Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Nobody is born evil

Nobody is born evil

1"Mother, it's kind of my private matter," Yuta says in a low tone, lowering his head while he fidgets with his fingers. Didn't he kill someone today? He has a feeling that he's going to be scolded harder if he tells her that his girlfriend killed him.     0

"Is it?" Rie makes him stand in front of her. Her smile is warm. There's a strange look in her eyes. Without a doubt, she won't let him go if he doesn't utter the damned name today. She's been pretending to not know for his sake. Now, she is glad that they don't have to lie to each other anymore.     

He might be twenty-four or twenty-five, he's only a child in her eyes. Especially when he's standing in front of her like this, she can't help but feel that her boy needs protection and a lot of love.      

How could she let his murderer walk free on this planet? There's always a chance that the murderer might come back and try to kill her son.     

"I will take care of her." Yuta tries to sound aloof, remaining unperturbed under her mother's penetrating gaze. He has a feeling that all of his actions are being judged by her.      

Though he has practised how to keep a poker face, he can't do it well with his five-year-old body. Then again, it's his parents. Doing this to a stranger is easy. Being like this in front of his parents is harder than killing someone or getting killed.     

"Her." Rie blinks her eyes slowly. "It's a female. Is it Valerie?"     

He licks his lips, raising his foot slightly. Yuta takes a deep breath when his mother doesn't stop staring at him. She's also holding his wrists. So, there's no chance to run unless he does something but he's sure that she would get mad at him if he uses his assassin skills on her. Despite that, he doesn't want to use those skills on her. He has no choice left then.      

"Are you going to send her away if I say that it's her?" He questions her.     

Her mother looks into his eyes calmly. The question is difficult yet easy at the same time. "If my daughter wronged my son, then my daughter should be punished. However, she's not aware of her crime yet. I can't punish someone who isn't mature enough to understand what she did wrong. I will raise her into a better person and make sure that she atones for her crime against you."     

It is like this. Yuta can't find the courage to Valerie either. It was the same for Yuki or Mira when she didn't remember the other life. How could he punish a kid? He wanted to hurt Yuki a lot but Yuki was just a child who was wronged by her parents. When it comes to Valerie, he only sees the need for love and family in her eyes -- a desire that he carried deeply in his other life.     

In his other life, he lost his family at the age of five. He was raised by Maddox and he was an assassin who started killing people at a young age. Valerie is similar to him. She lost her father. He has no idea where her mother is, or if she even has a mother. Then again, Valerie is different. She was found by his parents. No, it was a conspiracy. Yuan Bo made sure that she would be found by his mother and father.      

Yuta is assured that Valerie won't be raised into a weapon like him. His parents will do everything to turn her into a human being.     

What about Mira then? "And if Valerie recovers her memories of other life like me and Mira, what would you do, Mother?"     

To be honest, he's not sure about his decision. His family is still important. And Valerie, though he still can't see her as his little sister, is somewhat important to his family. His mother is quite determined to keep her in the family.     

It's just a child who desires familial love. Valerie isn't tainted by the Consortium or the desire of power yet. Yuki was the same until… Yuki became Mira after receiving the memories of their other lives.     

But why did Mira receive those memories? Everything was okay. He got it the moment he was reborn. Did Mira also die right after him? Did Valerie kill Mira? If it is in chronological order of their deaths, then Yuan Bo won't recover his memories. Nobody, who died before he died, would recover their memories of other life.     

"I want to give her choices in her second life." Rie says to him in a solemn voice, "I believe that nobody is born evil. In her previous life, she might not have the option of being a better person because she didn't know how to. I don't think that Maddox was a hundred percent evil either. He did save me when Chisa sent those assassins to kill me. So, he did kill me in his previous life. I am sure that he thought he didn't have any other option. Besides, people did make different decisions in this life. Didn't they? Look at Nina. As much as I knew her, I would have never expected her to protect Ren in her last moments."     

Nano. Her real name was Nina. She joined Dark Hackers around the same time when his mother did. In his previous lifetime, she killed Ren. He also didn't expect it to be different this time. And Yuta did interfere, trying to change history by adding random variables. But he heard that Ren chose to follow Nina and Nina tried to protect Ren.      

Why? What did he change? Nina spent more time with Ren or did she make a different decision because Ren didn't leave her alone when he could have? Was it because he tried to save her when someone stabbed her? Did she change because of his interference or Ren's actions? Yuta is sure that his interference didn't bring changes to Nina's heart. Surely, it was his red-headed uncle.     

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