Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

It's a real female breast

It's a real female breast

3He can't hide the lecherous glint in his eyes. But how should he massage her sacred place? Should he use his fingers, tongue, or his little brother? Maybe one-by-one? His mind turns blank when her warm fingers curl around his cock. She rubs her thumb over the tip, squeezing a warm fluid. "Princess..."     3

"Why are you wasting it?" She asks him with clear eyes. "It should be released inside my vagina."     

Princess Maria is a little different. She was so pure in the anime. In one of the episodes, she blushed furiously when a boy confessed to her. How did she become like this?     

Honestly, she can't wait to experience more. Yamashina Chiyo puts her finger in her wetness and brings that finger before his eyes. "Human body is more honest. Both of us are in heat. Let's follow the natural course."     

"..." Natural course? Her blunt honesty is rather refreshing.     

"It's itchy in there!" She exclaims, slightly annoyed by his hesitation. "Kawamoto-san, put it in there already."     

Since the princess has chosen his little brother, he won't hesitate anymore. He places his tip at her wet entrance, registering every change in her expression. He has never done it before. Princess Maria certainly seems experienced. He must do it well.     

He grunts when he feels a tight grasp on his tip, causing his rod to swell more. Chiyo lets out a whimper. Though she knows everything about the human body, the pain still comes as a surprise. Her lower regions feel like it's being split apart. Her discomfort doesn't escape his eyes. He bends down to kiss the corner of her eyes before pushing it further into her, causing her to flinch. Closing his eyes, he cups her breasts, kneading and pinching while his lips move against hers. Distracted, she coils her arms around his neck as their tongues clumsily interweave together until they are out of breath. His raspy breaths.      

Is it supposed to be this tight? Ren can't help but wonder. Only half of his enlargement is inside her cave. Her warm walls wrap around his enlargement, making him sigh. It rather feels like a sweet punishment. He grasps her butt and shoves it into her fiercely. Chiyo gasps in pain. "Hurts."     

"I am sorry," He tells her, panicking. "Where are you hurting?"     

Why is he asking that stupid question? She breathes into his ear. "Move slowly."     

Ren accepts her command, completely trusting the 'wisdom' of the world-saving princess. He grinds into her slowly without a stop, sending jolts of pleasure through her body. She thrusts her chest against his; her erect nipples rub against his chest each time he thrusts into her. Her soft moans bury any care that he had for her hurting part. He increases his pace, ramming deeper into her. The sound of flesh slapping mixed with moans and groans of two entangled bodies fill the air for the next few hours.     

When the phone alarm rings, Kawamoto Ren rolls to his side and groans. The erotic dream was too good. He doesn't want to wake up. He never wants to wake up from this dream if it's possible. It felt so real. He doesn't need anything else. He only wants to stay in the bed filled with Princess Maria's delicious scent for the rest of his life. He reaches for the pillow and pulls it closer to his chest, putting his leg over it. The pillow is warm and soft. He buries his face into the pillow. His nose rubs against the pillow's nipple. Wah! This pillow feels exactly like… His eyes snap open. It's a real female breast. A real woman?      

He moves away, horrified. Did he spend a night with a woman? It wasn't a dream then. How did this happen? But he's still in his room. Who is this woman? He brushes away her hair from her face.      

This face… He blanches, feeling like his heart has dropped to his stomach. His blood turns cold. His gaze sweeps over her body. Her skin is full of soft pink marks. There's a bruise on her hip. Did he do that to her?      

That dream… She was Princess Maria. Why? He grabs his hair. She doesn't even look like Princess Maria. How did he mistake her identity?     

Yamashina Chiyo opens her eyes slowly. Her body hurts like hell. Did she run in a marathon? No, that's not possible. She doesn't like running much. Her lower regions seem to be sore. She blinks her eyes before her gaze focuses on the man before her. Why is he naked?      

She's awake. Ren doesn't know what to say. This is not right. His first time to this cold woman… This corpse-loving demoness!  "Yamashina Chiyo, how could you do this? Do you have no shame? Coming to my house and… and…"      

When she sits up suddenly with a straight face, her twin buns attract his eyes. He gulps as the memories of him eating those buns flash before his eyes. His hands tremble, recalling the sensation of squeezing them. His ears burn again when he remembers her moans. Lastly, his little dragon twitches shamelessly, clearly wanting to pummel into her hole again.     

"So, we slept together." Yamashina Chiyo hides her embarrassment and shock under her poker face. At times like this, she doesn't want to remember what she did when she was drunk. She has told herself like a hundred times to not get drunk. Why is her tolerance so low? She could have picked any man from the street. But, no, she had to come here and offer herself on the platter like a shameless woman. When she recalls the words that she said to him, she feels like crying. Why is she like this? Even if her body wanted him, she didn't want to sleep with him like that. If she drinks any alcohol, she will change her name.     

But he had called her name in rage. Chiyo stares at his semi-hardened penis, not knowing what to say. This is rather...     

Sensing her gaze, he grabs the blanket in a hurry and climbs off the bed, wrapping the blanket around his waist.      

"Cover yourself and come to the living room," He tells her before leaving the room.     

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