Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Pink doesn't look bad on you

Pink doesn't look bad on you

4The back of his car is ruined. Ren lets out a breath. He would have just stayed with Rie and Sho if he didn't receive a call from work. Just why is his luck so bad? He only has one car.      4

Ren turns around and looks at the driver. The woman is holding onto the steering wheel with her head between her arms. He shakes his head. If the driver was a man, he would have cursed him on his face. Now, he must swallow his anger and asks for compensation nicely. Rie would have cursed them whether it was a man, a woman, transgender, old, or young.     

He walks to the grey car and knocks on the window. "Miss, please open the door. We need to have a talk about this." Before he loses his temper and starts yelling at her for nearly killing him.      

The woman doesn't raise her head. Ren notices that her thin shoulders are trembling. Is she scared? He pulls the car door open . To his surprise, it opens without a problem. Why was it not locked? He covers his nose when the smell hits him. Retching, he steps back. Did she shit herself in the car?      

The vehicles behind them are honking. Ren closes the door first. He goes back to his car and takes it to the side of the road. He looks back at the grey car still standing in the middle of the road. Is she not going to move her car?      

"Aish!" Why can't he leave someone behind? He returns to the car and opens the passenger seat. "Miss, I know that you are scared. But we need to move away from the road."     

"Go away." Chiyo grips the steering wheel hard. "Please don't look at me."     

That voice… Ren furrows his brows. Is it her? He scrutinizes her figure. It looks like her. "Iori's cousin?"     

Chiyo bursts into tears when she is recognized by her archenemy. Why is it always him? She doesn't even like him. He's everywhere, especially when she is having her most embarrassing moment.     

"Iori's cousin, you need to move your car." Ren scratches the back of his neck. The smell is unbearable, but it's not like he can leave her alone. She is someone he knows. "Move to this seat."     

"I don't want to." Chiyo can't raise her head. "I would rather have a truck hit me to death."     

It's pointless to argue with a woman like this. He can't understand her mind anyway. However, it's funny to see her acting like this. Even a cold woman knows how to become embarrassed. It's kind of cute. He wonders how she will act if he…     

He should just do it.     

Ren walks around the car and opens the door to the driver seat again. He scoops her up in his arms and returns back to his car. Chiyo stares at him with shock and disbelief. Not waiting for her to gather her wits and scream at him, he settles her on the passenger seat and slams the door shut.     

"What did he just…" Chiyo looks down at her trousers. "He just…"     

His left sleeve is sticky and wet. Ren goes back to Chiyo's car. It has to be moved away. He glances at the soiled seat. "Aish! Both cars need cleaning now."      

Chiyo watches him park the car to the side of the road. She doesn't know what to do. Her head is not working properly. Is he not disgusted by her? She isn't disgusted by these things because she has seen dead people's bowels enough time. But isn't he a normal person?      

When he comes back and sits inside the car, Chiyo glances at his stained sleeve. Without a word, Ren drives the car toward his place. The woman needs to take a bath and change her clothes. Why would she even come out like this? Never mind! Reaching nirvana is easier than understanding a woman like her.      

He takes a peek at her. She turns her head toward the window, avoiding his gaze. He could tell that the atmosphere is awkward for her. She is clutching the fabric of her blue trousers. The corner of his lips curls up. She also has this kind of side.      

Ren presses the brake and parks the car in the parking lot. Before getting off, he takes his jacket off and tosses it in her direction. Ashamed beyond words, Chiyo steps out of the car and ties the jacket around her waist. She follows him quietly.      

"Bathroom is here." Ren gestures toward the door to his right. "Get in. I will get you some clothes."     

She scurries toward the bathroom in a hurry and locks the door. She sits down on the floor and puts her palms on her face. This is so embarrassing. Of all the people, why is it him? What are the chances of running into him on her embarrassing days? She takes a look at her bandaged foot. It hasn't been a day since he took her to the hospital. "I shouldn't have left the apartment."      

She's going to kill Iori and that man who sent those flowers.     

After a few minutes, there's a knock on the door. She hears Ren's calm voice, "Iori's cousin, I am leaving the clothes near the door. Um… don't get your bandages wet."     

Can it get more embarrassing? She opens the door slightly and takes a peek. When she's sure that he's not there, she reaches out for the clothes and takes them inside. These are his clothes. Usually, it won't affect her. These are just clothes. She has worn men's clothes before -- the men's clothes that she brought for herself with her own money.      

"Calm down." She glances at the large face of an anime girl with yellow hair and purple eyes on the centre of the neon pink t-shirt. "The worst is already over."     

Wearing a t-shirt like this is nothing compared to soiling her clothes in the car. After taking a thorough bath, she wears the clothes with a heavy heart. How is she going to face him? He still doesn't call her by her name. She takes slow steps toward the living room. Where is he? Should she take this chance to run away? Maybe she should move to another country.      

"Iori's cousin?"     

She turns around and sees him standing behind her. Drops of water rolls down from his blue hair to his face. He is wearing a plain black t-shirt and simple pants. Did he take a bath too? He looks… She swallows hard. Why is her heart racing? Is something wrong with her eyes? Chiyo rubs her eyes and shakes her head. Something is wrong with her.      

"I have sent both cars for washing." He walks past her. "You will get it tomorrow."     

"Kawamoto-san, I am sorry about…" She has to apologize again. "And thank you for helping me today."     

After hearing her words, Ren stops and looks back at her. This apology sounds sincere. "Is your foot okay?"     

"It's not bad." She can't bring herself to meet his eyes. "I will pay for the damage to your car, Kawamoto-san. I will take my leave now."     

"Wait." Ren walks back to her side. "I will take you back to your home."     

"Not my home…" She lifts her head a little, peering at him. "I have to go to work."     

"Work?" He frowns at her. "Aren't you hurt? You should take a rest."     

"It's only a sprain." She feels too awkward standing there. He's also standing a little too close. Maybe she's too self-conscious after…"I can't take a break."     

"Is it that important?" He leans closer and tilts his head unconsciously to take a look at her face. She keeps avoiding his gaze. "Fine, I will take you to the lab then."     

"Y-You don't have to," Chiyo stutters and then, she blinks her eyes. Did she just stutter?     

"Are you sure that you want to go to work like this?" Ren gives her a look over. He got this t-shirt from an anime convention around a month ago. "Pink doesn't look bad on you, Iori's cousin."     

Chiyo purses her lips together. The t-shirt is too ridiculous. But why is she feeling a surge of happiness after hearing those words? It looks like she found someone who is more interesting than corpses.      

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