Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

I apologize for getting scratched

I apologize for getting scratched

1Kiyohira doesn't wait for his grandmother. He needs to get to his house as soon as possible. If his grandmother chooses Chisa, he won't hesitate to disown the name of Kamiyama. He has already made clear who he wanted when he talked to her last time. Even if she is his grandmother and he respects her, this is his limit. He needs to have a talk with his grandmother. He will reveal what kind of person Chisa is.      

When Grandmother Kamiyama comes out, she doesn't see her grandson. Huffing, she gets into her car to go back to the Kamiyama mansion.     

At the mansion, Rie is completely unaware of what is coming for her. She is busy looking into Chisa's phone. After decoding it, she plans to put the phone where she found it. Chisa will look for the phone. She doesn't want that woman to be suspicious of her. Yet.      

The pictures on the phone make her blood freeze.     

Battered and twisted naked bodies of men and women, people doing inhuman things that Chisa has done to her once... No, this is worse. It's way worse than what happened to her. The men and women are looking hopeless in pain. She plays the video with her trembling hand.      

'This is a playground,' She hears Miwako's voice after the sound of laughter. 'A playground to fulfill your darkest desires.'     

'Anything you want is possible.' Miwako whispery voice is heard. 'Kill a person if you want to. Nobody would bat an eye. We are playmates, after all.'     

"Torture and kill people for fun?" Rie swallows her saliva. She has expected to see something normal like money laundering or some illegal business. This is crazy. Is this some sort of club for insane people? "Was this Chisa's idea?"     

A small ringtone makes her jump. She drops the phone. She wipes her sweat before picking up the phone again. Did this phone belong to Miwako or Chisa? She checks the message.      

[A new playmate wants to use the playground. We are lacking people.]     

"Where do they get these people?" That question is bugging her. Who are the playmates? She has to look deeper into it before making a move.      

The door is opened with a hard push. Kiyohira walks in with a crazed look in his eyes. She hides the phone in her pocket right away.      

"Are you okay?" He scans her with panic and worries in his eyes. "Did you faint again? Are you feeling sick somewhere?"     

Suddenly, she's rained with non-stop question. She puts her palm up. "I am fine. What happened to you, Kiyohira?"     

"Are you sure that you are fine?" He looks into her eyes doubtfully. "I heard that Chisa came."     

That is the reason why he's acting like this. "It was not me who got hurt. Don't think that I am so weak. I gave her a good lesson for saying things that she should never ever say."     

She waves her hand with her nose high. The distress in her soul that she has received after seeing the pictures and videos has already disappeared, thanks to Kiyohira. She has already forgotten that she's supposed to be mad at him. The things that she found on Chisa's phone has occupied bigger part of her head. The emotional problems can be thought and dealt later.      

Kiyohira notices the scratches that Chisa left on her hand. The blood is long dried. This woman is mad. He glares at her. "We need to go to the hospital."     

"You have a strange hobby, Kiyohira." She stares at him with disbelief. "Why do you keep wanting to go to the hospital? Nothing happened to me."     

"What are these then?" He grabs her hands, carefully avoiding the wounds. "You need a tetanus injection after being scratched by a wild creature."     


"I was going to wash them. Don't overreact, okay? I am not getting any injection. Can you move away?"     

"You might get an infection because you didn't wash it earlier." He manages to calm down a bit on the surface while going insane internally. "Aren't your hands precious because you like to game so much? You won't be able to play if they cut off your hands due to infection."     

She can't fathom what is wrong with this man. Why does he always overreact? Ever since she met him, he has a talent in overreacting. Geez! "Kiyohira, I am going to wash my hands now. Don't scare me, okay? I apologize for getting scratched."     

Exasperated because she won't go to the hospital, he calls the doctor at home when she goes to the bathroom to wash the dried blood. He looks at the closed bathroom door before making another call to his secretary.      

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