Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Why can't I just blow off the roof?

Why can't I just blow off the roof?

4The atmosphere outside the restaurant is tense.      2

Kamiyama Kiyohira lets out a breath of relief when the police officer tells him that Rie isn't inside, but his heart drops to his stomach in the next instant.      

"I am sorry to say that your brother is in there," The police officer informs him. "We are trying to negotiate with Takeuchi Touya."     

Takeuchi? Kamiyama Kiyohira takes a step toward him. "Who is Takeuchi Touya?"     

"Actually, he is…" The police officer hesitates, " He is the son of Umezaki Rie's adoptive father, Takeuchi Seiji. When he called us, he demanded to see Umezaki Rie. At the moment, we can't contact her and…"     

"No, don't contact her." Kamiyama Kiyohira raises his hand, shaking his head. "She doesn't have to know." Not yet. If she comes here, she might rush into the restaurant like a fool.      

"We have told him that she is on the way," The police officer replies. "We are looking for a way inside the restaurant."     

"Find it soon," Kamiyama Kiyohira commands him anxiously. "Hurry! Many lives depend on you."     

The police officer gives him a polite nod and then walks away from him. Kamiyama Kiyohira squeezes his eyes shut. Why is there always some danger in his family? What did they do to anyone? All they want is to live a peaceful life together.      


Kamiyama Kiyohira looks at his son. 'Yuta, your uncle and aunt are inside."     

"I heard." Yuta licks his lips, tilting his head to eye the police officers. He is not a fan of them.      

"I can get inside."     

"What?" Kamiyama Kiyohira raises his voice. "Yuta!"     

"Psst!" Yuta waves his hand, signalling him to keep quiet. "Come down."      

Exhaling in exasperation, Kamiyama Kiyohira bends down on his one knee, coming to his son's height level. His son leans closer to his ear and whispers, "There is a backdoor, but it's close. They can smell the gas leak, so they can't take a risk. What we will do is find an entrance through the roof. The restaurant has a fire escape, but it's small for an adult man. I can go in. I am small and --"     

Kamiyama Kiyohira places his hand on his son's mouth. "Are you out of your mind? How could you even think that I would ever let you go in there?"     

Why does everyone forget that he is twenty four -- not five? Yuta grabs his hand and pushes it away from his face. "I used to be an assassin. Sneaking into troublesome places is one of my skills."     

"That's not something to be proud of." Kamiyama Kiyohira hisses at his son, "Yuta, it's too dangerous inside. The man is Takeuchi Seiji's son. He wants revenge on your mother for ruining his parents' marriage."     

"I know." Yuta sighs. "But Mother did nothing wrong. Anyway, I will teach a lesson to that man."     

"How will you teach him a lesson?" Kamiyama Kiyohira looks at him with disbelief. "He has bombs all over his body."     

"Father." Yuta pats his naive father's arm. "I killed a serial killer with this body. You have to trust me, okay? Takeuchi Touya is nothing compared to me. It will take less than five minutes for me to deal with him. As for the bombs? I told you. I am an assassin. That was not everything I was. I was also someone who could take any task and complete it. People used to beg me to take their jobs."     

"..." What did Rie give birth to? Kamiyama Kiyohira can't believe that his son is boasting about skills like that. It's worse than being a hacker. He married a troublesome woman. It's too late to regret. "If your mother finds out, she will kill me."     

"That's why she can't find out," Yuta tells him slowly. His father's IQ is nothing better than his mother's EQ. However, Yuta has forgotten that Kamiyama Kiyohira is a genius when it comes to business and other areas of life. It's just that he and his mother are unusually good at things that aren't accepted by the world. Hacking unethically and assassinating people aren't exactly what normal people do. Yuta smiles at his father who is still hesitating. "Father, do you want Uncle Takeshi to get hurt? He hasn't given me any cousins yet. He is supposed to live a long life, you know. If something happens to him because you are still hesitating, who will be to blame?"     

"Yuta." Kamiyama Kiyohira grabs his son's shoulders, frowning. "You have the body of a child."     

"That's why I will be underestimated." Yuta replies smugly, "I don't dislike this at all. I know that it's the biggest gift. After dealing with this, I want to go to school and bully those kids."      

"..." Kamiyama Kiyohira purses his lips, wondering if it's his son who will bully or get bullied instead. He doesn't want to laugh in this situation.      

"Help me get to the roof first." Yuta's face turns serious. There's no fear or hesitation in his eyes. His brown eyes that resemble his mothers a lot become grave. "You can come with me to the fire escape."     

Kamiyama Kiyohira studies his son for a moment. He realises that it's not his son who is talking now. It's the assassin in him. He takes his phone out of his inner pocket and calls his assistant to make an arrangement. The police force is focused on the front and the back exit. There are no other exits in the restaurant. They need a distraction to get on the roof. While the police force is negotiating with Takeuchi Touya, they can get inside.     

"Why can't I just blow off the roof?" Kamiyama Kiyohira mumbles after ending the call. That's easier. He has called some professionals to help Yuta. They might be called people who provide special services as Yuta did in his past life. Although he trusts Yuta, he can't put his son in danger. "Yuta, I don't want you to deal with Takeuchi Touya."     

"But Father, I can --" Yuta starts.      

"Listen to me." Kamiyama Kiyohira's voice is steely and cold. "I have a plan. You will follow that."      

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