Change In Their Relationship

Change In Their Relationship

0In the end, Mimi was forced to consume the entire container of vegetables.      3

Crying pitifully in the corner of the couch, Mimi refused to look at the exact man that caused her so much suffering.     

Tobias keenly watched the girl huddle pitifully in the corner from across - a gloomy cloud hovering over her head. Tobias helplessly furrowed his brows toward the girl's actions.     

"Recently, I noticed you only seem to eat sweets or foods with excessive amounts of sodium. Through my months of knowing you, I haven't once seen you eat a vegetable." Tobias said gently.     

Mimi, continuing to huddle in a corner, intentionally ignored the man as he spoke, however, her attentive ears tilted as he talked.     

"Once in a while, you should eat something healthy. I know nothing has happened to you now, but sooner or later if you continue to eat like that it'll affect your health." Tobias subtly shifted his intent gaze toward the girl.     

"Eating healthy can also help you grow properly."     

Once he completed his words, Mimi curiously twisted her head around to stare at the elegant man on the couch opposite of her.     

"Grow properly?"     

"En. You're still developing and have yet to fully grow. Eating healthier can help you grow faster and better." Tobias explained calmly.     

With glittering eyes, Mimi leaps closer toward Tobias.     

"Does that mean if I eat vegetables I'll grow big breasts?" Mimi's eyes sparkled brightly.     

Heeding her question, Tobias's expression became blank – more than usual. However, instantly recovering, he releases a faint gentle smile.     


Mimi's eyes enlarge even further, a dazzling ray of light shining behind her.     

If what Tobias said was true then that'd mean she'll have her own personal set of melons to touch and see every day!     

Mimi, a pervert, could finally experience the feeling of being groped, by herself!     

The tender and plump feeling of a woman's enormous breasts could be hers!     

But like all good things…they came with a price.     


If she were to possess the soft mounds on her chest, she'd have to consume those disgusting vegetables daily.     

Was it really worth it?     

Mimi glances down at her chest. Mimi was exactly a 36A. The soft mounds on her chest were tightly covered by the leather shirt.     

Mimi didn't mind having a smaller sized chest, but being the pervert she was, she consistently thought of groping the melons!     

Mimi stares at her little peaches with a complicated expression.     

Fine! For the sake of big boobs, she'd do it! Pumping up her fists and nodding her head rapidly, Mimi mentally makes a promise toward herself.     

Tobias observed the girl's pumped up fists and determined expression with furrowed brows.     

From when she stared bitterly at the vegetables to looking down at her chest, Tobias witnessed everything.     

What exactly was she thinking about to suddenly agree so quickly?     

Strangely, Tobias had a feeling it had to do with her previous question.     

Don't tell me…     

Tobias sighed hopelessly at the girl's perverted thoughts.     

"Here." Tobias reaches for a second container filled with fresh salad.     

Mimi hesitantly stares at the container but with a determined expression, leans forward to take the forkful of greens.     

Tobias continues to feed the girl forkfuls of salad, occasionally reaching for the bag of chips and placing a chip in her mouth.     

With this method, Mimi had nearly eaten half of the large salad.     

"Mimi, you don't have to eat anymore, you did well," Tobias said gently.     

"Nuh-uh, I'm hardly full. Feed me more!" Mimi opened her mouth awaiting the next forkful.     

Releasing a deep chuckle, Tobias brings another forkful toward the girl's lips, with his sleeves rolled up to seductively reveal his lightly tan, built arms.     

Munching on the salad in her mouth, Mimi suddenly pauses her actions upon realizing something.     

Tobias he…     

"Hey, Mr. Itou, I just realized, you suddenly started calling me by my name now," Mimi said while chewing the salad in her mouth.     

Tobias's body becomes tense towards her words. She was right.     

Before, he'd consistently call her Ms. Mimi, the way he called her was always formal.     

In the beginning, the two were reasonably considered business partners and hardly considered close.     

But through the past few months of knowing the mischievous girl, he felt as if the two of them had passed being business partners.     

If anything, Tobias wasn't sure what they were.     

She was someone who he greatly respected as a businesswoman and person, but was also someone he was curious about – he wanted to know the real her and have her open up to him.     

Tobias was aware Mimi thought of him as a mentor, someone she greatly looked up to and wanted to impress.     

But did she consider him anything more than that? Did she consider them as friends?     

Cautiously, Tobias shifts his deep eyes to stare at the girl across from him who was reaching for the glass of water in front of her.     

"Do you not like me calling you by your name?" Tobias asked, his heart suddenly becoming anxious.     

Swallowing the water before placing the cup down, Mimi looks at the attractive man sitting across from her, his strong jaw clenching slightly.     

"Hmm…I don't really mind honestly." Mimi shrugged her shoulders, an evil smirk spreading on her luscious lips. "I mean, what girl wouldn't want to hear their name being said by a gorgeous, sexy man. Especially by the mighty Tobias Itou."     

Seeing the girl's teasing expression, Tobias's eyes soften, the tension in his body easing. Chuckling deeply, Tobias reaches for a chip in the bag and holds it up toward the girl.     

With glittering eyes, Mimi leans over to happily nibble on the salty potato chip – her appearance like a small kitten eating a treat from a human's hand. Tobias observing the girl gently reveals a smile.     

"Then how about you call me by my name?"     

Mimi, who chomped a piece of the chip out of Tobias's fingers, pauses, her bright purple eyes looking up at the attractive man smiling gently at her – a piece of the chip in between her lips.     

Pushing the chip in her mouth, Mimi quickly munches on it while looking at Tobias.     

"Ah…I don't know." Mimi gently scratched her rosy cheek awkwardly.     

"Why not? I don't mind if you call me by my name." Tobias said gently, his chin propped up by his palm.     

I mind! Mimi inwardly shouted.     

"Well, because you're my boss and far more superior than me. Calling you by your name will seem slightly…strange." Mimi said slowly.     

"But I thought we were friends? Don't friends call one another by their first names?"     

Nearly choking on her own spit, Mimi looks at Tobias with an odd expression.     

I only said that so you wouldn't feed me the vegetables!     

But in the end, it seems like her act was meaningless.     

However, Mimi paused, her eyes looking down at her palms.     

If anything, Mimi didn't think Tobias being her boss was strange, or a reason to distance herself.     

She mostly forced all her employees at her company to call her by her first name to feel more familiar with one another.     

So why did she hesitate? It was just a name, right?     

No. If anything, Mimi knew calling Tobias by his name would signify a change in their relationship.     

Another step to being more than business partners.     

It meant all formal borders would be taken down, and they'd become friends.     

Friends tell one another things one wouldn't tell a colleague.     

Friends told each other their darkest secrets and worries.     

It scared Mimi to think one day she'd have to tell Tobias everything about her.     

Looking up into the man's dark eyes, for the first time Mimi witnessed something she never knew she'd see in the man's eyes.     

Patience, pleasant warmth, a fragile gentleness, and understanding. She saw genuine emotions.     

It was as if he removed his cold and unfeeling wall and openly displayed his emotions to her.     

After all, not all walls were built to keep others out, but to discover someone who's worthy enough to break them down.     

"It's okay." Tobias smiled, his attractive smile filled with understanding and warmth.     

It's okay, you don't need to force yourself.     

Tobias understood Mimi had a troubled past, something she wished to hide.     

He knew how difficult it was open up and completely reveal oneself to someone – revealing all their injuries, their pain, regrets. All of their vulnerabilities.     

Tobias himself had a tragic past he wished to hide from the girl before him. From everyone.     

Although those painful memories made him the person he was, it didn't mean he wanted to look back and remember them.     

After speaking to Alec, Tobias understood if he truly wanted to see the real Mimi, the true girl behind that smiling and teasing expression, he'd have to be patient.     

And he was willing to wait a lifetime to see the real her.     

Mimi, clenching her hands into fists, looked deeply into the man's eyes. A slight smile curling up on her lips.     

"Alright then, Tobias." Mimi smiled. "I'll call you by your name."     

"En." Tobias smiled gently.     

Calling Tobias by his first name had unknowingly produced a click in Mimi's shattered heart. A shattered piece gradually began healing within the girl's heart.     

A missing piece slowly reconnecting inside of her.     

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