Handsome Yet So Evil

Handsome Yet So Evil

4"Mr. Itou...What is that?" Mimi's face scrunched up bitterly.      3

"It's food." Tobias, sitting across the crossed-dressed girl said.     

"No way is that food! Look at it, it's all green and smells...raw!"     

Currently, after entering their reserved room, Mimi ordered more delicious food to eat, however, who would have thought all her orders were canceled and had been instantly replaced by something foul.     

Vegetables! Not to mention raw vegetables!     

Occasionally, Mimi would eat the homegrown vegetables Grace her old lady neighbor delivered her, however, the majority of the time she'd either have Alec or Jean cook them or give them to Alec.     

But never had she seen such a disgusting amount of green foods!     

"Eat it," Tobias's caressing voice was stern as he gently lifted a forkful of salad in Mimi's face.     

"Nu-Uh!" Mimi shook her head vigorously with an unpleasant expression. "Mr. Itou, you can't do this to a person who's supposed to be celebrating their accomplishments!"     

"Don't make a big deal out of it and eat it. Just a bite is fine." Tobias sighed.     

Looking uneasily at the raw leafy food stabbed by the fork pointed towards her pouting mouth, Mimi disdainfully glares at it as if it had murdered her sister.     

Yes, these vegetables to her were equal to that devil of a father of hers!     

With a frown, Mimi shakes her head.     

Furrowing his brows, Tobias sighs once more, a large hand running through his black hair.     

Why did he feel as if he was dealing with a child? If anything, Tobias felt like children were easier to deal with.     

"Tobias, it's hopeless," Alec who watched from the side said while shaking his head. "In all my years of knowing her, I haven't seen her eat a vegetable. Unless you count cooked or fried vegetables drenched sauce."     

"Hey, no one asked you!" Mimi glared at her brother fiercely.     

Alec smirk at his sister's appearance. For the first time, he saw his sister at a disadvantage. And it was all because of one man, his best friend Tobias Itou.     

Looking thoughtfully at Tobias from the side, Alec felt conflicted emotions.     

Usually, his sister would look at Tobias with admiration, as if he were her biggest idol, however, now she was looking at him as he was her worst enemy.     

Not to mention he placed the teasing mischievous girl in such a position where she was currently glaring fiercely like a small kitten backed into a corner.     

Seems like he'll let Tobias's past actions towards his sister pass. After all, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see his sister look such a way!     

While Alec had once again approved of his friend, for the time being, Tobias was staring at Mimi with dark penetrating eyes.     

"What if I give you something afterward?" Tobias humbly offered.     

"No! Nothing you say will make me eat that demon of a so-called food." Mimi huffed.     

"Have it your way."     

Before Mimi could comprehend what was happening, the attractive man sitting across from her leaned over - his strong cool scent drifting into her nostrils.     

With a startled expression, Mimi watches as the man's face zones in on hers. His large strong body was now leaning closer to her petite body, his deep eyes staring down into hers.     

Suddenly, feeling a pair of rough cold fingers softly hold her delicate white cheeks, Mimi's eyes dart up to look at the sensual man above her.     

Her green contact eyes make contact with his deep endless gems - his eyes filled with an unreadable emotion.     

The girl could feel the man's warm body heat against hers, his muscles underneath his clothes tightening.     


In an instant, the man gently squishes the girl's cheeks causing her delicate rosy lips to open. With gentle and swift movements, the man places the forkful of vegetables into the girl's mouth.     

Enlarging her eyes even further, Mimi's initial reaction was to spit the vegetables out, however, looking at the indifferent eyes staring at her deeply, Mimi pauses.     

If she were to spit these out, they'd most likely be spat onto his face...     

However, if she didn't she'd have no choice but to swallow the disgusting crap in her mouth.     

Unsure which choice to take, Mimi's eyes scan the cold man above her - carefully searching for something.     

Tobias, upon identifying the girl's eyes stare at him as if she was seeking permission to spit in his face, irritably twitched his brows.     

"Swallow or never eat a sweet ever again." Tobias's black eyes narrowed dangerously low.     

Heeding his words, Mimi had thought the man was bluffing, however, she knew very well he wasn't.     

With the power he held in the industry he was definitely capable of preventing her from eating any more delicious sweets!     

Damn this man! Why was he so handsome yet so evil!     

If Alec heard his sisters thoughts, he'd mostly scoff and roll his eyes. Guess they both had something in common…     

With pouting eyes, Mimi slowly swallows the food in her mouth after reluctantly chewing it.     

This taste...It was disgusting!     

For the first time, Mimi felt like she was going to cry from the foul taste. Of course, that was her being dramatic.     

Seeing the girl had swallowed the food, Tobias released a faint smile and grunted approvingly.     

Finally, lifting himself off the girl, he sits back down in his seat, grabbing a bag from beside him, he takes out a paper bag.     

"Here eat this." Tobias handed the young girl with a scowling expression the paper bag.     

Like a hesitant kitten, Mimi eyes the bag suspiciously before snatching it furiously from his hands.     

Opening the paper bag, almost instantly, the steamy fresh smell of steamed meat buns drifted into her nose.     

Breaking out into a satisfied broad smile, Mimi's eyes look at the man across from her.     

"Hehe seems like Mr. Itou remembered." Mimi giggled.     

During their second meeting, Mimi had given the man a steamed meat bun. And to her surprise at the time, the man ate it.     

Smiling upon recalling the man's face when she had told him to eat the round white meat bun, Mimi giggles quietly to herself before reaching into the bag to take out the steamed buns.     

Taking a large bite, Mimi hums satisfyingly.     

Yup, this was definitely better!     

While Mimi consumed the steamed buns with a blissful expression, Tobias watched the girl with a soft gaze a faint smile curling up on his sensual lips.     


From the beginning, Alec watched the two with a gaping jaw.     

What the actual…     

Why did it seem like they constantly forgot he was there?!     

Little did Alec know this would be an ongoing pattern for years to come...     

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