Intimidating Power

Intimidating Power

1"Jinny and the others are sure taking a while, I wonder if they got held up or something." A woman said as she drank her beer.      0

"I swear, when you women go to the bathroom in pairs, I don't know what the hell you're doing in there." A man with slightly flushed cheeks muttered.     

"Hey, I heard that! What do you mean, you women?" The woman stared at the flushed cheeked man bitterly.     

"Ah, darling I didn't-" The man started but was soon knocked in the head by the woman's hand.     

"Hmph! Say it again!" The man's wife said angrily.     

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry I admit I was wrong. I won't ever question the ways of women and their groups when going to the bathroom." The man grumbled.     

The rest of the employees amusingly watched the pair with smiles and chuckles. Although it was rare, most married couples worked in Glory Trade Corporation together. Some unexpectedly found their significant other at work.     

Thus, watching the husband and wife argue, caused the employees to laugh and smile warmly.     

This company, besides working hard all day and undergoing limits amounts of stress, they were all a family and worked together.     

Despite being a big successful company, the CEO and owners all truly cared for their employees and only allowed those who had good intentions in the industry in.     

Those who could possibly make a big difference if they were given the right set of tools and a light push in the right direction joined the company.     

Which is why some couldn't comprehend why the CEO allowed someone like Mimi, a lazy gothic girl to work there...     

As the employees laughed and kindly poked at the couple, Senior Su watching the pair, a gentle smile spread across her ruby lips. Unconsciously, her gaze looked towards Eli Sato.     

The man's pale hair and charming eyes glistened under the room lights.     

Senior Su's dark eyes landed on the man's perfect softly thin lips that were turned upward as he spoke to an employee.     

Realizing where her eyes stranded towards Senior Su flushed intensely, quickly consuming a large chug of her drink.     

Feeling a gaze on him, Eli turns to stare in Senior Su's direction only to see her talking to a female employee - her eyes, not once looking at him.     

Maybe he imagined it?     

Shrugging it off Eli Sato stands up from his seat.     

"I'll go check on the three and see what's holding them up." Eli walked towards the room's exit.     

Just as Eli was about to exit the room, he stops abruptly upon perceiving the figure standing before him.     

"Ah…" Eli freezes in place.     

"What is it, Mr. Sato? Got a cramp or something?" A male employee jokes.     

Before anyone could throw out any more humorous words, an icy intimidating aura descends over the room.     

This feeling...it could only be one person.     

Sure enough, the person entering the room was none other than their CEO Tobias Itou.     

Upon witnessing the cold man, everyone sucked in a harsh breath, completely startled by the man's sudden appearance.     

As the room quieted down and all gazes landed on him, Tobias remained calm and indifferent towards the situation. His dark eyes surveying the crowd once before looking at Eli.     

"We're joining you for a few minutes." The man's voice was deep and unfeeling.     

As his dark voice spoke, the entire room surrounded itself in a cold shivering blizzard.     

Some of the women found his voice sexy and alluring causing a warm yet cold shudder to run down their spines, while the men felt their entire bodies shudder with fear.     

The fear of such intimidating power!     

All he had to do was speak and everything became so cold.     

"We?" Eli arched his brows curiously.     

"Hello!" A sudden gentle cheery voice spoke up, releasing the cold tension.     

Popping out from behind the tall back of Tobias Itou, was a young man. Instantly seeing his charming looks caused all the women in the room to flush red and hearts to pound.     

The young man looked both delicate and dignified as his young, youthful appearance was feminine and delicate.     

The women couldn't help but fawn upon seeing him, already forgetting about the unemotional man in the room.     

Tobias' eyes looked at Mimi with amusement before quickly turning back to their steady state - his dark gems vacant without a hint of emotion.     

Unaware of the man's stare, Mimi walks into the large room with a long loaded table of delicious foods and drinks.     

"Ooh! Is that a steam pork bun?" Mimi's eyes glittered happily upon seeing the delicious round food.     

Before anyone could respond to the young man, he willingly plopped himself down on a chair and grabbed a pork bun from the table, biting into it with a blissful expression.     

This oddly seemed familiar to all of them…     

Sighing, Tobias turns toward Eli.     

"Only for a few minutes." The man said.     

"Haha, don't worry you can stay even longer if you want!" Eli laughed delightedly.     

"No," Tobias said sternly.     

Already use to the noble man's blunt behavior, Eli simply laughs it off.     

From behind, a few more figures pop out from the entrance.     

A man with golden blond hair and blue eyes surveys the area before sitting down next to the previous young man with brown hair - who was already eating his third pork bun.     

Everyone's intent gazes landed on the two, the women beside them blushing furiously.     

Very soon both Jinny and the two other women walk in.     

"Ah, Jinny! Where did you guys go?" A woman asked as she noticed the three enter the room.     

"Someone here got a little distracted and lost track of time." The second woman said pointing playfully at Jinny.     

Hearing her tone and words, Jinny blushed with a lowered head.     

From the woman's words along with the three entering with the other three men, they could probably guess what Jinny was so distracted by.     

None of them could blame her either! Suddenly, seeing three handsome men all in one room caused all the women's hearts to nearly burst.     

This was definitely too much handsome!     

Eli standing off to the side awkwardly scratched his neck.     

Ah, I'm good-looking too right?     

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