Villain Lady

A Little Tampering

A Little Tampering

3This was not the right time as she had to make sure that she diffused the situation properly.     

"In that case, shall we go?"     


Gao Ling turned around. "Soldier Ying, fetch the arrow."     

"Yes, Lady Gao."     

Wei Liuying purposely lowered her voice to make her sound more like male. Wei Xiao Hua knew her real voice, so she had to change it. Even though several months have passed since the last time they met, Wei Liuying was not about to take a chance to make it easier for Wei Xiao Hua to recognize her.     

Thankfully, Wei Xiao Hua's attention was fixated on Gao Ling, so she didn't realize that Wei Liuying was trying hard to make sure that her voice changed. If only she paid a little bit more attention, she might have realized it.     

'The arrow is deep.'     

Wei Liuying looked at the arrow that was embedded deep into the tree and worked hard to pull it out. It was not that easy since it was planted so deep, but with enough force, Wei Liuying managed to pull it out.     

'I also wish to shoot the arrow, dummy. But if I do that, the guards around Wei Xiao Hua will have no hesitation from killing me immediately.'     

There were several guards who were following Wei Xiao Hua from the shadow. With Wei Liuying's current martial arts, she could barely sense them from a distance away, so she could only estimate their number. They all must have been Prince Ji Shu's elite guards since they were tasked to protect Wei Xiao Hua.     

With this, it was clear that Wei Xiao Hua possessed an extremely high position in Prince Ji Shu's heart.     

Wei Liuying shook her head and then headed inside. By this time, the two young ladies have started to compete in poetry as they began to recite several famous poetries on the spot. Shi Lu Wen was sitting by the side, listening to the famous poetries that both Gao Ling and Wei Xiao Hua uttered.     

Wei Liuying: "…" I can't understand any of them.      

She was never good when it came to arts too, so Wei Liuying chose to be bystander.     



The two young ladies continued to compete and tried to be the one with the last laugh.      

"Lady Gao, I'm sure you haven't heard that…"     

"Oh, Miss Xiao Hua, you must be kidding…"     

The servants and other people inside the room were forced to listen to these two flattering each other while hiding the hidden blades inside their words. Even though not a single one of them said it out loudly, they were trying to make sure that they were not getting involved.     

If only words could kill, these two might have already started massacre from a long time ago.      

Time passed swiftly in this manner until it was the time for dinner. The others were already tired, but the two young ladies didn't seem to be willing to rest.     

"It's already the time for dinner." Wei Xiao Hua forced a smile out. She had to admit, Gao Ling truly had high tenacity and stamina. She was already dead tired from trying to catch up with the pace Gao Ling was going at.     

"In that case, shall we compete on drinking?"     

"Drinking?" Wei Xiao Hua's interest was piqued up. She always loved wine back in her real world, but here, she couldn't drink because she was not of age yet. It was to the point that she wanted to wail at her misfortune for transmigrating to a body that was still so small.     


"Lady Gao, you're still not of age," Du Min tried to remind Gao Ling.     

Gao Ling waved her hands. "It's fine. This is not the first time I'm drinking wine too."     

Wei Xiao Hua thought about the novel. Back then, the real Wei Xiao Hua was also a good drinker and had a good time with Gao Ling. The two of them ended in a tie, so it was all good.     

"In that case, I don't mind."     

"But of course, we need to find way to bring wine to the temple first," Gao Ling added and looked at Wei Liuying. "Bring some wine here."     

Wei Liuying resisted the urge to roll her eyes at that order. Well, it didn't really matter since she knew that there was actually wine in this temple. Some naughty younger monk didn't like the strict diet and secretly smuggled some barrels of wine here. With Wei Liuying's keen sense, she managed to detect the faint smell of wine when she passed by one of the storage room.     

"Please wait here, Lady Gao. And please eat first."     

"Fine. Serve the food in this room instead."     

"Yes, Lady Gao."     

While Wei Xiao Hua and Gao Ling ate to their fill, Wei Liuying walked to the storage room and opened it. Looking at the barrels inside along with several other items, she shook her head lightly. Those people must have been very naughty to smuggle so many barrels of wine.     

For now, she should just do what Gao Ling wanted and observe the situation.      

She picked one of the barrel and rolled it out of the room back to the location where Gao Ling and Wei Xiao Hua was staying.     

"Lady Gao, here is the wine."     

"Great! We can start now. Lu Wen!"     

"I'll pour it," Shi Lu Wen replied. She picked up a cup and started to divide the wine while both Wei Xiao Hua and Gao Ling glared to each other. They were holding a glass of wine in each of their hands.     

"Let's start, First Miss Wei."     

"With pleasure, Lady Gao."     

On the side, the fake Wei Liuying had no other choice but to stay silent. She was not taught about what kind of response she should have in this kind of situation, so she simply stayed silent and tried not to attract any attention to herself.     

Wei Liuying looked at the fake one and noticed the hostile gaze shown to her from outside.     

'Heh, I'm under watch too now?'     

She crossed her hands and leaned to the back wall, leaving Gao Ling and Wei Xiao Hua on their drinking competition. Du Min was standing not far from her, watching the commotion before him without any change in his expression. From his alertness, Wei Liuying knew that Du Min also realized the guards around Wei Xiao Hua.     

They were trying to make sure that no harm could happen to their young miss as they didn't wish to incur the wrath from Prince Ji Shu.     

"Uhm, Soldier Ying, is there any other wine? This one is almost run out," Shi Lu Wen asked with hesitation.     

Wei Liuying nodded. "I'll take more."     

She went through the same way as before while paying attention to the plants around her. There were several familiar ones as the one that she had tried to eat back in the past. In addition, there were several of them that Wei Liuying knew to be poisonous because of the properties.     

Her hand lightly picked several stalks when she was on her way to return back and headed into the room.     

"Ah, thank you," Shi Lu Wen gave her thanks when she saw the second barrel. Even though she was curious where Wei Liuying found these barrels, she was glad that it was here.     

"There's poison…." Wei Liuying whispered when she was near Shi Lu Wen.     

Shi Lu Wen was also good at maintaining her facial expression thanks to her brother's training. When he was meeting his guest, she had to make sure that she made proper expression no matter how displeased she was. There were some bad customers too who just wouldn't do anything properly and simply very annoying.     

There were several plants and herbs that Shi Lu Wen brought with her. It was easy for her to mix the herbs to the glass that was used for Gao Ling. Aside from some medicine to prevent Gao Ling from getting drunk, now she added more to prevent Gao Ling from getting poisoned.     

"Did you do something?" Du Min asked when Wei Liuying had returned.     

Wei Liuying raised her head. "Do you see anything?"     

Du Min furrowed his brows. Wei Liuying was simply leaning in slightly when she passed the barrel and put it in standing position. He couldn't see what she was talking because she was only facing Shi Lu Wen at that very moment. And one sentence was more than enough for Wei Liuying to pass the message.      


"Then, what do you think I do?" Wei Liuying asked back.     

This time, Du Min couldn't answer and merely watched the performance from the side. The two young ladies slowly grew tired and Wei Xiao Hua began to feel dizzy. Gao Ling was in much better condition thanks to the medicine that Shi Lu Wen mixed in, but Wei Xiao Hua was not.     

"Is there anything wrong, Lady Xiao Hua?" Gao Ling asked with a grin.     

Wei Xiao Hua glared at Gao Ling. "You…"     


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