Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Icarus and The Sun (Memories of Other Life)

Icarus and The Sun (Memories of Other Life)

0Umezaki Yuta stares at the painting with a solemn look on his face. The origin of the painting is not a mystery. They say that it's a replica of a lost painting created by an unknown artist. Some say that it's the original. Whether it's a replica or not, the painting shows an uncanny depiction of the fall of Icarus and the world's indifference toward someone's doom.       4

He puts his hands in his black trousers' pockets. He should have headed home after the party, but someone had given him an invitation to this place. Yuta isn't someone who appreciates art. Instead of this noisy world, the silence of the weapons is more in tune with his soul.      

But, today is the anniversary of his mother's death. He didn't want to go home yet. It's been years since she died. He doesn't even remember her face. However, he can never forget her existence. In his vague memories of childhood that wasn't smeared with blood, he could hear his mother's laughter Sometimes, he dreams of her humming a song while cooking in the kitchen or stroking his hair and telling him stories.      

A mild smile appears on his lips, but his eyes are filled with sorrow. In a world that consists of billions of people, she was the only one who loved him with everything that she had. She died fighting for his future.      

"You also see him."     

The black dress on the girl is a little loose. Her honey-blonde hair is tied into a messy bun. There's not a speck of makeup on that face, but it's not like she needs any of it anyway. Her beautiful grey eyes are focussed on the painting with a hint of loneliness and mirth as if she's laughing at the world from a corner where light cannot reach. Yuta raises his brow. There's no lack of unhappy people in the world. Perhaps, happiness comes and stays for a short time while unhappiness has a tendency to take root in the hearts.      

"Look at that." She points at the small figure in the landscape. "That's Icarus drowning in the water. Do you know his story?"     

Yuta regards the girl in silence. Is she still in high school? Can anyone come so freely in the museum at night? He shrugs and turns his head towards the painting. He glances at the part she's pointing at.     

"His father gave him a warning and yet, he flew close to the sun that melted his wings and drove him to death." She sighs. "They say that Icarus lost his wits because of his ambition, but what do you think? In the painting, Icarus is drowning and the world keeps going on. The farmers are ploughing. The shepherd is watching the sheep. The sun is still shining."     

"Ha!" She chuckles and adds "Look, how far the ship is sailing from Icarus? Isn't it funny? The world does not care for the fallen. Not a single person is giving him a hand to pull him out of the water. He drowns while the world continues on with indifference. Even the gods do not care for the fallen."     

The girl is unique. Yuta turns his back to her and takes a step away. It's better if the girl doesn't attract his attention. Besides, he doesn't care about the world's indifference. He's sure that he has mutual feelings for the same world.     

"He reminds me of you." The girl clicks her tongue. "I see a man who is drowning, but there is no one there to save him. If I give him my hand, will he take it?"     

He takes a glance at her, "Are you asking me out, stranger?"     

"If I say that I am, will you accompany me to dinner?" She meets his gaze for the first time. "Icarus."     

"Do you always pick up men in the museum?" He cocks his head in amusement. It's not the first time someone is flirting with him under no disguise. But, this is the first time that someone used the name of a doomed mythical hero for him.      

"It's better than picking up men in a bar." She smirks at him. Her eyes become bright. "I am assuming that you are a man of culture."     

"Unfortunately, you are wrong." The girl is interesting, but he isn't someone who likes to sleep with strangers. "I am not a gentleman."     

"I didn't ask for a gentleman." She puts her hands behind herself and walks toward him. "As long as you treat this starving woman to dinner, I will tell you more about Icarus."     

"I am not interested to hear about a man who lost his wings." Yuta shrugs, turning for the second time to walk away from her. He doesn't want to get entangled with an innocent girl. She might have plenty of reasons for unhappiness, but he's a killer. He will only add to her pain.     

"Wait!" The girl runs toward him and grabs his arm. "Do you also believe that he lost his wings because of the ambition?"     

Is this girl a nutjob? He exhales in exasperation. "Does it matter?"     

"It matters to me," She replies with a high-pitched voice. Her gaze is intense and desperate. She wouldn't let him go before he answers.      

"Perhaps, he was…" Yuta looks at girl clinging to his arm. Why is his answer so important to her? "Blinded by the sun's radiance. He couldn't stop himself from flying too close to the sun."     

Her pink lips curl into an ethereal smile.      

"You are not going to let go of my arm, are you?" Yuta wants to toss her on the floor, but he holds himself back. The girl is only bones with dark circles around her eyes. Her skin is pale and dry. Behind the laughter in her eyes, there's only hopelessness.      

The girl grins at him, showing no sign of letting go of his arm.     

What a strange girl! He narrows his eyes on her. Though he can make a few guesses why she's picking up a random man, he still questions her, "Did you approach me because you know me?"     

"Yes." The strange girl giggles and tells him, "You are Icarus. A lost soul can recognize another lost soul. In addition to that, I think that you are rich. You won't mind paying for dinner, would you? You guessed it right. I am a starving student who is trying to pick up a rich man who can sponsor me. I want to eat beef. It's been months since I had it."     

"..." He has never seen anyone as shameless as her.     

"My name is Nagasawa Mira." She leans on him a little. "These heels are annoying. I can't walk anymore. Can you carry me in your arms? We can continue the game of push and pull later."     

Now, he's being ordered around.     

___Please read the author's note__     

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