3*WARNING: The following content contains HEAVY mature content that may not be suitable for younger audiences.      2

It was late at night at the hospital when Mimi woke up.     

Her long, curled lashes slowly fluttered open, revealing hazy, puzzled violet eyes. The moment she blinked and moved a little, the man beside her stirred awake as well.     

Tobias felt his heart catch in his throat. His breath slowed down as his face tensed up. He gripped her hand and held it up to his face, those dark eyes never leaving her.     

"How do you feel? Do you need anything?" He asked gently.     

The slight pain from all over her body served to remind her of what had happened. Still, in a daze, Mimi's eyes moved around the room only to fix on a small sleeping figure.     

"Our baby..." She tried to sit herself up.     

Tobias was swift to hold her shoulders down, "The doctor recommended you don't move too much. It's not good for your body."     

With her bright eyes still locked on the baby, Mimi nodded her head. "Can I see her?"     

Right after giving birth, she had immediately fainted from the pain and exhaustion. Only for a brief second was she able to see their baby.     

Tobias's eyes softened as he looked at her. He turned over slightly to pull the bassinet over to their side. Mimi could not help but lean over to peek. When she saw the little life sleeping peacefully in the bassinet, her heart stirred.     

Looking at her tiny daughter's soft, round milky cheeks, and lush black hair, she smiled slightly, dimples appearing faintly. The baby's plump arms were aloft as if dreaming of cuddling the mother who stood so closely by.     

"She's adorable! Toby, why is she so cute?" Mimi's voice filled with fascination.     

Tobias couldn't help but quietly smile. He then stroked the young woman's wane, sallow face, and bent down to plant a kiss on her pale lips. He whispered into her ear, "Because she takes after her mother."     

As if she hadn't heard his compliment, Mimi asked, "Can I hold her?"     

Nodding his head, Tobias carefully picked up the small, chubby bundle before placing her into Mimi's arms. Feeling how light and warm she felt, her eyes stung. She carefully slid her pinky into her open hand. She watched as those tiny soft fingers curled around it, the baby still sleeping on her chest. She felt her soft breath on the back of her hand—it was so soft and sweet.     

"The doctor said she is perfectly healthy." Lying beside her on the bed, Tobias placed his hand gently on hers to support the baby.     

Through her exhaustion, Mimi smiled. "I'm glad. I'm so glad..."     

At that moment, she began to cry the sweetest tears she had ever shed—all the painful memories melting away. In her arms, the baby felt so light, so fragile. She looked so perfect and smelled like fresh milk powder.     

"You did well." He kissed the top of her head. There was a suppressed, intense emotion hidden within his mellow voice.     

Nodding her head, Mimi wiped the tears from her cheek and held the baby to her chest tightly. She would never let this precious bundle go. No matter what came, she would protect her. Even to the point of death.     


The weather was quite nice today. The golden sun shone through as if bringing a certain degree of warmth into the hospital room.     

That morning, Alec and Jean were quick to arrive. When they walked in, they were surprised to see Mimi holding her daughter with a gentle smile on her face. The sunlight glistened behind her, creating a heavenly glow.     

For a moment, she looked like an angel sent from God. Was this the same perverted glutton they knew?     

Noticing their presence, Mimi shifted her gaze and stared at them with a wide smile.     

"Hey, you two," The holy, motherly glow around her seemed to become even more intense. "Do you guys want to see her?"     

Shaking away their startled expressions, the two approached her. Alec peered at the small bundle in his sister's arms and felt his eyes water.     

"She really is beautiful, Ms. Mimi." Jean was equally emotional. Her eyes filled with pride and delight.     

For years, she had watched Mimi grow from a seven-year-old little genius, to now a young mother. There was no greater joy to express her feelings at this moment. All she could say was that she was happy.     

"I know." Mimi giggled and gently stroked her baby's plump cheeks.     

"Can I hold her?" Alec asked.     

"Wash your hands first," Mimi gestured to the hand sanitizer beside the bed.     

Both nodded and quickly went to clean their hands. Afterward, Mimi carefully put her daughter in Alec's arms. Her bright violet eyes found him and she blinked. Alec's eyes widened before he smiled.     

"Hello, little one. It's me, your Uncle Alec." He said, his voice sweet and sticky.     

In response, her thin, wispy brows scrunched up. Her little round face pouted. She swung her tiny fists and legs around. A couple of times, they would hit Alec's chest and face. He was dumbfounded.     

"I don't think she likes you," Mimi said blatantly, stifling a giggle.     

Alec pursed his lips, sulking. He could only reassure himself in his heart that it would only be temporary. At that moment, Tobias entered with a white duffle bag. Hearing his daughter's small cries as she flailed her arms around, he frowned.     

Dropping the bag, he walked over to take the baby from Alec's arms, who could only stand and watch as his niece was taken away so quickly. The moment she was in Tobias's arms, however, she laughed, as only a baby can laugh, a sweet sound unblemished by the hurts of life. Her little face glowed from a light within, and her miniature fingers grasped his and held tight.     

Again, Alec was silent with pursed lips. He felt Jean pat him on the back in comfort. He felt like sobbing.     

Just what exactly did he do to deserve this treatment?!     

Raising his soft gaze from his daughter onto Alec, Tobias said: "She doesn't like strangers."     

Alec: "..."     

What stranger! He was his uncle?!     

In the end, he could only bite his tongue and sulk.     

"What's her name?" Jean asked, breaking the dreary air.     

Mimi and Tobias both glanced at one another and smiled. "Her name is Mina. Mina Emily Itou."     

Alec was surprised for a moment. He didn't speak, seemingly too caught up in his emotions. Then, he smiled with teary eyes. "Mm, that's a good name."     

"It truly is." Jean couldn't help but wipe a tear from the corner of her eye.     

"I know." Mimi giggled and happened to shift her eyes to the television to see the news was on.     

There she saw the headline in bold, read: "Legendary, and Prestige CEO Henry Hirogori Passes Away from Cancer."     

There was no change or flicker in her expression. Instead, she looked away and reached for her little Mina with serene eyes. Tobias sat beside her while staring down at Mimi with tenderness. He kissed her cheek and stroked their daughter's small head.     

Jean and Alec watched on the side as the family basked in warm sunlight, the love and affectionate aura from them radiating strongly.     

Suddenly they felt out of place...     

After discharging from the hospital, it didn't take long for everyone to hear of little Mina's birth. Tobias's parents, Emilia, Grace, and her husband Glenn, all came over to meet the little one.     

Upon seeing the round, milky baby bundled in a frilly pink dress, their hearts burst. Emilia, who came with her girlfriend, looked at Mimi and sighed softly, her eyes curved.     

"She's lovely, Mimi."     

"Mm, she takes after me." Mimi played with her daughter's little pink toes.     

Emilia pursed her lips and sighed. Seeing the baby giggle, her eyes softened.     

"Ah, that's right," Mimi never removed her gaze from Mina. "Tobias and I wanted to ask you to be Mina's Godmother."     

Emilia nearly choked. She looked at Mimi with wide eyes, her mouth slightly open.     

"Really?" Was all she could manage to say.     

"Mhm." Mimi finally turned to her and smiled. "You are my best friend, after all."     

Holding back the rush of emotions in her chest, Emilia swallowed, her eyes moist. "I'd be glad to."     

"Good. Otherwise, I would have asked your girlfriend. If I never need help distracting her, her big breasts will do the trick."     

Dumbfounded, Emilia felt the urge to smack the girl in the head. But in front of Mimi's daughter, she didn't dare to. She could only swallow her outrage at the pervert.     

Once everyone left, Mimi tiredly lay in bed. Giving birth, walking around to cater to everyone, and admiring her adorable baby. She was tired. Just as she closed her eyes, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. Opening her eyes, she saw Tobias leaning over her with a cup of milk tea.     

"Do you have your pads on?" He set the cup in her hands to drink.     

Mimi nodded her head and sipped.     

"Cramps?" He rubbed her back.     

She nodded again.     

"I'll bring the heating pad." He immediately stood up to go into the closet and, coming back to wrap it around her back and stomach. "Comfortable?"     

Instead of answering him, Mimi smiled softly, her eyes full of gratitude. Taking that as a yes, Tobias sighed a breath of relief before lying beside her. Mimi finished drinking half of her tea before setting it to the side. Resting her head back into the pillow, she noticed a deep gaze on her. Turning, she saw Tobias staring at her with dark eyes.     


He seemed hesitant. His lips pursed in a tight line. Finally, he opened his mouth to speak in a deep and husky voice, "Thank you, Mimi."     

She blinked. Confused. "For what?"     

He swallowed. "For loving me. For giving us a child. For staying with me...For everything." His voice was soft and waxy. It sounded so pitiful, weak, and helpless.     

Mimi's eyes widened before she laughed softly. She rested her hand on his cheek, eyes growing softer by the second.     

"You're welcome," She teased. "But I should be the one thanking you. I don't know what I did to deserve a kind, loving, and wonderful man like you, Tobias Itou."     

The man's heart swelled at her words. He could hardly hold back his urge to take her in his arms and embrace her forever. But he held back and instead kissed the hand on his cheek.     

"When you recover after the pregnancy, let's get married." His voice deepened.     

"Are you proposing to me again?" Her sweet voice asked with a lilt of laughter.     

"Yes." Tobias's eyes never left her lovely face.     

"Mm, okay. Let's get married." Mimi giggled softly as she leaned her head against the man's strong chest.     

Tobias let out a quivering sigh and held her tight. His heart felt like it would burst at any moment. This amount of happiness was sinful.     

"I love you." He whispered against the top of her head.     

With a yawn, Mimi closed her eyes. "I love you too..." Her words faded as she drifted off into a deep sleep.     

Tobias chuckled and kissed her forehead before closing his eyes, wallowing in this warm sense of peace.     


The postpartum recovery process took longer than expected. Eight weeks to be exact. Just when Mimi thought it was over, she would experience cramps and postpartum bleeding. From the amount of blood she shed, Mimi was surprised she was still alive.     

As for their sweet little Mina, she had been the only joy within the past eight weeks. To their surprise, she wasn't as fussy as they heard most babies would be. She would occasionally cry when she was hungry or wanted attention, but otherwise, she was well behaved.     

Equally as surprising—to Tobias at least, was Mimi's sudden productivity. He remembered very clearly how she was afraid of being a mother. Now...he felt he was lacking as a parent.     

Whenever Mina cried, Mimi would be up. Because she worked at home, she spent most of her time playing with the baby. She did everything but clean the diaper. She didn't dare involve herself with something that smelled bad.     

Finally, after eight weeks, Mimi felt good as new. Besides the few extra pounds of belly and cheek fat, she felt wonderful!     

The wedding date soon arrived.     

On the big special day, the church was decorated to the brim with white roses and fairy lights. The seats filled with people as the piano played a soft, sweet tune. It was as if everyone had ventured into an enchanted forest. Everyone was smiling and chatting excitedly among themselves as the flower girls walked down the aisle.     

The moment everyone saw the violet-eyed baby with thick black hair in Jean's arms, their eyes softened, hearts melting. When the final girls walked down the rose aisle, everyone's eyes automatically locked on the figure dressed in white. A few gasped in awe.     

Tobias, who was on the other end, felt his heart skip a beat. She was beautiful.     

Her dark hair was tied up in an elegant bun, exposing her fair, glowing skin. The white sheets of the dress slipped onto her shoulders, peppering her body with soft, silk kisses. The bottom spiraled at the bottom in a flurry of roses and diamonds crafted from silk. A white bouquet of roses in her hands as she looked at Tobias with her soft smiles.     

When Mimi arrived in the front, she quickly kissed Mina on her rosy cheek before turning to Tobias.     

"You look beautiful..." His eyes were filled with deep, tender affection.     

Mimi laughed softly, her lovely face bright. "You don't look too bad yourself."     

Tobias smiled, already feeling the urge to kiss her. At that moment, the minister cleared his throat catching the couple's attention.     

"May we begin?"     

Mimi giggled and nodded her head. The old man's voice sounded throughout the church, his words rooting deeply in those present. After many long minutes, he finally said the words the couple waited for...     

"You may now kiss—"     

Without even waiting for him to finish, Mimi and Tobias leaned forward to kiss. The man's heart trembled with joy as he closed his eyes and drove his tongue inside. When he felt her fingertips on his lips, he reluctantly let go, opening his eyes to see her beautiful face covered in a rosy blush. His wife gave him a warning pout.     

His wife...     

He could no longer stop the foolish smile growing on his lips. Meanwhile, everyone applauded for the couple, some tears shed. Tobias reached for Mina while holding his wife's waist.     

Walking down the aisle, everyone tossed flowers toward them, their petals falling like white snow.     

For the rest of their lives, this would be the happiest moment.     



Lifting her gaze from her daughter, Mimi's eyes widened.     


The cold-faced man looked down at her and faintly grunted. Out of all the children, he resembled their father the most. Those sharp brown eyes, and his firm, taut jaw. They were almost identical. However, the gaze looking at her at this moment wasn't one of contempt but rather...peace?     

"Congratulations." He said.     

Mimi blinked. "Oh. Thank you." She unconsciously pulled the stroller Mina was in closer.     

Kenji glanced at her baby for only a second before looking back at her.     

"You don't need to worry, I won't be here long. I just wanted to offer you my congrats and also...thank you." Kenji's voice lowered.     

"For what?" Mimi raised an eyebrow.     

"Although it was unconscious, your words at the café that day made me think about my life. For that, I want to thank you." Kenji said in a mild yet appreciative tone.     

Confused for a moment, Mimi suddenly remembered the day Kenji called to meet her at that café. Before leaving, she had said a few words of advice.     

[I may not see you as a brother or even an acquaintance...but let me just say, you have the power, skills, and brains, so use them. Don't waste it on someone else's desires.]     

Who knew he would take those words to heart. Just as Mimi opened her mouth, a young woman appeared by Kenji's side. Immediately, she noticed the woman's swollen stomach.     

She recognized her...Monica was her name. A high school sweetheart of Kenji's.     

Seeing the loving gaze her half-brother was giving the woman in his arms, Mimi couldn't help but smile.     

She giggled softly. "Kenji, thank you for your well-wishings. I hope you both the best."     

Kenji stared at her and, for the first time, gave her a kind smile. "You as well, Mimi."     

He touched Monica's round stomach and stared at her longingly. "Let's go."     

Monica looked between him and Mimi, her eyes confused. In the end, she nodded her head and bowed politely to Mimi before leaving with Kenji. Watching the two walk away into the crowd, Mimi sighed softly.     

"Are you okay?" From the beginning, Tobias had been watching closely on the side. Considering he sensed no malice from Kenji, he didn't interfere.     

He rubbed her back in comfort. Mimi leaned against his body and giggled. "I'm okay."     

Touching Mina's cheek, her dimples deepened. Then, looking up at Tobias, she softly kissed his lips before she buried her face against his neck.     

"Everything has never been better."     


Two years later.     

"Mm...Toby stop. You have to get up for that business trip today." Mimi felt a hand drifting up to her inner thigh.     

"Tobias..." She whined. He still didn't undo their union and continued to plant kisses all over her body.     

She was already tired out from the morning exercise just an hour ago, and her whole body felt listless, making the day ahead look gloomy.     

"I'll be gone for five days. Five days without you...five days without touching you." Tobias's mouth continued to kiss her back and shoulder while he slowly penetrated her.     

"Silly, that doesn't mean to make me immobile for five days," Mimi grumbled, then moaned when his hips began to move passionately.     

"Mimi..." Tobias's deep voice was against her, while his hot breath made her entire body shiver.     

He held her neck and kissed her intensely. When he took his lips off hers and saw her misty eyes, he picked up speed. Letting out a pleasured sigh, Mimi wrapped both of her legs around his waist while the man grabbed her hips and pinned their lower abdomens tightly close to each other. Her tender flesh was clinging to him, moving along with his movements and squeezing him tightly as he moved.     

For the next twenty minutes, the bed creaked lewdly, followed by the sounds of coquettish cries increasingly becoming screams.     

When both finally found their release, Tobias laid his body onto her breasts and breathed heavily against her skin. In silence, the two basked to the sound of morning birds until the sound of a toddler's cry startled them.     

"I'll get her. You go get cleaned up." Tobias kissed her swollen lips before pushing himself out of bed.     

Mimi stared at the man's firm, bare butt suddenly being covered by a white robe. She sighed to herself.     

Damn did she get lucky.     

After getting set for the morning, Mimi fed two-year-old Mina breakfast. When Tobias came out dressed in a black suit, she whistled.     

"Looking very handsome today." She giggled.     

Tobias chuckled and carried two ties. One black, one purple.     

"Which one?" He held both up.     

"Hmm..." Mimi stared at the two and suddenly looked at Mina. "What do you think Mina? The black one or the purple one?"     

With messy cheeks, Mina looked up from her bowl of sweet potato porridge and stared at the two ties. Her big violet eyes blinked.     

"Dada." She pointed to the purple one.     

Laughing softly, Mimi kissed her daughter's loveable cheeks. "Good choice! I was just going to say that one myself!"     

Mina let out a sweet giggle to her mother's affection. Tobias watched the two with a warm smile and put on the purple tie. Afterward, he walked over to the two and gave both a kiss on the cheek.     

"I will be back soon. Okay?" He quickly pecked her lips.     

"Don't worry about me. I have plenty of things to satisfy my needs." Mimi chuckled.     

Tobias's dark eyes met hers sternly while he kept a hold on her chin. Suddenly, the man stole her lips in a fierce kiss—covering Mina's eyes in the process. Finally releasing her lips, he gave them one quick nip for smiling.     

"I'll be back soon."     

At a total loss, Mimi could only nod her head. After breakfast, Mimi held Mina while waving Tobias goodbye.     

"Say, bye-bye to daddy!" She lifted Mina's arm to wave.     

Smiling, Tobias waved goodbye to the two before entering his car. It wasn't until the car drove away did Mimi head back inside. She stared at the empty home and sighed.     

For five days, Tobias would be away on a trip. This was the longest time she had spent alone with Mina.     

It was going to be so exciting!     


In what felt like a decade, five days passed.     

In the back seat of the SUV, Tobias was sitting down with his eyes closed, supporting his chin with his hand on the armrest. It was as though the car was enveloped in a blanket of silence. A heavy silence.     

For five days, he was subjected to seeing his wife and daughter on a small screen. Unable to touch or feel their warmth. He felt as if he had gone mad. Tobias opened his dark eyes, feeling even more impatient.     

He wanted to see them.     

When the car finally arrived in front of the condo complex, Tobias hadn't even waited for it to stop before he stepped out. Not bothering to take the elevator, he ran up the stairs until he made it to the sixth floor. Regaining his breath, he unlocked the door and stepped inside.     

It was completely dark. He wasn't too surprised, considering it was eleven at night. Hours passed Mina's bedtime. Tobias quietly took off his shoes and stepped inside the house. He entered Mina's bedroom and suddenly stopped in his tracks, eyes wide.     

Leaning back on a soft, comfortable, fresh-scented lounge chair was Mimi, small Mina laying peacefully in her arms. In the long silence, Tobias finally stepped closer. His gaze bore into his wife's face.     

Very quickly, he noticed the heavy dark circles under her eyes. He could only imagine how difficult it was for her to take care of Mina all on her own. But despite her evident fatigue, there was a small smile hanging on her lips, and her face was thoroughly relaxed. There was an unprecedented calm and tranquility in her.     

With a soft smile, Tobias lowered his head, pressing his lips against Mimi's forehead. There was the cool scent of the person he loved on his lips. It intoxicated him. His intense eyes were filled with a sea of love. Mimi shifted, eyes fluttering open. When her vision cleared and she saw the man before her, her eyes filled with joy.     

"Welcome home."     

It was then Mimi noticed the gaze that the other used to look at her was more profound than before; as if there was some kind of heavy, stirring emotion in those eyes.     

He then slowly craned his head down and placed a yearning, affectionate kiss against her hair. He then spoke with a quiet, hoarse voice. "I'm home. Mimi Itou."     

THE END.     


A/N: I know it took me so long to post this, but we are finally here! I can't believe this is the end. MIMI was the first story I created and posted online. All the characters have played a major role in my life. There were times where I wanted to prolong the story even further--just so I could enjoy their company longer. But all things must come to an end. To part with them feels very sad for me. Nonetheless, I am also happy to put them to rest.     

Truly, I am so thankful I had the chance to share this story with all of you. I hope enjoyed these characters just as much as I have. Thank you!     

P.S. There will be extras of the main characters and side characters. Can't leave all of the lonely! For example, Alec's possible love interest...some GL between Emilia and her girlfriend. Who knows <:     

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.