Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

you also need a sugar mamma now

you also need a sugar mamma now

0"What did you do?" Ren asks as they walk toward the crime scene.     

"I asked for help from my sister-in-law," Takeshi smirks at him.      

"But, others are suffering because of your actions." Ren pities the man kowtowing with tears streaming down on his cheeks. The guards are also on their knees, begging for mercy.     

"If they had used their brains a little, they wouldn't be doing that." Takeshi rolls his eyes. He is not an unreasonable man. There are many ways to stop Iori and her date. He wouldn't use someone's life to do something so trivial. "Don't worry about them."     

"I will sue all of you." Takeda Ryosei hollers at the trembling manager and the guards on the floor. "You are all spending your years in prison."     

"I think that you are overreacting." Iori glowers at Takeda Ryosei. "First of all, calm down. Only your car and Tezuka-san's car have been damaged. It's done by someone who held a grudge against both of you. Stop bullying the employees. They said that they will take responsibility."     

"What do you know?" Takeda Ryosei scoffs at her. "Women like you can never afford a car like that even if you work for the rest of your lives. I don't understand why even you bother working. Isn't it just to show that you are independent? In the end, you just want to find a rich husband."     

Iori's face contorts in anger. She can't believe that she was supposed to be this man's date. The man looks like he has great bearing on the outside, but his thoughts are rotten and foul.      

"Women should know their places." Takeda Ryosei laughs when he sees the anger in Iori's eyes. "They are born for two tasks. Their first task is to please their husbands and their second task is to give birth to children to extend the bloodline. That's it. Do you think that men care if you have the highest education degree or you are earning bucks? Both you and your cousin have a great body. That's what matters to us. In the end, women are made for men only. Keep that in mind."     

"Mr Takeda." Tezuka Kohei speaks with a warning tone, "You are crossing your limits."     

"Am I crossing my limit?" Takeda Ryosei doesn't care anymore. This date is a disaster for him. His precious car is taken away from him. Does he care about a woman now? "Mr Tezuka, I know about you. You are the president of T Enterprise. A man like you has numerous women lined up for you. Do you need a woman whose monthly income isn't enough to pay for the cleaning charges for your shoes? I don't think so. You need a woman who will wait for you at home and take care of your household. That's what the women should be focusing on."     

When he sees Tezuka Kohei being silent, Takeda Ryosei gains courage. After all, silence means agreement. "Powerful men like you need complacent women who can become their strength. They need women who do not neglect the house and go after their so-called career. Women only need to learn how to act cute and obedient. I don't think that you would want your wife to work after you marry her. Even if she's working, you wouldn't want her to do the job of a nameless reporter."     

He glances at Yamashina Chiyo who is leaning against the car and watching him with a quiet gaze. "Even if my wife has a PhD degree, I only need her to know how to cook and pleasure me in bed. I am capable of granting all of her wishes and take care of her needs. My wife does not need to get her hands dirty with corpses. After all, a relationship is about balance. It's give and take. Compromise is part of the marriage."     

Iori is fuming with rage. She is about to slap the man for uttering nonsense when she hears  Takeshi's mocking laughter. She looks at the instigator behind her. Not giving her a glance, he walks past her. "Are you done with your yapping? Did that car take all of your life savings? Is that why you can't keep your mouth shut and keep your dignity?"     

Hearing his words, Takeda Ryosei clenches his teeth. He crosses his arms. "What do you mean by that?"     

"You are such a pitiful man. It's sad to hear your so-called wise opinions." Takeshi stares at the man. "You talk about give and take? But, you only expect the woman to sacrifice their career and become your maid. If you want a woman who is only supposed to marry you for your money and warm your bed, you should look for a prostitute instead. I don't see any difference between a woman who would marry someone for his money and a woman who would sleep with someone for money. If marriage requires compromise, then why do women have to sacrifice?"     

Takeda Ryosei cackles. "If women don't make the sacrifice, should men do it?"     

"I don't see any reason why two people can't have careers and make their marriage work," Takeshi replies with a cool voice. "If I want someone, I want that person to want me for who I am. I wouldn't want anyone who wants me for my money. If I marry someone like that, wouldn't she change when I have no money at all? In my opinions, I find career-oriented girls sexier than the ones who only know how to act pretty. Girls who go after what they want are more beautiful in my eyes. In addition to that, I don't need to worry about my woman focussing on how to pleasure me on the bed because I will be making her scream when I drown her in pleasure. When will she have the time to worry about pleasuring me?"     

"..." Iori doesn't know what to say. His words were impressive until he started the part about pleasure.     

"I don't think that you have any right to speak. What do you do? Since you are her childhood friend, you are probably a nobody like her." Takeda Ryosei huffs at him. "You probably want a sugar mamma."     

"It's okay for women to seek rich husbands. It's not okay for men to seek rich wives? Mr Takeda, aren't you quite the sexist? This is unfair to your brothers." Takeshi scratches his chin. "I guess that I understand your point now. If the love of my life wants me at home waiting for her on the bed, I would be tempted to agree. If she tries to convince me to become a house-husband with her kisses, I might agree right away. Anyway, that's my personal preference. By the way, you also need a sugar mamma now, don't you?"     

"What?" Takeda Ryosei looks at him with a wrinkled nose. Just then, Takeda Ryosei's phone rings. He picks up the call. His face becomes white as a dead man.      

"You might need to fix that your attitude a little if you want to find a sugar mamma." Takeshi shows an innocent smile to him. "You better not piss them off. There are many ears around women who know what they want in their lives."     

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