Inexperienced Soul

Inexperienced Soul

1"Ah, Mr. Itou did I hear you correctly?" Mimi gently scratched the back of her head questionably.     

"Yes. Now take your shirt off," Tobias spoke bluntly once more.     

Mimi vacantly stared at the man's bold words. She knew he was dull but not to such a degree.     

Did he not realize how misunderstanding his words sounded?     

Had it been any other female on the planet, they would have instantly flushed red with embarrassment or call the man a pervert.     

Hell, they'd possibly even willingly take of their shirts under the man's sensual commanding tone!     

However, unlike them, Mimi could naturally detect the reasoning for his words.     

She reasonably knew the man was blunt and quite naive when it typically came to socializing, but him being unaware of saying such words really made her wonder...how dense was he?     

Unknown to Mimi, the man wasn't unaware of how bold his words sounded, however, because he was overly concerned towards Mimi's burns he hadn't truly cared.     

He merely wanted to put the ointment on her as fast as possible…     

Although she knew the man's words were traced with completely innocent intentions, Mimi couldn't help but grin evilly.     

How could she let such a delightful moment go to waste?     

Suddenly leaning closely towards the attractive man's face until they were only mere inches apart, Mimi's red lips curl mischievously.     

"If the boss wants a taste of my maidenhood, will you please be gentle on my humble inexperienced soul?" Mimi softly whispered while staring eagerly into the man's sophisticated eyes.     

The two were so close, that Mimi could faintly feel the man's warm delicate breath against her face. Tobias's expression hadn't changed, typically continuing to lack visible emotion.     

However, internally, he was completely stirred by the girl's sudden close proximity. Up close, although her rosy face was layered with specific makeup, he could still distinguish her rare features.     

Her violet eyes that stared fiercely at him with a glimmer of mischief, and her tender luscious red colored lips.     

The natural sweet scent radiating off of her occasionally was even more intense up close - unknowingly Tobias's tense muscles eased once the scent was within reach.     

Sighing, the man runs a broad hand through his silky black hair.     

"Put it on," He merely spoke handing the ointment to Mimi his eyes vacant of any emotion.     

Noting the man's lack of emotion towards her actions, Mimi's charming smile widens.     

However, probably due to her eager interest in his reaction, Mimi hadn't noticed the strain in the unemotional man's voice nor the faint dimmer within his dark eyes.     

Ah...such an irritating man!     

Finally unable to conceal it, Mimi releases into joyful fits of laughter as she falls backward on the couch clutching her stomach.     

Tobias felt his upper lip twitch while watching the girl roll playfully back and forth on his couch - clearly amused by his reaction.     

This little brat…     

Looking up to perceive Tobias's dark expression, Mimi holds another laugh from releasing and sits back up swiftly to wipe a tear from the edges of her eye.     

"I have to say, Mr. Itou you're one tough cookie to crack, even I can't read that poker expression of yours!" She giggles happily.     

Frowning at her amused expression, Tobias gently shakes his head with a light sigh. Once more he carefully pushes the ointment into her dainty hands.     

"Put it on," He repeated fiercely.     

Mimi looks down at the ointment Tobias firmly handed her - a crooked smile placed on her lovely face.     

"Mr. Itou, I reasonably assure you they don't hurt! They're just minor burns that'll go away in a week or two." Mimi chuckled lightly.     

"Put it on, or I'll forcibly take off your shirt and do it for you," Tobias sternly commanded not breaking eye contact with the young girl for a second.     


Mimi flashed her eyes dramatically at the man before her for a few seconds, searching for a crack in his poker expression. In the end, she detected no change besides his dark empty eyes.     

He was being serious.     

Mimi, who was aware and had seen the many faces and acts people played in the industry had finally met her match. She who had seen others act stern, cold, serious, or indifferent could always discover their true hidden emotions.     

However, considering the man before her, she was stumped. He displayed no emotions! Not even lust was one of them.     

Sigh, why was it so hard to follow this man. One day she'll break him from his empty gaze!     

"Hai, hai, I'll put it on!" Mimi stands up from the couch quickly with a slight irritation in her voice.     

"Change in the next room, I placed some clothes in there for you. Be sure to get the ointment on every burn." Tobias said while leisurely walking towards his desk.     

"En, thanks, boss!" Mimi giggled while heading into the neighboring room.     

As Mimi entered the room and finally closed the door, the intense cold pressure that Tobias had been holding in from the beginning finally released.     

His general dull expression darkened instantly, a menacing aura surrounded him. The man's hands gripped tightly onto the chair in front of him.     

Knock, knock--!     

Perceiving the sound of the someone knocking on the door, Tobias coldly shifts his gaze towards the polished wooden door.     

"Enter," His deep voice ordered.     

Following his words, the door cautiously opened revealing the face of the Eli Sato.     

"Here's the antibiotic ointment," Eli said while placing the bottle on the coffee table.     

Eli watched as the man sat leisurely in his chair, his gripping hands propped up on the desk with his sensuous mouth covered with his hands. His brooding black eyes stared down at his desk as if he were lost in thought.     

The man hadn't even tried hiding his dark menacing aura.     

Naturally thinking he didn't require anything more, Eli sighed before heading out to exit the office but was instantly stopped in place by the distinct sound of the man's menacing husky voice.     

"Give me the name of the employee in the incident."     

Turning around to carefully look at the icy statue of a man, Eli couldn't help but gulp nervously.     

Although he knew he wasn't the reason for his foul mood, why did he still feel beyond terrified?     

"R-Right will get right on that!" Eli laughed nervously.     

"En," Tobias grunted in response before picking up his phone to naturally make a few phone calls.     

Knowing he was finished with speaking, Eli sighed while keenly observing the man begin to work efficiently. He chuckled lightly as he stepped out of the man's office with a helpless smile.     

Extremely interesting...     

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