Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Choose between her and your family

Choose between her and your family

4In the storeroom, Kamiyama Yuta leans against the door, lowering his head. The light through the small ventilator window illuminates the storeroom softly. He doesn't want to answer the girl in front of her.       1

In the whole world, he despises her the most.      

It's been a year. He should be asking her where she was and why she was killing people like this. However, he can't utter a single question. Her one question has thrown him in a stupor. Why does she have this effect on him? Why does he still want to know whether she's been alright?     

"How did you find out?" She questions him. "You have never seen her in your previous life, have you?"     

His brown eyes dart away, not meeting her intense gaze overflowing with rage. "When I saw Yuan Bo with her, I put two and two together."     

"Yuan Bo." Mira grabs his shoulders and shouts at him. "Where is he?"     

Raising his head to look at her, he blinks his eyes when he sees the storms in her grey eyes. Both of them are adults in children's bodies. However, he's sure that he wouldn't get used to seeing such emotions in her. "Did you ever show your true self to me when you were with me?"     

The venom in her eyes dissipates into nothing, replaced by sorrow. It is gone in a flicker, but it's too late for her to pretend that there's nothing in her heart for him. She takes a step away from him and questions him solemnly, "When did you see him?"     

"You aren't answering my question." Yuta walks in her direction as she keeps stepping backwards until her back hits the piled cartons. He stops in front of her, tilting his head slightly. "Did you truly feel nothing?"     

In this lifetime, she can never answer that question truthfully. Kirishima Mira looks away. "Can you risk your family's lives for me?"     

"What do you mean?" Yuta knits his brows, eyeing her darkly. "No one needs to die. We can fix everything together. Valerie doesn't have the memories of her past life. She's a kid. Father and Mother will raise her into a decent human being. You can also release yourself from your past life. Look at me, Mira. Aren't I living a different life now?"     

It's not as simple as he believes it to be. Kirishima Mira lets out a sigh. She doesn't have any intention of telling him why it's impossible for her to live a different life.     

"Our second lives shouldn't be wasted." Yuta beseeches her, "Please, I don't want to see anyone get hurt. Can't we start anew? We can peacefully decide who wants Consortium if we must. You know that things are going to be bloody. The new power sect will be growing. It should have started already."     

"Yes, it's possible." Mira Kirishima nods with a poker face.     

Yuta releases his breath, relaxing his shoulders.     

 "After I kill Valerie Kang," She adds with a low voice, "it's possible."     

"Mira!" Yuta frowns at her. "Why do you have to kill her?"     

She doesn't answer his question. "Don't worry about your family. Consortium won't touch you if they find out that I did it. Your family will be safe."     

The Consortium will be too focused on her by that time.     

"I will leave you and your family alone." She meets his gaze. "Whether I had feelings for you or not in my past life, it should be clear to you that I only care about Consortium. I even killed you because I wanted the Consortium, and I will do it again if it's necessary."     

He hasn't expected her to say those words to him like that. There's no remorse in those storm grey eyes. No regret either.      

"Bring her here." She tells him, "I will be done quickly. I will take her body with me. So, you can tell your parents that she is kidnapped or something. It's not unusual for a rich family's daughter to get abducted. Meanwhile, you should take care of the cameras. I am sure that you can do it since you were an assassin once."     

When he doesn't move, she leans closer to him and whispers in his ear with a devilishly smooth voice, "For your family, can't you do this much? Why do you want to raise a venomous snake in your family? When the battle starts, it will be too late. Your mother, father, uncle, and your little brother might become the target of the people who are on Valerie's side -- and who knows? I might be forced to hurt your family since they are her family now."     

After a pause, she wraps her arms around his shoulders, resting her head on his shoulder. "What will happen if she gets her memories back? You and I received them. Then, are you sure that she won't? Doesn't it make you wonder why Yuan Bo let her get adopted in your family? He might have memories of his other life. You can't trust anyone, Yuta. It will be all over if she dies right now."     

"Yuan Bo must have placed her in your family for a reason. I am sure that he wants your family's support." She takes a deep breath. "What if he tells her what happened between your mother and Maddox? Even if I killed him, she might think that I did it to save you. If Yuan Bo has memories of his past life, he might reveal what happened in that life. In any case, Valerie's feelings toward your family will change… And she might hurt everyone."     

Yuta pinches his lips together. Her speculations aren't off. He has been wondering why Yuan Bo left Valerie in his family. It can't be something simple. Maddox must have left enough for Valerie to last a lifetime. DH might be dissolved, but people are still looking for other organizations like DH.      

"Why are you still hesitating?" She stares at him. "Yuta, there's no reason to hesitate. She's not your sister. If you must choose between her and your family, who will you choose?"     

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