Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

If my uncle doesn't appreciate your beauty

If my uncle doesn't appreciate your beauty

3"I am bored." Iori raises her legs. "Why is he not calling me?"     

She exhales. The last few weeks have gone by so fast. One day, she woke up and saw the news that Umezaki Rie was alive. Because she knew the Kamiyama family very well, Umezaki Rie had given her an exclusive interview. Thanks to that interview, she managed to get the transfer to the main branch in T City.     

But Takeshi is definitely mad at her for taking advantage of the Kamiyama's family situation. He hasn't talked to her since she had taken the interview.     

"If it's like this, then let it be." Iori crosses her arms. "I did nothing wrong. Even Umezaki-san was fine with it. Then, why is he mad at me? His elder brother didn't say anything either."     

She climbs down the bed and paces around the room. "I did nothing wrong. I have been trying to get back to this city for the last four years. It was a golden opportunity. Everyone else was writing fake stuff about the Kamiyama family. I wrote the truth. I have seen it all with my own eyes. Then, why is it wrong? Why is he mad at me?"     

The date marked on the calendar annoys her more. "Is he meeting his woman on his birthday?"     

She took a day off. All she needs to do is call him or text him. But she's afraid that he might not pick up or reply back.     

She's not going to apologize. She did nothing wrong. Her boss is proud of her. Then, why is Takeshi being stubborn as a mule? Damn him! How long is he going to keep quiet? It's better if he comes and fights with her. She can take him head-on. But silence is not fair to anyone here.     

When her phone rings, she picks it up with a heavy heart.      

[Aunt Iori.]     

When did she become an aunt?     

[This is Kamiyama Yuta. I am your nephew.]     

"Are you Umezaki-san's son?" Iori asks with a soft voice.      

[Yes, my mother wanted me to thank you on behalf for taking her interview. She read the article. You did a good job.]     

"No, I should be the one thanking her." Iori smiles, scratching the back of her head.      

[Aunt Iori, today is my uncle's birthday. Father is too busy. Uncle Ren is in prison too. So, it's you and me. The cake is on you. I will decorate his room.]     

"Cake…?" Iori blinks her eyes. Takeshi doesn't like celebrating his birthday with cakes. "I don't think --"     

[I am relying on you, Aunt Iori. My Uncle comes home at nine. You should also bring a gift. I will pay you back when I grow up.]     

The other party ends the call before she could say anything. Iori stares at the phone. She has to buy a cake and a gift for someone who hasn't been talking to her for months. It's difficult to deal with a guy like Takeshi. She's not doing this for him. She would go because the child is relying on her.     

At around eight, Iori arrives at the Kamiyama's house. The door opens before she could push the door. The little boy looks up at her. "Aunt, you are here."     

Aunt… Though this is the first time they are talking like this, the boy is already calling her aunt without any hesitation. "Shouldn't you call me Elder Sister?"     

He shakes his head. "You are my aunt."     

"I am still young," Iori yells after him when he turns around and walks away from her. Holding the cake and the gifts, she follows him to Takeshi's room. She frowns. There's not a single decoration in the room.      

"Where's the decoration?"     

"I will start now." Yuta takes the cake and the gifts from her hands and puts them on the table. He takes her hand and drags her to the bed. He makes her sit. Then, he places the gifts around her. Iori watches him work, confused. Next, he unwraps the cake and places it in her hands.      

"Lemon cake?" Yuta raises his brow. "Aunt, you know my uncle best."     

"I thought that you were going to decorate for the birthday party." Iori furrows her brows. "Why am I sitting on his bed with a birthday cake?"     

"Aunt Iori, if you like him, you have to act aggressively." Yuta flicks her forehead. "Otherwise, he will get stolen away by other women. My uncle is the most eligible bachelor in the city. I guarantee you that he would look better with age."     

Iori gawks at the boy. "How do you know that I like him?"     

"You wouldn't have come here with the lemon cake." Yuta smirks at her, "Besides, who doesn't like my uncle?"     

"You are quite confident that everyone would like that hard-headed moron." Iori wrinkles her nose, still holding the cake with her hands. "He already has someone he likes."     

Yuta becomes quiet. Does his uncle has someone else he likes? He's sure that his uncle loved this woman all his life. But this woman isn't bad for his uncle. Anyway, they will find out when his uncle returns.     

He bends down and takes out the wine bottle. He puts it on the bed beside her. "An adult's birthday is boring without wine."     

"You are prepared." Iori looks at him from head to toe. "How old are you again?"     

"You shouldn't be asking me questions unrelated to him." Yuta fixes her hair. "Aunt Iori, your looks are just my type. If uncle Takeshi doesn't want you, just wait for a while. I will marry you when I grow up."     

Iori's mouth drops open. This boy is such a flirt. Is it in the genes?      

"If he likes someone else, I will find it out for you." Yuta plants a kiss on her cheek. "Do well tonight. Uncle has been stressed lately. I am sure that he would be happy after he sees you."     

"I am not sure though." Iori lets out a sigh. "He hasn't talked to me for months."     

"You didn't call him either." Yuta pats her head. "I agree with you. My uncle is an idiot. Men should call first. My uncle doesn't know how to be a gentleman"     

"If he only has half the sense that you have…" She can't believe that she's being consoled by a four-year-old kid.      

"I am special." Yuta winks at her. "My offer is still valid. If my uncle doesn't appreciate your beauty, you can have me."     

Iori laughs, feeling better. "All right, I will wait for you to grow up if your uncle marries someone else."     

"You have your heart in the right place." Yuta walks toward the door. He sighs, thinking about a certain someone. He turns around and glances at Iori once. He hopes that things would work out for his uncle. For the last few weeks, his uncle has been stressed out. While his father has been trying to reduce the prison sentence for his mother, his uncle has been trying to save the company and control the media. Clearly, his uncle was upset with this woman when she asked his father for an interview with his mother.      

He is hoping that they would talk and resolve the issues. But one of them has to talk first.     

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