Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

You are supposed to leave the country

You are supposed to leave the country

1"I hope that nobody ever finds out." Yuhara Kozue hides behind her. He is too embarrassed to show himself     

"I have already taken a picture." Rie turns around. He can't see her face hidden behind the cat mask. He knows that she is grinning at him. "I will release it to your social media if you aren't a good boy."     

Yuhara Kozue looks down at his clothes. He is also wearing colorful clothes like her. They look like a pair of clowns. He gets that she wants to hide her identity. But, they could disguise themselves as low key people. They are attracting everyone's gazes like this. He tells her helplessly, "You have the soul of the devil."     

"Of course." She shows her ID and goes inside. Kozue follows her in. The hall is full of pro-gamers. She takes a seat in front of a laptop and logs in. The timer hasn't started. They are going out for war in the game. She chooses her character and gears. They still have some time. So, she looks around in the game.     

Yuhara Kozue cannot understand a thing in the world of gaming. He is bored. A loud bell is rung. The timer is on. Rie chuckles. Her fingers tap the keyboard with fearsome speed. he types the code and sends in the virus. While the virus is growing, she defeats the first boss. She has never been known for patience.     

By the end of thirty minutes, the tall metallic knight is surrounded by the other surviving gamers. The knight laughs arrogantly. It summons the immortal sword and slashes each one of them.     

Rie laughs like a maniac. It's been so long since she had this much fun. The virus has matured. She sends it to server. It won't be long now.     

Yuhara Kozue shakes his head when he sees the wild look in her eyes. She's scary when she is gaming. The loud bell is rung again.     

"What the hell!"     

"Who sent the virus?"     

"Hey, it's not fair."     

"Argh! I lost."     

"This style... isn't it similar to Merciless_B?"     

Rie ignores all the voices and puffs up her chest. The winners are announced. The three players are chosen. People are cheering, but they don't know who U_413 is. She takes Yuhara's arm and gets out of the places. She has no intention of revealing her identity yet.     

Secretary Morikawa has been waiting for her. When he sees her going out of the place, he runs behind her. "Wait."     

Kozue and Rie look at the man. They don't know this person. Morikawa is glad to find her first. He gives her the business card. "Your performance is exceptional. We are interested in sponsoring you. Do you want to join the team to play in the world championship?"     

Rie takes the card. Re Games. Re... doesn't that sound like her name? She likes it. "Yes, I would love to."     

"Come with me." Morikawa isn't the type of person who will wait. "I will introduce to the boss. We will get started right away."     

He is afraid that the competitors might take this talent away if he doesn't take action soon.     

"Okay." She gets into the car with Yuhara. She has heard of Re Games yesterday. It's under the Kamiyama Groups. She wants to use this opportunity to see that man.     

Yuhara frowns when he sees the car is going toward the Kamiyama Groups Headquarters.     

"That's not Re Games."     

Morikawa nods. "The director is currently there. We will sign the contract in front of her."     

Yuhara has an odd feeling. Isn't that Kamiyama is the same Kamiyama...? He glances at Rie. She already knows what's going on. Is she intentionally?     

The car stops in front of the building. Rie follows Morikawa. She frowns when she feels that the place is a bit familiar. Not thinking much about it, she gets on the elevator. Yuhara leans closer to whisper in her ear.     

Yuhara: "Is this a good idea?"     

Rie: "It's an excellent idea."     

Morikawa calls someone. They stop on the 23rd floor. He knocks the door before going inside. Rie glances at the female secretary. The woman gives her a slight nod.     

"Hmm." Rie pinches her lips. This place feels familiar.     

When they get inside, they find a beautiful woman and the man in the room. Rie recognizes the man right away. When her eyes meet the eyes of the woman, her feet freeze on the spot. Her body turns cold.     

The woman blinks at her. She doesn't show the displeasure on her face. Morikawa whispers something in her ear. She smiles and turns to Kiyohira. "This is the person who won the competition today. She has agreed to become a part of the Re Games."     

Kiyohira lifts his head and glances at the girl with a cat mask. Her eyes meet his. Though his expression is calm, his heart is in chaos. Not believing his eyes, he looks at the man beside her. Yuhara Kozue isn't wearing a mask, but his face is full of makeup. Still, Kiyohira recognizes him. There is no doubt now.     

There is only one person in the world who can make him feel like the way he is currently feeling.     

"Get out."     

Chisa furrows her brows. "Morikawa, take them out."     

Kiyohira glances at Chisa. "Everyone get out except them."     

Yuhara sighs. They are caught right away.     

Rie is frozen on the spot. Her mind is going blank. No words would come out.     

Chisa wonders what this is about. She takes a glance at the girl. "Kiyohira, do you want to discuss the plans with them alone?"     

"Leave," He tells her with a clenched jaw.     

Seeing this, Chisa smiles. She strides out of the room with Morikawa.     

"Why are you here?" He walks to Yuhara. "You are supposed to leave the country."     

"She changed her mind." Yuhara gives a side-long glance at her. Why isn't she moving? Something isn't right. Kiyohira has also noticed that. He takes off the mask and finds her blankly staring at him.     

"She's in shock." Yuhara freaks out. "I have to call the professor now."     

Kiyohira's heart sinks. Why? Is it because of him? No, she didn't react this way when she saw him. Chisa again?     

He cups her face and calls her name softly. "Rie... Rie... "     

Yuhara is talking to the professor, not knowing what to do.     

"Rie." Kiyohira looks into her eyes. "Snap out of it. Look at me."     

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