerie places her chin on the edge of the bed. "Honoka is nice. If you marry her, she and I can be together forever."     

Why should he be sacrificed for his sister's desire to be with another girl? Yuta scowls at her. "Why don't you marry her?"     

Aerie knits her brows, distressed after hearing those words. "How can a girl marry another girl? Only boys can marry girls."     

"It's true that same-sex marriage isn't legal in our country." Yuta presses his hands on the bed, lifting his body up. After listening to Aerie, he has a wonderful idea. "But you can still be with Honoka if you want. Father and I can arrange a wedding in a country where same-sex marriage is legal."     

"Then, I can marry Honoka." Aerie's eyes become big and round. "Brother, you aren't lying to me, are you?"     

"I am not lying. If you don't believe me, you can ask uncle Takeshi," Yuta smirks when she blushes. Does his mother think that she's smarter than him? He will always be prepared in this game. Since his mother wants Honoka as her daughter-in-law, Honoka should become her daughter-in-law. "Do you like Honoka that much?"     

He hasn't met that girl yet, but the girl had been visiting him when he was unconscious. If Aerie meets normal people and befriends normal… Wait! Is Imamura Honoka normal? There's no way that it's normal to say that she wants to marry him when she's only a six-year-old girl.      

Why are kids so strange these days? They should be talking about toys instead of marriage. Even Mira wasn't normal as a kid. He flinches when he recalls how she grabbed his balls and pulled it. Kids are more dangerous than the Consortium.      

"She's nice." Aerie smiles at him shyly. Her dimples show up whenever she smiles. Since her father didn't have dimples, she must have inherited it from her mother. Yuta wonders who her mother is. Does Mira know? Maddox was in love with his mother. But can he even call it love? Maddox killed his mother to protect Valerie Kang.     

It's not that he doesn't understand Mira's reasoning. But he can't hurt someone who is only a child. He is an adult in the body of a child. It's the same for Mira. How can he hurt Aerie who only wants love and care?      

"And she shares her candies with me." Aerie continues with an excited look in her eyes, "She sits next to me. She is really funny. Everyone likes her."     

Is that all? Yuta creases his forehead. Aren't these reasons too shallow to marry someone? It wasn't a wrong decision. Aerie is truly a kid.     

"If you like her, that's good." Yuta reaches for her head. "Cherish her a lot. Make her happy."     

Aerie grins at him. "She said she would be happy if she marries you."     

His hand freezes midair. Maybe he should avoid this girl at all costs. Just hearing about her makes him uneasy. He is an adult. How can he not feel awkward about a child bride?     

A light knock is heard. Yuta retracts his hand and glances at the door. Who is knocking? As much as he knows, his family members don't know how to 'knock' before entering his room. His parents still treat him like a five-year-old. He doesn't hate it much. It's their first time raising three kids together. They have their own problems.      

He is an adult in a child's body. Aerie is the daughter of the man who killed his mother in his former life and kidnapped him in this life. Only Sho is the normal one. Yuta sympathizes with his parents. But his parents are too much.     

For example, sending a little child bride to his room… What is the meaning of this?     

The girl is peeking through the gap between the door and the doorframe. She has big round dark eyes. At least, she had a sense of knocking before she opened the door slightly to peek at him. Though it's cute, he can't help but feel awkward.      

"Honoka is here." Aerie runs to the door and pulls the girl into the room. "Why are you standing outside?"     

Imamura Honoka's plump cheeks redden as she sneakily peers at her future groom. Usually, she's talkative. But her voice won't come out in front of Aerie's brother. She stands behind Aerie and continues to steal glances at Yuta.     

"Elder Brother, this is Honoka." Aerie introduces her cheerfully, "Honoka, you already know him."     

Honoka gives him a little nod. "I a-am I-I-Imamu-rra Ho-Ho-nnno-kka."     

Yuta bursts into laughter. The child is different from his imagination. "You are so cute."     

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