Make Up, Kiss, & Bang

Make Up, Kiss, & Bang

4 *WARNING: The following content contains HEAVY mature content that may not be suitable for younger audiences.     

"Let's meet up with your parents."     

Tobias sat up and began to open his mouth, when Mimi lifted her finger to his lips, silencing him.     

"I know your parents don't like me. However, at the very least, I want to talk to them."     

As soon as she finished speaking, Tobias ran a hand through his hair and sighed.     

"I understand your reasoning, but my parents...they're not the most accepting of people. Once they make a decision on someone it's hard to change their mind."     

Mimi lifted her face slightly and smiled. "I'm well aware they might never like me. However, as your girlfriend, I want to clarify my position and that no matter what they do or say, I will never leave you."     

Tobias's arms tightened around her waist as he looked into the girl's smiling face. Seeing that he was still upset, Mimi kissed the frown scrunching Tobias's forehead.     

"Don't worry, if something goes wrong, I have ways to defend myself. Or...if I want to play the damsel in distress, you can always save me." She said, and then lifted her face to press a kiss on his jaw.     

Tobias grumbled as Mimi pressed her lips against his. She kissed him to distraction while straddling his waist, hands draped over his shoulders. Rocking her hips against him, she could already feel his hard bulge rubbing against her. Circling and grinding the growing iron in his pants, Tobias groaned.     

Licking her lips, Mimi pulled back with a smile and stared down at the heavily breathing man.     

"You know...we never got to have our make up sex yet." Mimi breathed against his lips.     

"Make up sex?" The right eyebrow on Tobias's handsome face rose.     

"Mhm. After couples fight, they usually reconcile with make up sex. Apparently, it's quite intense between both partners." Mimi laughed softly before nibbling and sucking on his lips.     

The look in Tobias's eyes darkened. The strong, large hands on her waist tightened, grinding her deeper against his hard bulge.     

"Then let's not wait any further," Tobias spoke hotly into her mouth.     

He plunged his tongue into her throat and ground into her harder, bucking a little as he continued to massage her into his groin. Mimi's lips parted as a sweet, soft sound of a moan echoed faintly within the living room.     

Still on top, she pulled out a condom from the drawer beside her. Ripping it with her teeth, she loosened Tobias's pants and slid the condom down onto his cock. All the while, Tobias watched her with dark eyes, his large hands palming and massaging her soft skin.     

Mimi sat up slightly, bent arms leaned against his chest as she began to lift her butt and lower it on his shaft.     

"Mmmmn..." Closing her eyes, she moaned, enjoying the slow rhythm, allowing herself to savor and feel every inch of him.     

Panting from her slow movements, Tobias's warm fingers slid up her blouse, lifting the material to expose skin. He craned his neck, pushed her bra up, then latched his lips onto her nipple. Mimi arched her back at the feel.     

"Tobias..." She gasped softly.     

He chuckled, flicking the tip, nibbled, licked before kissing the other. While sucking on her breasts, Tobias started thrusting up into her, taking her hips in his hands and slamming her down onto his cock.     

The force of his thrusts gradually increased from gentle movements to slow yet powerful, intense pounding. Resounding slaps echoed throughout the room.     

"Ah!" Mimi's head fell back as she rode him, nails digging into his shirt.     

"Beautiful..." Tobias said before his hands once again grabbed onto her ass and began to help her move faster. His breathing became increasingly heavier with each thrust as he groaned deeply.     

Between gasps of pleasure, their lips met in an almost sloppy, devouring kiss. Bouncing up and down on this hot length, Mimi rotated her hips and clenched her inner walls.     

"Tight..." Tobias growled before he shuddered.     

Mimi smiled a little and moved against him faster, hands tearing his shirt open to reveal flexing, sweaty muscles. She bent down and bit his nipple. Tobias groaned as his head fell back, sweat pouring from his chest and face.     

"Like?" She smirked, her breaths heavy.     

"Fuck...Mimi you..." His hips began to lift faster.     

Licking his bitten nipple, Mimi placed both her hands on the back of the sofa on the sides of his head and began to pick her speeding, slapping down onto his cock.     


They both gasped. Tobias grabbed her waist and held her to him as he released into the condom, his body trembling.     

With his head buried into her neck, Mimi felt the heavy huffs of air on her skin. A soft kiss landed onto her neck followed by a lick, tasting her like something sweet.     

"Mmmm," Mimi moaned into his ear.     

Unsure whether it was her moan or his stamina, but very quickly, she felt his length still inside of her stir before growing hard again. Despite being tired, Mimi also felt her body humming for more.     

"We need another condom..." She hoarsely whispered.     

"Don't worry, I'll do it on the outside...just let me feel you a little longer." Tobias breathed against her lips, his voice husky and thick with heat.     

Laughing softly, Mimi slowly kissed his bottom lip. Their mouths continued to kiss each other lazily, while Tobias's hips were bucking up into her slowly. Once again, they engaged in another round of passionate make up sex.     


Mimi slept like the dead for the rest of the day until she woke up in the middle of the night. Turning, she found the bed was empty. Just before she lifted herself to search for her missing body pillow, the man himself entered the room - phone in hand.     

Looking at her small pout, Tobias chuckled and crawled back onto the bed.     

"Sorry, I tried to be quick." He kissed her swollen pink lips and pulled her into his embrace.     

"Who were you calling?" Mimi asked, feeling light kisses on her neck and shoulder.     

"My parents," Tobias replied simply.     

Stunned, Mimi lifted her head. "What? Why?"     

Staring down at her, Tobias gently stroked her hair. "You said you wanted to meet them, didn't you? I asked them to schedule a day to meet."     

Mimi blinked her eyes...then blinked again.     

"Did they agree?" She asked hesitantly.     

"In the beginning, no. But when I told them how important it was to me, they agreed." Tobias explained softly, his finger twirling a strand of her soft hair.     

Seeing how calm he was as he spoke, Mimi was dumbfounded. Truthfully, she felt bad for asking Tobias to do such a thing. She knew how much he despised his parents. But for her, he set aside his feelings and spoke to them. Her chest felt like it was clenching.     

Tightening her lips, Mimi wrapped her arms around Tobias and snuggled into his embrace. Tobias smiled and kissed the top of her head. In the silence of the bedroom, Mimi cuddled up against the familiar warmth and sighed softly as Tobias's arms held her tightly.     

"I'm sorry..." He suddenly said in a low, deep voice.     

"Eh?" Mimi blinked.     

Tobias held onto her tightly as he continued, "When I was angry at you...I was also angry with myself. I was the one who hid everything from you despite knowing how you might react. I was selfish."     

Mimi's expression immediately turned into a frown upon hearing this. "Tobias, no. You have no reason to be angry with yourself. I was the one who wasn't able to respect your privacy. Truth is, we both made mistakes. I realize like with you, I let my past get in the way of our relationship. My lack of trust and fear of losing you, made me act out in a way that hurt you. I'm sorry. Sorry about my actions."     

Lifting one hand to his cheek, Mimi stared up into his dark gaze. "Although it will take time, I want to move on from my past and learn to love and support you better."     

Tobias studied her face while his hand languidly stroked the soft length of her back and arm. When she finished speaking, he continued, but his eyes were no longer looking at her. He took in a deep breath and closed his eyes.     

"When I was seventeen...my father had an affair with another woman."     

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