Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

This pain is nothing if I can kiss you again

This pain is nothing if I can kiss you again


How do you tell someone that you love them?0

If you tell them in a straightforward manner, they might not believe you. If you hold their hand during good and bad times, maybe they will be able to feel your feelings. If you hold them in your warm embrace when they are on the verge of breaking, they might look at you once the pain is over. 

There are many unspoken ways to tell them that you love them. 

What should one do when they don't love themselves? Even if you keep telling them, they would never believe you. There is always a doubt in their heart.


Whatever you answer, the dangerous seed of self-doubt won't let them feel your love.

Kiyohira has known what she has been going through when he asked her to marry him. He wants to cherish her the most. She is his priority. He wants to save her from herself before anything. She was the woman who would shamelessly take her clothes to seduce him. Now, she looks at him with eyes full of doubts. 

He turns her around. She doesn't look him in the eyes. The words that he has spoken to her can't reach her heart because of the walls that she created around herself. He's not the same man who would ruthlessly break those walls. She's not the same woman who would let him break them. This time, her walls would become stronger if he even tries. Love or hate, nothing is going to faze her easily. 

He decides to distract her first. She's thinking too much. It's only been a day since she got her memories. He smiles at her and says, "So, you love Sakurano Kano?"

She creases her brows. "You are a fool if you are bothered by him."

"I am a fool." He admits without any hesitation. "But, I am not jealous. He can't ever hold you like this. I doubt that he can do this either."

He leans down and kisses her lips. She tries to push him away. He releases her lips. She gasps for air. Laughing a little when he sees her red face, Kiyohira pins her hands on the wall and claims her mouth again, nibbling playfully, biting softly, pulling her lip with his teeth until she gives in to his demands. Her mind becomes cloudy as he entangles his tongue with her.

Lust. The word is whispered in her brain by a dark voice. Love. Another soft voice tells her softly. Between the push and pull of her thoughts, she questions herself.

Does she love him? No.

Then, why does it matter if he loves or not? He is just a man that she took away from that woman. 

Feeling that the woman in his arm has become unresponsive, he stops to take a look at her. Rie stares at him with a cold face. "Are you done? You still think with your dick only."

He is stumped for a moment. Yes, it's hard to control himself when she's around. But, it's not like... he won't argue with her statement.

"Yes." He presses his crotch against her. "My dick only thinks about you. It can't be helped. My wife is so sexy."

She bites the inside of her cheek. Her temper flares again. She bends her head a little and slams his chin with her head. Kiyohira could barely collect himself when she knees him between his legs. He clenches his jaw in pain and holds himself there, doing his best to hold back his scream. His wife didn't hold herself back one bit.

"Your dick won't be thinking about me for some time." She crosses her arms and smirks at him. "I am warning you. Stay within your limit. If you seduce me again, I am going to do a lot more than just kicking you there."

At the door, the store girl is looking at the scene with wide eyes. When she saw them kissing, she didn't dare to enter. She was wondering what did this man saw in such a damaged woman. Now, she wonders if this man is a masochist or something. Rich people have strange hobbies.

Rie glances at the girl. "What did you bring?"

The store girl gulps and moves slowly toward the violent woman. "This is the best piece we have in our store. It's only one of its kind. It arrived yesterday. I thought that it would suit you, Ma'am. You have a beautiful figure."

Not a lie. Her figure is good. It's just...

Rie checks out the ivory dress. It will cover her nicely. It's not flashy. It's not too heavy either. She won't sparkle like a Christmas tree. "Pack this one."

The store girl leaves after hearing the command. She glances at Kiyohira once whose face is red due to pain. Trembling, she runs away. If this woman can do this to such a loving husband, what would she do to her in case she makes a mistake? 

Rie scowls at him when he doesn't move. "Get out. I have to change." 

He moves awkwardly toward the door. Before going out, he turns around and says, "This pain is nothing if I can kiss you again."

He closes the door before the sandal could land on his face.

In H groups, Chisa meets with her father who is on the verge of a breakdown. The company is collapsing after all the supports are disappearing one by one. His useless son is probably drunk in some pub. He has no idea how to save his company. They will go bankrupt at this rate. They will be forced to live on the streets. 

"Father, drink this tea." She offers him the tea with a calm smile. "It will help you calm down."

"Chisa, what did you do this time?" Her stepfather hates the day he married this woman's useless mother. That woman is only good in bad and spending his money. This woman showed some promise in the past, but she has become the reason behind his downfall. "Why Kiyohira Kamiyama wants to destroy us?"

"That's a long story," She tells him lazily. "When actions are taken, one can only wait for the result. Once the result is out, no one can do much about it."

He wants to throw her in the volcano along with her mother. "You want me to wait and see everything get destroyed?"

"Haha, no." She shakes her head. "Why would I ever want that? The result isn't out yet. You can still save everything that you love dearly."

"How?" The corners of his eyes crinkle with interest. Does she have something that can save them? 

"Nothing comes free, Father." Chisa halts her steps behind him. She puts her hands on his shoulders and leans down until her mouth is near his ear. "You know what I want, right?"

"I was going to give you everything once you got married to Kiyohira." He barks at her in anger. "If you had other means, why didn't you say so?"

"It was also in my interest to marry that man." She sighs in disappointment. "It will take a tad bit time since he has a little temper. I have people who will support this company but before we get to that, you do what you have to do."

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