Caught In The Act

Caught In The Act

0In the passenger seat of Tobias's car, Mimi tilted her head to the man beside her, his jaw clenching ever so slightly.      3

"Your parents hate me, don't they?" Mimi stated simply.     

Mimi's calm statement only made Tobias's eyes darken. Turning, his eyes met the girl's clear, bright expression. Even if she didn't show a pitiful or distressed expression, the idea that she thought of such a thing hurt him.     

"You don't need to worry about them." Tobias sighed softly. "They've just misunderstood certain things."     

"Well, their misunderstanding seems to make them hate me." Mimi pointed out quietly.     

"Mimi…" Tobias said more firmly this time.     

"You don't have to reassure me, Toby. I know when someone doesn't like me." Mimi laughed softly. "It's fine, although it saddens me I won't be able to have such playful moments with your parents, it doesn't change anything for us in any way."     

Hearing her words, Tobias's heart trembled. With his free hand, he grabbed hers and held it tight. Smiling softly, Mimi accepted his hand and gazed out the window. With her head turned, Tobias could not see the darkness whirling in the girl's expression.     

Following that night, the couple continued to have several days of peace. Their time together becoming sweeter than usual. Two days passed and both spent their time together in the morning before going off to work.     

"Is something wrong, Ms. Mimi?"     

In the middle of addressing her schedule, Jean noticed the deep look on the girl's face. Raising her head, Mimi let out a faint sigh. Her appearance as of now looked rather pitiful.     

"Jeanie, what do you do when your boyfriend's parents don't like you?"     

Surprised by the unexpected question, Jean just stared at her blankly for a moment. She held back the words 'what did you do', and cleared her throat.     

"Well, in that circumstance, it's best to clarify your feelings for their son. It's also a good idea to talk to him about this."     

Thoughtfully tilting her head, Mimi smiled and beamed brightly.     

"You're so smart, Jeanie!"     

Lifting her glasses to her face, Jean said, "I've only provided you advice I found suitable for your situation."     

Laughing softly, Mimi propped her chin on her palm and gazed out the broad window of her office. The truth of the matter is, Mimi didn't care nor mind Tobias's parents dislike toward her. It would seem rather unrealistic for them to accept her so welcomingly. Despite thinking this, Mimi couldn't help but notice the opportunity to play a little.     

If she wanted to convey her love and affection for Tobias, she would need to please his parents!     

Humming softly to herself with a joyous expression, Mimi continued with her day.     


In his office, Tobias was currently going through numerous files and documents on his desk when he heard a knock on the door. Assuming it was Juno, he let out a low grunt to inform the person to enter. The door opened and almost instantly, Tobias detected the distinct sound of footsteps walking in. When he raised his head, his eyebrows narrowed.     

"What are you doing here?"     

Closing the door behind them, the figure staring at him smiled. A woman with luscious tan skin and sharp arched eyes giggled softly. With black, silky hair and her head held high, she waltzed toward him with an effortless saunter. The clicking of her heels added rhythm to the sway of her curved hips.     

"I snuck in, how else? By the way, you have one hell of security out there. If it wasn't for my old tricks, I wouldn't have gotten in." The woman casually joked.     

"That's not what I meant." Tobias's frown deepened.     

Smirking, the woman sat comfortably on the desk.     

"It's been almost eight years hasn't it?" She tilted her head, her black hair falling in soft layers around her shoulders.     

Tobias didn't respond, instead, he just stared coldly at the unwelcomed woman. Helplessly sighing, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked around the office.     

"You seem to be doing well for yourself." When her eyes landed on a photograph on his desk, her eyes darkened. "Is this your little girlfriend?"     

When she picked it up, Tobias resisted the urge to snatch the photo out of her hands. Instead, he grunted a low, deep sound, confirming her words. He was, after all, still proud to call Mimi his girlfriend. Even toward an uninvited guest, he wouldn't deny it.     

The woman stared at the girl in the photo quietly. "She's quite a young little thing, isn't she? I never expected you to be the type to like little girls like her."     

Tobias frowned. He ignored her words, and finally grabbed the photo from her hands, setting it on the desk - away from her.     

"What do you want?"     

Blinking her eyes in surprise, the woman laughed before leaning forward, giving a clear view of her cleavage. Despite her obvious appeal, Tobias didn't bat an eye. Instead, his eyes darkened even further.     

"I came to see you, of course." She said softly.     

An eyebrow on Tobias's face raised. "Why?"     

It had been eight years since he saw this woman, he couldn't possibly understand why she suddenly wanted to see him. Especially after they left off with such a bitter end.     

Twisting her crimson lips into a smile, the woman leaned closer.     

"When I heard you were going to your father's house, I snuck in. I thought I would get the chance to speak with you but…" Her eyes shifted to the picture beside him before looking back. "I thought it would be best to meet you at your office. Where we could be alone."     

Just as the woman was about to lean closer, the office door suddenly opened. The sound of a bag dropping caught the two's attention, causing both to look in the direction of the door. When Tobias saw the figure standing there in a daze, his eyes widened.     

"Andras." He stood up from his seat abruptly.     

The woman was startled to see the frantic look on the generally emotionless man's face. Before she understood what was happening, Tobias was already walking toward the young man at the doorway.     

Meanwhile, standing in the middle of the doorway in a daze, Mimi replayed the scene she just witnessed. Even though she could only see the backside of the woman and partial view of the man sitting in the large chair, at that angle, she was certain the woman kissed him.     

Yes, the woman, not Tobias. She wasn't foolish enough to think Tobias would cheat on her. However, that didn't prevent the countless flies that'd chase after him.     

When she finally set the pieces together, Mimi's lips curled into a chilling smile. But beneath that smile held an unsettling amount of murderous fury that was threatening to erupt.     

While she would punish Tobias later, she certainly was going to kill the woman who touched her man!     

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