Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

If you treat her unfairly

If you treat her unfairly

2Cute.      2

He called her cute. Honoka blinks her eyes. Her future husband called her cute.      

"Honoka, Brother told me that I can also marry you." Aerie shakes her. "You and I should get married when we turn sixteen."     

She looks at Aerie, horrified. "We can't get married."      

"Why?" Aerie frowns at her. "He said that a girl can marry a girl."     

"But I like your brother." Honoka raises her chin, forgetting that the target of her little affection is in the same room. How could she marry Aerie when Yuta is the most beautiful being in the world?     

"I want to be with you." Aerie lowers her head sullenly, poking Honoka's arm. "If we get married, we can stay together like Mother and Father."     

"If I marry your brother, I can be your sister-in-law." Honoka grabs Aerie's hand. "We can still be together. When I have your brother's kids, you will become their aunt. Isn't that better?"     

Yuta, who has been watching this interaction like an adult on the sidelines, drops his mouth in shock. What did he just hear? His kids? Does this girl know how to have kids? How old is she again? Six? He looks at the little girl with twin buns on her head. Why does he feel like a pedophile when he has done nothing wrong here?     

"Can't I have your kids?" Aerie questions Honoka. "We can have kids too."     

"Mother told me that only a man and a woman can have kids after getting married." Honoka replies sternly, "Don't worry, Aerie. I will also find a groom for you. You are my responsibility."     

He covers his face. What is this nonsense? He doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was twenty-four when he died. It's been a year since his rebirth. So, his mental age is twenty-five. There's no way that he will ever marry a girl who is nineteen years younger than him. He could be her father.      

"I don't want to marry." Aerie squeezes her eyes shut and hugs Honoka tightly. "I only want to be with you and my family."     

"Then, we will find someone who stays with your family after marrying you." Honoka pats Aerie's head. "We will have kids at the same time. Then, our kids can go to school together. I will make honey cakes for you and your brother."     

Honey cakes? He likes pancakes with honey though. Yuta sighs. Kids! Maybe he shouldn't take this seriously. If he does, he might lose his rationality. He doesn't even want to talk to his mother about this. His mother has always been irrational.      

"Okay." Aerie calms down. She turns her head toward Yuta and tells him with a little ferocious voice, "You must marry Honoka, Elder Brother. If you treat her unfairly, I will kill you."     

Yuta is speechless. He has never seen her acting like this. Then, she's Mira's cousin and Maddox's daughter. Violence is in her blood. "You will kill me for another girl?"     

"Honoka is my precious." Aerie wraps her arms around Honoka's shoulders. "I love her more than I love you."     

This is the first time that Aerie had said those words. But he feels nothing. Not even brotherly sentiments. It's probably because he can't ever forget the fact that she's Valerie Kang. If it was another child, he might have taken her threat about killing him lightly. But Mira's words keep ringing in his head.      

He still wants to give this girl a chance since his parents have decided to treat her as their daughter. But he might not be able to accept her as his sister yet. Her father killed his mother. Mira was also hurt by Valerie Kang.      

If this girl ever remembers everything about her other life, who will she become? Innocent Yuki became Mira Kirishima who killed him. So, he doesn't have high hopes with Valerie.      

But he also needs Valerie. He can't tell what the Consortium will do if Valerie is hurt.      

Maybe he should have let Mira kill this girl. But he would never be able to look in his mother's eyes then. Why did he become like this?     

In his past life, he wouldn't hesitate about these things. If anyone posed a danger, that person would die by his hands. His previous life was simple. He could easily make decisions. He survived because of Maddox's teachings. The only bad decision that he made was trusting Mira Kirishima. He should have never fallen in love with that woman.      

But why is it so difficult to hate Mira Kirishima? Is it because he knows about her childhood? Is it because he still wants to believe that she felt something for him? Why were they reborn?      

Why did Mira say that Valerie might recover her memories from their previous lives?      

However, Mira didn't sound sure.     

The notebook that caught fire on its own… the dream… is his rebirth related to the Consortium? Why was there some gap between his and Mira's rebirth? Was it related to the time between their deaths in their former lives? Then, who killed Mira Kirishima?      

Aerie and Honoka snivel under Yuta's murderous gaze. They can't move at all. Both girls drop on their knees, holding back their cries. When Yuta glares at Aerie, she forces herself to speak, "Brother, why are you angry?"     

'Did you kill Mira?' Yuta almost utters those words. Looking at her clueless face, he holds back. It's a good thing that his body can't move at the moment. If he could move, he could have hurt this little girl in rage.      

"I am tired." Yuta flicks his hand, signalling them to leave. "Go away. I want to rest."     

"We understand!" Honoka fists her hands, regaining her composure. "I will tell Aunty to make soup for your vitality."     

"I will ask Father to make pancakes for you." Aerie grabs Honoka's arm and flounces out of his room.     

Did he scare the kids away? Yuta scratches the back of his head, feeling guilty. Maybe he should learn to control his emotions around kids.      

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