Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

What if I change someday?

What if I change someday?

4Getting married in casual clothes wasn't what she had in mind. This is depressing indeed. In the car, Kinoshita Iori leans against the car door. She should not have said yes. But he swayed her with the pizza.      

"Sister-in-law will arrange the wedding for us." Kamiyama Takeshi takes her hand. "Don't be upset."     

He hasn't done things properly. But he couldn't stop himself after hearing what his brother told him.     

"What kind of proof did you find?" Iori turns her head towards him. "The police was sure that it was a suicide."     

Sawano Shusui didn't commit suicide. But the police wouldn't believe her.      

"The surveillance cameras near the office building were not working." Takeshi replies to her solemnly, "I found a food truck that was selling fish sticks near the office. Someone saw a man entering the building after you left the building. The food truck left the vicinity before they could see whether the man came out of the building or not."     

"Who was it?" Iori asks him with an urgent voice.      

"He was wearing a baseball hat and a mask." Takeshi stares ahead. He has no doubt that the man was from the Consortium. His brother has a copy of the surveillance cameras. "It's the police's job to find out who is the culprit."     

He knows something. Iori creases her forehead as she leans back. Why didn't he tell her first? What is he hiding? The fire at the apartment. The strange book. Tezuka Kohei and Kirishima Mira. Poisons and antidotes.     

"Don't worry about Ngage." Takeshi takes her hand. "I talked to Adachi Kase."     

"You did?" She frowns hard at him.      

"He agreed to speak." Takeshi avoids her penetrating gaze. His brother asked him not to tell Iori about Yuta and the Consortium. It's not safe for Iori. She will definitely poke the Consortium. "He is waiting for us at the restaurant. You can take his interview. He will reveal everything to you."     

She harassed that guy for months, but the man wouldn't budge. Iori blinks her eyes. "Why did he suddenly agree?"     

"I offered him a job at our U Country's branch." Takeshi reveals to her, "He was also thinking about contacting you, but he was afraid of not getting a job if he blew the whistle. The industry would have blacklisted him. I removed his worry."     

Kinoshita Iori doesn't know what to say. Her problems could be solved easily like this. Who knew that? "I don't know whether I should thank you or get angry."     

"Why do you want to get angry?" Takeshi shifts toward her. "I am your husband. Take advantage of me."     

"..." She is not used to it, okay? He's acting too willful.      

"Sister-in-law married my brother because he has a lot of money," Takeshi jokes. "But money can't attract you. So, I guess I need to up my game at other things to keep you with me."     

Damn him! Iori huffs, "You should quit your work and become my assistant."     

"But you are jobless. How are you going to pay me?" He leans closer to her. "My service charges are high."     

Iori's cheeks burn. She pushed him away. The driver can see them in the rearview. "You are shameless."     

"I learned it from my sister-in-law." Takeshi heaves a sigh. "How long do I have to wait before I get paid for my services?"      

"I didn't ask you to help me." She glares at him. "Don't even think about having a wedding night before an actual wedding."     

She wants a wedding, even if it's a small ceremony.     

"Elder Brother will visit your family to talk about wedding dates." Takeshi tells her sullenly, "We are still legally husband and wife. Can't I get a kiss?"     

"Tch!" Iori crosses her arms. Even her nose is red. After a minute, she adds with a small voice, "When we are alone."     

A wide smile appears on his lips. She is really cute when she is embarrassed.      

"Young master, we are here," The old driver informs them before he stops the car in front of the restaurant.      

Iori opens the car door and steps out of the car. She looks at the restaurant. The restaurant is popular in the AK District area. It's also closer to V9 News Company.     

"We will take some time," Takeshi says to the driver before getting out.      

He finds her standing still in front of the restaurant. Takeshi coils his arm around Iori's waist. "Are you nervous?"     

"No." She takes a deep breath. "I feel happy that some people will finally get justice."     

That's the kind of person she is. Takeshi kisses the top of her head. "I love that you are so annoying."     

Can't he keep his mouth shut if he can't speak romantic words? Iori scowls at him darkly. "Why did you marry me if you find me annoying?"     

"That's one of your charms." He guides her toward the restaurant. "I love your bad and good sides. Even the sides that frustrated me in the past. I got angry at you many times. But I couldn't have been so angry at you if I haven't been in love with you. That's just how it is."     

Iori finds the words both romantic and stupid. She realises that Takeshi is trying to change himself for her. She should also make an effort. They have already known each other for a long time. But he still keeps surprising her.      

"What if I change someday?" Iori questions him as they enter the restaurant. "What if I am no longer the person you fell in love with?"     

"Isn't marriage about falling in love with the same person over and over again?" Takeshi beams at her. "And you have also changed, Iori. You aren't the same person you used to be at ten, fifteen, twenty, or twenty-five. All of us change with time. I am sure that I will continue to fall in love with you every day."     

Iori bites her inner cheek. Is he truly Takeshi Kamiyama? It's not his lost twin brother or some doppelganger, is it?     

"There, he is." Takeshi looks at the man sitting on the table next to the window. "Get ready to take the interview, Iori."     

She follows his gaze. Adachi Kase is truly waiting for her.     

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