Villain Lady

Sugar Painting [END]

Sugar Painting [END]

0"Yes, Your Majesty?" Prince Ji Sheng replied without turning around.      1

Ji Shao Yang pursed his lips. "Please protect the north."     

"I will."     

"I wish you happiness."     

Prince Ji Sheng's eyes flickered when he heard what Ji Shao Yang said. The two of them couldn't help but wary with each other, but they had decided to trust each other to a certain degree. After all, they knew that it was important to make connections in order to be able to protect Han Shi Kingdom.     

"Thank you, Your Majesty."     

In the end, all Prince Ji Sheng do was to nod his head and walk out of the hall.     

Behind him, Ji Shao Yang watched his brother's departing back and sighed. This was only the beginning for a new Han Shi Kingdom. He looked at his hand and vowed that he would create a better kingdom that promoted peace.     

Historian would later note down that Emperor Ji Shao Yang was a peace loving Emperor. He would settle the problem with the neighboring kingdoms by signing a treaty that allowed them to coexist. At the same time, there were also increase in economy during his reign, increasing the citizen's prosperity.     

There was not much record about Prince Ji Sheng anymore, but he would not try to create war with his brother. Thus, the kingdom was at peace for a long period of time. What happened during that time to his retainers were not recorded as the historian focused on the Emperor.     


Near the gate, Yang Xian and Wei Liuying were waiting for Prince Ji Sheng to get the permission to leave the capital city.     

"How many messages have Princess Gao Ling sent?" Wei Liuying asked while standing near the carriage. Her black eyes were watching the soldiers who were doing their duty and some others who were waiting for their general. This time, she had returned back to her previous appearance as a young girl with white dress. It might be convenient for her to wear men robe, but she still preferred to be a woman again.     

She would only wear men's robe if she was about to go to the war again.     

Yang Xian tilted his head. "She sent nearly one message each day, so I guess it should be more than 50 messages."     

"I see."     

Thinking about how Prince Ji Sheng also responded to each message, Wei Liuying laughed faintly. She could guess that the two of them were missing each other very much. At the same time, Gao Ling was doing a good job to fend the frontline all this time. There was not much war going on since Prince Ji Sheng already pushed Xiong Tribe back far away. Only some skirmish still occurred from time to time.     

"His Highness sure takes his time."     

"It might not be easy to get the permission from His Majesty."     

Yang Xian pursed his lips. He turned his head to the side and grinned. "Wait here for me a bit. I'll return back soon."     


Wei Liuying watched as Yang Xian dashed to the side and shook her head. She wondered what did he want to do this time since this strategist was truly eccentric. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Manager Xin coming with a box in his hand. Her eyes widened when she saw him.     

"Manager…. I mean Prime Minister Xin, what brings you here?" Wei Liuying asked worriedly.     

Manager Xin smiled and passed the box to Wei Liuying. "I could guess that you're planning to get married at the north. It's a pity that I won't be able to see it, but I hope that you can be happy."     

The box was heavy and at that time, Wei Liuying knew that it was the money she had entrusted Manager Xin with for the past few years. After she used the money to buy the restaurant, it had given her more profit with time. Even though it was already used from time to time for some matter, the rest of the sum was still quite substantial. She had told him that she would take it once she got married and now that she was about to reach 16 years old, it was time for her to take the money back.     

A smile formed on her lips. "Thank you very much for your help all this time, Prime Minister Xin."     

"I only hope that you won't stop writing. The book you give is very interesting and there are already a lot of people who want copies of it. I want to know what kind of research you'll do in the future," Manager Xin said with a laugh.     

Wei Liuying nodded enthusiastically. "I'll send you the next one after I have finished my research, Manager Xin."     

"That's good."     

At this time, Yang Xian returned back. In his hand, he was holding onto a sugar painting in the shape of a bunny. He looked at Manager Xin and bowed slightly as he continued to walk in Wei Liuying's direction.     

Manager Xin's eyes flashed. "I won't disturb the two of you again. And Liuying, if you find him annoying, you're welcomed to return back to the bookstore at any time."     

"There's no need to worry so much, Prime Minister Xin. I'll not mistreat my future wife," Yang Xian said with a smile, yet there was a hint of darkness in his eyes. He had worked so hard to make sure that he could tie her with him. How could he possibly let her get away from him?     

Manager Xin chuckled. "We shall meet again, youngsters."     

As Manager Xin left, Yang Xian and Wei Liuying saw Prince Ji Sheng coming on top of his horse. He had changed his clothing to wear the armor again and waved his hand, signaling that they would depart soon.     

Yang Xian made an eye contact with Prince Ji Sheng. They didn't say anything, but it was enough to convey a message. After that brief moment, Yang Xian opened the door to the carriage and looked at Wei Liuying with his hand extended.     

"May I help you enter?"     

"Thank you…"     

Normally, it would be maidservant who helped her or her husband, but Wei Liuying had long decided to overlook Yang Xian's obvious advance. She felt as if he was trying to mark her as his even though they were not married yet.     

Wei Liuying watched as Yang Xian also entered the carriage and closed the door. As the carriage began to move, she opened her mouth. "Why did you enter?"     

"I wish to stay with you."     

"Won't people complain because their strategist is inside a carriage and not riding on a horse?"     

"We're not marching to war, so it's fine." Yang Xian stretched his hand that was holding the sugar painting and smiled lightly. "For you."     

"Sugar painting?"     

"Didn't this remind you of something?"     

Wei Liuying took the sugar painting as she thought of two years or so ago. At that time, she was going to the street due to Wei Xiao Hua's sudden whim when she met with a servant named Yang. He asked about sweets and something like that and as thanks, he gave her a sugar painting.     

A smile formed on the corner of her lips as she licked the sugar painting. It was sweet and tasty. "I remember our first meeting ends with this kind of sugar painting."     

Yang Xian chuckled. "That's the first time I see a peculiar young girl from a noble family who didn't put on airs."     

"I'm sure I'm not the only one as there are many other noble ladies who will not put on airs in front of strangers."     

"But you're the only one who received men's education and still keep your composure even when facing an unknown stranger."     

Wei Liuying pursed her lips. Yang Xian must have found out because of Shi Yan since he was one of the earliest people who knew about her real abilities. Putting the sugar painting in front of her, Wei Liuying looked at Yang Xian.      

"Have I attracted your attention from such a long time ago, Yang Xian?"     

"You did, Wei Liuying." Yang Xian smiled. "When did you first take notice of me?"     

When did she first take notice of Yang Xian?     

Wei Liuying's eyes landed on the sugar painting in her hand. From the moment she got the sugar painting back then, she had been looking out for him in wariness because she knew that he's a dangerous man.     

Slowly, Wei Liuying raised the sugar painting. "Since this incident."     


Yang Xian lowered his head and licked the sugar painting in Wei Liuying's hand. His movement was swift and before Wei Liuying could protest, he raised his hand and pulled her head closer. In that moment, their lips locked in a kiss. The sweet smell from the sugar painting assaulted their nose as they tasted each other's lips.     

After a few moments, Yang Xian moved back. He licked his lips. "Sweet."     

"It's because of the sugar painting," Wei Liuying said slowly, trying to control her erratic breathing.     

Yang Xian chuckled and leaned on the chair, not believing the excuse.     

Wei Liuying pursed her lips and inched closer. Slowly, she rested her head on his shoulder as her eyes watched the sugar painting in her hand. It was funny that everything started from this small sugar painting that only worth 3 copper coins. A food that usually only commoners enjoyed because the noble family scorned it.     

"Unexpected encounters can lead to something more," Yang Xian said unhurriedly. He smiled faintly. "The best day in my life is the day I meet with you."     

Wei Liuying chuckled. They were not this close at first, but they gradually grew closer as time passed. She licked the sugar painting again. "This is only the beginning, Xian. There's still a long road in front of us."     

Yang Xian nodded and caressed Wei Liuying's hair with his hand. It was soft. "Yes, it's a new beginning for the kingdom and for us. And this time, it'll be a peaceful world."     

"Peace, huh?" Wei Liuying closed her eyes. "Yeah, it'll be nice."     

After tirelessly scheming and waging war all this time, it would be nice if they could relax for some time.     

"Yes." Yang Xian kissed Wei Liuying's head. "We'll work together to protect this peace."     


As the carriage departed to the north, the couple continued to talk about many things.     

Historian recorded that the peace treaty with other tribes were made as trades started to develop. While the scale was still small, it was a good start for a peaceful era where economy would grow and the citizen life's improved.     



Hey everyone, the author is here *waves hand with broad smile*     

Thank you very much for reading this novel until the end. While there might be still many things that occurred in Han Shi Kingdom, I think it'll be better to leave the rest to your imagination and let the character lived their lives, away from the peeping eyes of me and the readers.     

While I'm at it, I'll like to say that the story is NOT based on real history. The setting and what happened here is completely fiction. Whilst I'm keeping the culture and location to Ancient Chinese during Qin and Han Dynasty, I'm not following all of the real timeline and history when I'm making this story.     

P.S: There's also no Han Shi Kingdom in the real Chinese History.      

Back to the point.     

I know that some of you would like to read more of the story, but this is the ending that I have in my mind and adding more would only stretch the story more than necessary.     

And I don't want that.     

So, this is the end….     



I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Thank you very much for the past few months.     

It has been an eventful journey with all of you here.     

Thank you very much for reading up until now. I'm extremely grateful for all of your support. No matter how small you thought they were, it was all of this that kept me continue writing and eventually finished the story. :D     

For this story, I'll post a few epilogues after a short break and as for side story…. I have a question asked in the next chapter.     

Thank you very much everyone.     

With love,     

Sorahana <3     

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