Take What You Want

Take What You Want

3*WARNING: The following content contains HEAVY mature content that may not be suitable for younger audiences.     3


On the large bed, Mimi was lazily laying down on her stomach while reading her sister's journals. The scene would have been considered ordinary if it wasn't for the fact her nude body was covered by white sheets, and a handsome bare chest man lay beside her.     

"What is it?" Tobias's arm wrapped around her waist, gently caressed her soft skin.     

"His name was Kai," Mimi spoke softly.     

When he heard this sentence, Tobias furrowed his brows.     


Turning a page, Mimi propped her cheek against her palm.     

"The man she was in love with. It appears my sister was a lot simpler than I thought. Right here, she wrote about her first time making friends. And here she mentions when she first fell in love...she seemed to love him a lot."     

She looked back at the journal and gently touched its pages. "I never thought she was thinking about those things..."     

Tobias stared at her wooden expression, then stroked her head. Mimi cast a sidelong glance at him and smiled. Closing the journal, she dove herself into the man's arms and giggled.     

"Do you have work later today?" Mimi looked up into his dark eyes.     

"I have a meeting in the afternoon," Tobias said softly while stroking a finger along her back. Her skin was soft and warm beneath his fingers.     

"Pity..." Mimi pouted.     

Tobias chuckled and stopped her pouting with a gentle kiss. "There's still time."     

"Time for what?" Mimi feint innocence.     

Seeing the man's eyes darken, Mimi continues to smile and did not respond.     

"You should learn to take what you want, Tobias..." She murmured against his neck. She slid a hand across his chest. When she pressed soft kisses on his throat, Tobias groaned.     

"What if...you...don't want to do it?" He whispered hoarsely.     

Mimi held back the urge to roll her eyes. "Then I will tell you. I'm not asking you to force yourself on me, idiot. At least learn to take action when we both want it, otherwise, I'll feel strange every time you ask to have sex with me."     

It felt as if she were some owner, and he was her plaything asking to make love! Although an interesting and pleasing situation, it wasn't what Mimi wanted in their romantic relationship. All the time at least...they could role-play once in a while.     

Mimi's hands slid up to his chest while staring into his dark, passionate eyes.     

"Tell me...does it seem like I don't want to do it with you?" Mimi's hands guided him inside her. When he tried to take his hand away, she slipped around his back to pull him closer.     

"Let's try something new today, shall we?" Mimi smiled and spoke hotly against his lips.     

She guided Tobias's heated palm and set it upon her breast. He swallowed and squeezed. Mimi shivered and moved his hand down further, creeping down into her underwear and teasing the bud. Slowly, two fingers slipped between her folds. Though his fingers were long and thick, his touch was light and gentle, parting her, sliding over her sensitive flesh.     

"Mmm," Clenching her fists against his warm chest, Mimi moaned, wanting more.     

Tobias's warm body nearly burst to the sound of her soft, breathless gasps. Like Mimi, this was his first time pleasuring someone this way.     

"D-Does it feel good?"     

Leaning her head on his shoulder, Mimi nodded her head and gently nipped his bare muscular shoulder. Tobias shuddered as his fingers continued stroking every inch of her insides delicately.     

Mimi's lips parted, but not a sound was heard besides light pants. Tobias studied her expression intensely, trying to catch every detail, every emotion on her face. When his thick fingers rubbed against her clit, Mimi jolted.     

He frowned and moved softer. Mimi started feeling irritable. It felt good but this was going on for too long! She felt like she was in hell and heaven at the same time!     

Noticing the furrow in her brows, Tobias looked at her hesitantly.     

"Does it hurt? Should I stop?"     

Dealt with the man's concerned question and the burning sensation within her core, Mimi gritted her teeth and looked up from his shoulder to stare deeply into his black eyes. A misty, seductive fog clouded her violet eyes; her rosy moist lips parted slowly releasing warm puffs of air.     

Seeing Tobias's troubled expression while he continued stroking her, left a warm but itchy feeling inside. Sighing softly, Mimi reached her hands to grab his cheeks and squished them together.     

"Ahh, why is my Toby so cute!"     

Confused, Tobias tilted his head, cheeks still squished by Mimi's hands.     

"It feels good but...let's try something else." She grinned playfully.     

Mimi's eyes glowed with a mischievous glint as she reached for Tobias's fingers, and slowly began to move his fingers deeper inside.     

Surprised by her movements, Tobias jerked his hand back and looked at Mimi with a serious expression.     

"What are you doing?"     

"Deep penetration by the fingers."     

"Where did you learn that?"     

"The internet."     

Tobias immediately frowned.     

"I don't want to hurt you."     

Mimi sighed and rolled her eyes. "It won't! I promise, if anything it'll feel good, it'll be like being high or something."     

His expression wrinkled. "How do you know this?"     

She shrugged. "The internet."     

Tobias was speechless. He somehow felt if he didn't get his act together and do proper research, his sex life would revolve around the internet.     

"Don't look at that kind of stuff on the internet anymore," He suckled her bottom lip.     

Mimi blinked before giggling, "So you can?"     

"Mimi..." Tobias growled.     

Just like that, Tobias covered her body with his and took her lips in a hot, passionate kiss. Feeling her warm hands roam around his chest and back, Tobias nibbled and sucked her soft lips even harder, their tongues tangling together. Before he knew it, he was back inside her body, thrusting in slow, rhythmic movements.     

The bed began creaking. Mimi's breath became short as Tobias braced his hands on the wall. He hooked his knees outside her legs and drove himself deeper. When she wrapped her legs around him, they felt as strong as steel. Her nails raked his back as he drove into her, again and again, and again, until she screamed and arched her back beneath him.     

After releasing, the two tidied up and soaked in the bath together before Tobias left for work.     

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