Abandoned Her

Abandoned Her

1Eight years ago...      2

"Say ah, Mimi," The teenage girl said gently with a pleasant smile.     

"Ah!" The little girl gently parted her rosy lips as a forkful of the delicious dessert enters her small mouth.     

Clamping her rosy mouth down on the fork, Mimi contentedly consumes the sweet crepe in her mouth - the soft glazed apples melting within her mouth.     

"More!" Little Mimi beamed with sparkling purple eyes, her mouth opening wide.     

"Hehe, you ate all of it already." Emily giggled, looking down at the crumb-covered plate.     

"Not true," Mimi pouted. "There's still that one beside you."     

Turning towards where the little girl's yearning eyes stared, Emily sees a white plate beside her, on the top of it was another powdered sugar apple crepe.     

"That's mine!" Emily said with furrowed brows.     

"So?" Mimi arched her brows, a tilt in her head.     

Staring at the petite girl sitting across from her, Emily huffs irritably. Her little sister gazing at her with her rare colored violet eyes was currently dressed in a light grey vintage collared dress.     

Her long brown hair let down allowing it to effortlessly flow down her back. A large purple bow clipped on the back of her head.     

Despite being seven-years-old, the lovely girl possessed a rare breathtaking beauty. From her small button nose to her smooth soft jade-like skin, her features were flawless.     

Emily couldn't help but stare at the little girl with a sullen expression.     

Sigh. How come a seven-year-old was more attractive than her?     

She made someone like her who was eighteen, practically an adult, feel insecure!     

"Fine. But this is the last time." Emily sighed helplessly, passing the plate to her little sister.     

Mimi flashes a radiant smile as she nibbles happily on the crepe. Emily, with her chin propped up with her hand, smiles warmly at Mimi.     

"Oh right, I heard father's company is collaborating with another company. It's called ANSETT right?" Mimi suddenly asked with stuffed cheeks.     

Mimi noticed her sister's eyes flash dimly, however, she merely assumed it to be caused by room's lighting. Emily flashes her sister a crooked smile, scratching her nose gently.     

"Haha, yeah, he is," Emily said. "But let's not talk about that right now. We've talked about that almost all day! After all, who wants to discuss annoying adult matters when we could be talking about…"     

Emily quickly stands up from her chair to run towards her bag sitting on Mimi's lavish bed. Digging into her purse, Emily grabs something before twirling around to flash it towards Mimi.     

"My wedding!" Emily giggled with an evil smirk.     

Mimi gave her sister a scrunched expression, clearly showing her dissatisfaction towards that topic.     

Clutched tightly in her sister's hands, was a wide notebook of wedding plans, cutouts of magazines, and even pressed flowers.     

Why did she always want to talk about weddings during every visit!     

Emily laughed joyfully upon seeing Mimi's sour expression.     

"Alright, alright! I won't talk about it." Emily chuckled.     

Mimi vigorously nods her head before turning around in her seat, continuing to dig into her crepe.     

Suddenly, the sound of Emily's phone rings. Clutching her phone, Emily turns it on to see the caller ID.     

Because Mimi's back was facing her she hadn't noted the dark vacant expression on her sister's face.     

"Sorry, Mimi seems like I have to leave early today." Emily walks towards her sister with an apologetic expression.     

Mimi, pausing her movements looks dully at her older sister with unreadable eyes. Gently placing her fork down gently, Mimi stares at her sister with a cheery smile.     

"That's okay!" Mimi said soothingly. "Just promise next time you come over you'll stay longer! And don't forget to call!"     

Giggling, Emily gently nods her head before caressing Mimi's silken head.     

"En, I promise." Emily smiles, however, it never reached her eyes.     

Giving her sister a hug, Emily waves goodbye to Mimi who stood up to watch her leave. As the door closed, the previous warmth in the room dispersed, replaced with a cold empty aura.     

Little Mimi stares at the door with vacant eyes before walking back towards the table with the cold half-eaten crepe.     

She'll be back tomorrow. The warmth will return.     

However, who have thought after Emily left she never returned. No visits. No calls. Nothing.     

Mimi could merely think of it as her sister being busy managing their father's company and planning her wedding.     

Yet deep down in the back of her young mind, she knew that wasn't the case.     

Until she finally got her answer.     

One day in the afternoon, after two weeks of not hearing from Emily, Mimi calmly reading a book on a wooden chair perceives the faint sound of the black retro phone on her side table ringing.     

Quietly picking up the phone, Mimi places it to her ear.     

Before she's given the chance to speak, a familiar voice speaks harshly from the other side.     

But her voice...why did it sound so cold? So dark compared to how she usually spoke to her. As if she was speaking to a complete stranger.     

"I'm sorry Mimi. I can't do this anymore. You'll have to do things on your own from now on. Goodbye." Emily said coldly before hanging up.     

The faint sound of the phone beeping was the last thing Mimi heard as her mind went blank - the sounds around her becoming mute and fuzzy.     

Slowly lowering the phone into her lap, Mimi stares at her small white palms clutching the phone.     

Heh. She was trembling. How...pathetic.     

Who would have thought three days later, Emily was dead. A car accident they said.     

When Mimi heard the news of her sister's death, for some reason, she couldn't help but feel empty     

As if it weren't her receiving the news.     

To her everything felt strangely cold and numb, even the sweets she ate didn't have any flavor. However, it was unusual, she had already felt this way since she received that call from Emily.     

That day was the day everything seemed to feel meaningless.     

She falsely promised her so many things. Told her she'd stay with her forever and always be there for her. In the end, they were all lies.     

One couldn't rely on hollow promises.     

Emily had officially abandoned her.     

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