Imagine A Life Without Birds

Imagine A Life Without Birds

1*WARNING: The following content contains HEAVY mature content that may not be suitable for younger audiences.      1

At the back in the café parking lot, the couple walked back to Tobias's car—their hands still interlocked. The moment Mimi was inside, she found arms around her waist, pulling her into a kiss. Instead of falling deep into his embrace, she gently placed her hand on his chest and pushed him back.     

Mimi stared deep into his gaze. Tobias's eyes never wavered, but she didn't need to see his expression to know how emotionally troubled he was.     

"What is it?" She searched his eyes, grazing his rough cheek.     

Tobias breathed deeply and closed his eyes, falling victim to her soft touches. When he opened them again, she could see the deep and unmistakable lust within. Without another word, he grabbed the back of her head, crushing her lips against his.     

"Mimi, I can't…I want you now." He growled, his voice low and husky.     

He ran his teeth along her jaw, nipping and sucking, and then he's kissing her again, hard—not caring that they were in the car in brought daylight. However, lucky for the two of them, his windows were tinted.     

Laughing softly, Mimi wrapped her arms around his neck and straddled herself around on the already throbbing rod in his pants.     

"Lucky for you…I also can't wait." Her words faded as she delved in for a deep kiss.     

With no doubt about it, they were going to do it. In a public parking lot.     

As she ground down on him, Tobias's breath hissed through his teeth. His hand spread across her neck, pulling her back and tilting her head to one side so he could kiss her throat. She felt his hands snake up her thighs, bypassing her skirt. Gently, he slid her panties to the side. His fingers played with her clit before sinking inside, moving them in a circle, around and around and around in ever so torturing movements.     

Pulling their lips apart, Mimi released a soft moan. Her body gyrated involuntarily to the precise pumps of his long fingers.     

"Right there…" She whimpered. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders squeezed as she leaned forward.     

"Mimi, touch me…please…" His words were soft and close to her ear. It was such a seductive plea.     

In a daze, Mimi slipped her arms off around his shoulders and unzipped his pants. Through heavy breaths and incoherent sounds, she found his throbbing, thick cock, leaking with pre-cum. Gripping it in her hand, she began stroking it, fast and hard, as he told her to.     

While his fingers drenched in her juice, her own soaked with his. Just before either reached their climax, Tobias suddenly flipped her on his seat, pulling the lever to drop them back. Mimi yelped and looked up to see he was hovering over her.     

"Toby…condom…" Mimi reminded, biting the finger that stroked her sweaty face.     

Grunting a low, deep sound, Tobias grabbed a box from the glove box. Seeing this, Mimi's eyes widened.     

She leaned up on her elbows. "Pervert, have you thought about doing it in here all this time?"     

Tobias froze and stared at her. He looked as if he wanted to explain himself, but instead leaned down and captured her lips in a gentle kiss. Almost like a silent apology.     

"Yes." His deep voice was soft.     

Curling her lips into a seductive grin, Mimi bit his bottom lip. "Now you're making me wonder what other places you've hidden them. Your work…my office…I'm curious."     

Those deep black eyes stared at her with a hungry, penetrable gaze. Tearing the condom with his teeth, Tobias pulled back, licking his lips, and spread her legs.     

He guided his dick to her entrance before he lowered his head and whispered against her lips, "We can do it anywhere you want." Then he shoved deep.     

"Ah!" Mimi clawed his back, mouth opened at his abrupt thrust. Tears sprung to her eyes.     

Her back rubbed back and forth against the car seat while he powered into her over and over. At some point, her head hit something; however, she was too lost in the pleasure to feel it. Tobias held the top of her head, still thrusting into her deeply.     

Wrapping one leg around his, Mimi grabbed his head and pulled it down into a searing kiss.     

"Harder…" She demanded, biting his bottom lip.     

He did, hands holding her waist in a bruising grip as he attacked her insides with the hammering pumps of his hips. She arched her back, coming for what felt like the third time. Mimi groaned and ran her fingernails across his back.     

He puffed a strangled moan. "Fuck, Mimi." Tobias choked.     

"More…I want you…I want all of you…" She moaned in his ear. She felt his length quiver and vibrate against her. He released his hot fluid inside the condom, body shivering. Mimi smiled, kissing his jaw then lips.     

Tobias leaned over, grabbed her hips, and pulled her upright so she was practically sitting on him. He nuzzled her neck, biting down, as he flexed his hips, deliciously slow, pleasuring her again and again. She felt him smile against her neck, and his fingers curled around the strands of her damp hair.     

"Did I hurt you?" He stroked the top of her head.     

"No." Mimi shook her head, face leaning into his chest.     

Although they still had most of their clothes on, they were in complete disarray, not to mention the scent of sweat filling the car.     

They sat quietly, enjoying each other's company before he said, "Earlier when you said you couldn't imagine a life without me…what did you mean?"     

Instead of answering him immediately, Mimi's fingers traveled over the muscular slopes and valleys of his arms.     

"What do you think I meant?"     

"I don't know. That's why I'm asking you."     

"What are you hoping I'll say?"     

"Mimi…" Tobias grunted. He was sulking.     

Mimi lifted her head to stare at Tobias for a long moment, trying to read the emotions on his face. Staring into those dark eyes, she brushed a thumb over his thick eyebrows.     

"What I said, I meant every word. I can't—I won't imagine a life without you." She whispered. "Even if one day you stop loving me, I won't be able to let go."     

Tobias's eyes darkened at her words. He tugged her hair, making her fall to his lips. They kiss, lips, and tongue fully engaged. It was such a strong and passionate kiss, her lips stung. When he finally pulled away, Tobias leaned their foreheads together.     

"Mimi, I promise you…I will love no one else like you. No one else can or will make me feel the way as I do for you." He said, almost painfully.     

With trembling eyes, Mimi nodded her head and held him tight.     

"Ah, Tobias what do I do? I can't stop myself from falling more and more in love with you! I'm worried my heart might explode." She rubbed her face into his neck.     

Tobias chuckled. He kissed her cheek and held her close.     

"It's okay. I can't help myself either."     

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