Sick Bastard

Sick Bastard

2The bar was a small brick building, country music played on the jukebox with a few lights busted out. As night fell, the bar grew rowdier.     

Regulars came in and sat by the bar, ordering their usual sweet beers. A few of the men sat around and watched the game across the bar's television, sometimes shouting when a goal failed to score.     

The bell attached to the door suddenly sounded, informing everyone present that someone had entered. The bartender had just turned his head, and he immediately froze in his spot.     

"Shen Jue…" He unconsciously muttered his name.     

The men standing nearest to the bartender heard the name slip from his lips and froze. They jerked their heads in the direction of the door. A man stood, his lean physique dressed in a fit and expensive suit. His hair was completely combed back, exposing a clean-cut, attractive face. His narrow eyes squinted, his beautiful thin lips slightly rose into a smile - he looked charmingly sinful.     

In long, steady strides, Shen Jue walked to the bar. When he approached the counter, he smiled at the bartender.     

"Where's Monty?"     

Before the bartender could speak, a deep voice cut him off.     

"It's been a while, Shen Jue."     

Shen Jue's pupils dilated as a dangerous light shone from them. He turned in the direction of the voice to see a large, dark-skinned man standing across from him. A dangerous glint had seeped into his eyes when their gazes met.     

"A few weeks ago, did you see a girl come here and ask you about me?"     

Monty looked at Shen Jue's expression. His face was showing the devilishly charming smile that he was all too familiar with, but that smile did not reach his eyes in the slightest.     

He sighed. "Yes."     

"And did you happen to tell her about me?" Shen Jue's eyes narrowed up slightly.     

The look on Monty's expression dimmed, his brows furrowed.     

"Answer." Shen Jue spat out just one word that was cold as frost, his gaze not having moved an inch.     

Monty heavily let out another sigh. "Yes, I told her."     

Shen Jue walked slowly to come before the tall man, not at all imposed by his stronger physique.     

"Because we're close partners, I'll let this go once. But you'll have to understand right now, I'm not in the best mood." The corners of his mouth were still arched up in a smile, but the mirth in his eyes had disappeared. "So call one of your men to compensate me a bit."     

Seeing the cold and dangerous look in the man's eyes, Monty knew there was no chance at arguing with him. He could only hope Shen Jue wouldn't be too rough on his men.     

"Fair enough," Monty glanced over at his men who nervously trembled in their spots.     

While Shen Jue's appearance looked leaner than the other men in the bar, they could not deny the imposing and dangerous aura radiating off of him. Seeing their boss look at them to become his new toy to play with, their bones shook.     

"Ramsey, come over here."     

The man by the name Ramsey nearly choked on his beer. When he looked up, his eyes met with Shen Jue's. Almost immediately, he felt like a mouse looking into the eyes of a cobra.     

He swallowed and looked back at Monty who gave him a warning glare. Left with no other choice, Ramsey lifted his jug of beer, guzzled it in one gulp and wiped his full-bearded lips.     

Now…he was ready for death.     

When Ramsey arrived in front of Shen Jue, the handsome man was already removing his suit jacket and rolling up his sleeves. He removed the watch from his wrist and handed it to the bartender.     

"Do you mind holding this? I wouldn't want to get it stained."     

"S-Sure." The bartender carefully took the priceless watch, carrying it as if it were his life.     

Shen Jue looked at his opponent and smiled.     

"I hope you don't mind, but could we fight outside? It's less stuffy out there."     

Too nervous to speak, Ramsey nodded his head only to see Shen Jue was already walking outside. He took in a deep breath before following after him. The men in the bar watched the two disappear outside, already aware of the outcome. They silently prayed he would go easy on him.     


Not even thirty minutes later, Shen Jue came back inside the bar, his hands covered in cuts and of course…blood. The men evaded eye contact with him as he made his way to the bar.     

"Do you have anything I may use to wash my hands?" He innocently raised his bloodied hands.     

The bartender quickly nodded his head and passed him a wet washcloth. Shen Jue took it with a smile and silently began cleaning his hands, from fingers to nails.     

"I see you didn't take it easy." Monty appeared around the corner and looked at Shen Jue's appearance with a troubled expression.     

Stealing him a fleeting glance, Shen Jue continued to clean his hands.     

"Is he alive?" Monty asked.     

"Hardly." Shen Jue responded in a flat tone.     

Monty sighed and gave a glance to one of his men. Understanding his gaze, they quickly went to the back to recover the body out back.     

"You know my judgment on people usually isn't that bad. The girl didn't seem like a threat to you, so I didn't mind disclosing a little information."     

When he finished wiping his hands, Shen Jue folded the cloth neatly on the bar counter before looking at Monty.     

"You're not wrong." He chuckled. "There are just some things I would like to keep private from her, that's all. She thinks badly of me enough already."     

Monty snorted. "Yeah? And whose fault is that?"     

A corner of Shen Jue's lips hooked up in a smile. "Yours at the moment."     

The corner of Monty's mouth twitched. He seemed to suddenly think of something and said, "I couldn't help but notice the girl who came in here…she looked a lot like the previous one you brought to me a few years back."     

Shen Jue titled his head and curiously raised a brow. "Oh? What makes you say that?"     

"Both had that similar look of disgust in their eyes when they talked about you," Monty smirked.     

In response, Shen Jue chuckled not at all offended by his words. Monty shook his head helplessly and drank his beer.     

"You must be a sick bastard to make two sisters of a different generation loathe you." He muttered.     

A sinister smile suddenly surfaced upon Shen Jue's face, his eyes dim.     

"Maybe." He said softly. "Maybe…"     


The following morning at Glory Trade Corporation.     

"Sir, Lu Qing returned with his report." Juno looked down at the tablet, his brows slightly furrowed.     

Tobias looked up from his laptop and narrowed his eyes. His secretary's troubled thoughts were all displayed clearly on his face.     

"Let me read it."     

Juno nodded and passed him the tablet. Tobias looked down at the report in his hand while sitting back in his chair. There was no change in his expression. Very slowly, he lifted his head from the tablet, and he sighed in his seat.     

It would seem Shen Jue had beaten a man near death last night. Based on the location that was reported, it was clear why.     

"Inform Lu Qing to continue to keep tabs on him. Make sure he doesn't do anything that will interfere with Mimi."     

"Yes, sir." Juno took the tablet back and carefully noted it down.     

Looking back up, he said in a calm, patient tone that was neither soft nor loud, "Mr. Itou, I also received a call from…your father."     

A dangerous and icy glint flashed through Tobias's deep gaze. He sighed impatiently and ran a hand through his hair.     

He must have heard about the car accident.     

"Tell him I'll call him later today." He answered with his voice rougher than usual.     

Juno nodded. After a few moments, Tobias dismissed him. Left alone in the office, he sighed back into his seat, eyes looking at the ceiling.     

It had been years since he last spoke to his father. At the thought, his eyes darkened.     

He wanted to see her right now.     

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