Villain Lady



0Wei Xiao Hua looked at her husband as she thought of her first brother.     

"I don't know."     


"I don't have animosity with my first brother. if he's standing on your path, I won't stop you from eliminating him," Wei Xiao Hua responded after a while. In this world, the real Wei Xiao Hua never have anyone important to her aside from her husband and maidservants. Those people who claimed to be her family members were only trying to get close to her because of Prince Ji Shu.     

When she was the spectator as the reader, there were times when she felt that Wei Xiao Hua was too ruthless. But now that she was facing them by herself, she felt that the real Wei Xiao Hua was still too lenient.     

These people were so annoying, and she had to entertain them in many occasions. It was so tiring.     

However, she didn't want to kill unnecessary people too. Since she had no animosity with Wei Yijun, she would only kill her first brother if he stood on Prince Ji Shu's path to the throne. And killing people with her own hand… still made her feel so sick that she was unwilling to do so.     

They have to win the throne. It was the only way to survive as part of the Imperial Family members. If they didn't, they would die? Wei Xiao Hua forgot the exact detail of the princes who failed to get the throne but many of them died in the end because of their failure.     

"Is there anyone you wish for me to keep alive?" Prince Ji Shu asked.     

"I only wish for you to stay alive and don't kill people unless it's necessary," Wei Xiao Hua replied.     

"Yes, yes."     

After that, Prince Ji Shu turned Wei Xiao Hua around and kissed her deeply. It might be still evening, but he was already feeling impatient.     

In any case, there was nothing else that he needed to do for the day. As for the autumn hunt that would be held soon, he only needed to do what he planned to.     


- Northern Border -     

A few months had passed since the last battle and by now, everyone had already heard about Princess Ji Xiaoli's merit. There was even a memorial held for her in the capital city but Prince Ji Sheng and the others didn't come to participate. They were still busy trying to use the momentum to win the war.     

It was the Emperor and the other princes who generously gave the announcement and have mourning period for her. Even if it was just to show face because of her achievement, it didn't matter much to the people living in the capital city.      

The people were sad, but they didn't dwell too much on it since the north felt so far away from them. All they knew was that the historian would be asked to record this incident, albeit just one sentence about how Princess Ji Xiaoli would help the war from behind the scene.     

That was enough for them.     


Blood spurted out as a body fell down to the ground. Wei Liuying was holding her sword as she looked at the tribe's member in front of her. The war was technically finished since they have already pushed Xiong Tribe back. However, there were still a lot of small groups roaming this are that needed to be cleaned up.     

Wei Liuying was part of the people who were tasked to clean up the mess.     

"Strategist Liu, it's clear over here."     

"Good. Regroup with Commander Zhao."     

"Yes, Strategist Liu."     

Wei Liuying wiped her sweat and looked around. She furrowed her brows and sighed. The bloody sight had become something that she had to face from time to time. It was already autumn, but their work was not finished yet.     

Walking back to their camp, a soldier rushed in. "Strategist Liu, there's a message from Strategist Yang."     

"What is it?"     

"He said that he'll be coming in half an incense stick time."     

Wei Liuying rolled her eyes and nodded. Since the messenger had already arrived here by now, it meant that Strategist Yang will arrive in just a few breaths time. She waved her hand. "I understand. You're dismissed."     

"Yes, Strategist Liu!"     

Commander Zhao was watching from a distance away and smiled when he saw how Wei Liuying ordered the soldiers to continue their work after she had received the message. It was only a few months, but she had gotten even better with her position as the strategist.     

"Good work today, Strategist Liu."     

"Thank you for your hard work too, Commander Zhao," Wei Liuying responded. She smiled faintly. "Are you thinking of having some rest?"     

"We have basically cleaned this area, so I think that it's time to make the report and give it to His Highness."     

"You should wait a bit before submitting the report. His Highness is going to get married tomorrow."     

"Ah, right. How could I forget something so important! In that case, we need to return back to Prince Ji Sheng's City and attend His Highness's Wedding!"     

Wei Liuying shook her head amusedly when she saw Commander Zhao hurriedly ordered his soldiers to move. That cleaning was the last one for their work, and she had already told the soldiers to clean up. It was for that reason that she participated directly in the cleaning.     

Prince Ji Sheng chose the date to get married not long after the war with Xiong Tribe was over. There were still several other troubles in the border, but it was not enough to hinder his plan to get married to Gao Ling. The two of them have waited long enough, so it was their well deserved marriage if one should say.     

Before Wei Liuying could return back, she heard a familiar voice calling her.     

"Liu Ying."     

"Yang Xian."     

Yang Xian grinned and waved his hand on top of his horse. "You haven't prepared yourself for a journey, yet?"     

After a few months, Wei Liuying no longer called Yang Xian with his title and directly used his name. He would nag her for a long time if she ever returned back to her previous way to call him, so she finally gave in to his request.     

Besides, Prince Ji Sheng would look at her with strange gaze whenever she returned back to using formal title to address Yang Xian. For one reason or another, Wei Liuying just felt these two were collaborating together to push her towards Yang Xian.     

Wei Liuying smiled and shook her head. "I'll be going soon after I took my bag. The soldiers have already prepared the horse."     

"You seem to be well suited to be a leader."     

"I'm merely a helper here."     

Yang Xian laughed and waited patiently. Looking at the camp condition along with the soldiers' atmosphere, he could tell that Wei Liuying had been working hard for a long time to make them accepted her. There were still many people who didn't like having a kid ordered them around, but with Wei Liuying continuing to prove herself, they gradually accepted her.     

By now, Prince Ji Sheng's soldiers would not have any complaint no matter which platoon Wei Liuying was placed into.     

'It's good.'     

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