Villain Lady



3She would make sure to protect everyone here and come out of this place safely. It's her duty as the strategist and promise she made for her friends.     2


"Liu Ying!"     

Wei Liuying walked out of the corridor and glanced up. She smiled faintly, as if saying that everything would be fine. They would be able to get out of this predicament together.     

Gao Ling felt like crying even more when she saw Wei Liuying's smile. It was a warm smile that didn't seem to suit the situation. The smile gave her hope and guarantee that they would be alright. However, Gao Ling only felt like she would be crying even more because of the gesture.     

She felt so stupid and useless here.     

Because of her impulse and anger, she acted on her own accord and put herself in this situation. If only she hadn't drunk before, she wouldn't be feeling this bad and would be able to help Wei Liuying more.     

That way, there was no need for Wei Liuying to get hurt.     

And yet, the one who had to reassure her was instead Wei Liuying. This made Gao Ling felt immense regret for her foolish decision.      

'No, I can't cry. There's no use crying over spilled milk.'     

Gao Ling wiped her tears and set the next arrow. Her eyes were looking to the distance as her fingers trembled once more. She didn't know why, but she wished that she would be able to become a proper leader that didn't make things hard for Wei Liuying.     

This would be her promise.     


The arrows in her hand moved even faster. The number of people approaching from a distance was reduced and Gao Ling felt that she could see the situation better. Even though she was still feeling annoyed because of her condition, she didn't want to let it affect her in the slightest bit.     

'Faster and faster.'     

'I want to help her.'     

Focusing her attention, Gao Ling shot the next arrow and the next one without stopping.     


Several men fell before they could even reach Wei Liuying. Seeing that, the corner of Wei Liuying's lips curled up to form a smile. It seemed that she would be able to focus on the overall situation more now that Gao Ling had covered for her.     

Previously, Gao Ling was unable to be the archer properly because her head was too dizzy. But now, Wei Liuying knew that Gao Ling could be trusted to cover the area. For the time being, she could focus on other things.     

"Move back two steps. Tighten the formation!" Wei Liuying gave her order.      

With the number of the bandits have been greatly reduced, she knew that it wouldn't be easy for them to maintain a big formation. They have to reduce the size so that they could cover for each other beside them. And the best way to reduce the size would be by reducing the distance to the center.     


The bandits were following her order without asking any question.      

By this time, Shan Yi had been lamenting that he was no longer the bandit's leader but it was Wei Liuying. The way she gave order didn't seem to be like that of someone who was borrowing the men from others.     

'Tsk, just how did you train her back in the north, Yang?'     

Shan Yi felt that Wei Liuying seemed to grow so quickly. The fame that had been spreading far and wide from what he heard didn't seem to be able to match with the truth that was presented before him.     

She's clearly much better, smarter and more powerful than what the people have been saying about her.     

He had the feeling that sooner or later, she would be able to match with that black bellied strategist if this continued.      


"Hold the formation!"     


The men were trying to fight in a formation, which was something that they have never done before. If anything, they would never try to do something like this because they usually were on the attacking side and not defending like this. They were not used to defend.     

On the back, Wei Liuying could finally see their discomfort. Her eyes narrowed. "The bandits on the front and side, attack the men who came here without hesitation. Those who passed by from front and side will be handled by Lady Gao and me!"     

"That's utterly reckless!" Shan Yi shouted.     

"Our goal in the end is to kill as many bandits as possible!" Wei Liuying replied. "Since they can't fight in a formation, what's the use of forcing it on them?"     


The bandits were even more excited when they heard the order from Wei Liuying. It was as if they were already waiting for this order from a long time ago. Brandishing their swords and other weapon, they began to move forward and killed the men more effectively.     

However, there were more men that passed by their defense.     

"Lady Gao!" Wei Liuying called out and began to move her body to attack the men who came here. Her movements were extremely agile as she was trying her best to make sure that there was no one who could pass by.     


On top of the roof, Gao Ling had already used her second tube and continued to shoot the arrows. There were more people on the courtyard, but she stayed as focused as ever. Her eyes followed the men who were trying to get close while at the same, she was making sure that there was not many who came to attack Wei Liuying.     

Even though Wei Liuying gave that kind of order, Gao Ling knew that Wei Liuying was wounded. She was forcing herself to be able to hold on.     

'Since you force yourself so much for my sake, I'll also do my best.'     

In the past, Gao Ling could never understand why Prince Ji Sheng valued Yang Xian greatly and always treated him as friend and not subject. He only told her that Yang Xian was a very smart and loyal to him. Besides, having someone who was capable as their subject would benefit him.     

But Prince Ji Sheng also told him. Even if their relationship was nothing more than subject and master at first, after experiencing a life and death struggle together, they just simply grew closer. In the end, they became simply friends rather than only having business relationship.     

'Grow closer, huh?'     

It was only in the face of life and death that they would see the true color of other people. Gao Ling knew that this meant that Wei Liuying truly prioritized her and was loyal to her promise.     

Gao Ling didn't want to lose Wei Liuying even more. She hoped that they would be able to be safely escape from this situation.      


Wei Liuying gritted her teeth. The pain on her back had started to hinder her, but she tried to suppress it. Beads of sweat began to form on her forehead.     


The sudden heat startled them all. Gao Ling noticed that fire began to spread from the right side of the building.     

Wei Liuying's eyes narrowed as she looked up. "Lady Gao! JUMP!"     



Gao Ling gritted her teeth and jumped forward. She thought that she would crash to the ground when she felt that something held her.     

"Are you alright?"     

Gao Ling noticed that Wei Liuying had caught her. Despite their difference in build, Wei Liuying still managed to catch her effortlessly. It looked weird in the eyes of outsider, but there was no time to think about it.     

"I'm fine. Lu Wen is inside!"     

"Protect yourself!"     

Wei Liuying kicked the door open and rushed inside. She could see the right side of the wall had started to burn. At the same time, there was a young girl crouching on the ground near the bed. The blanket on top of her had started to burn, but it hadn't reached her at all, so she was safe.      

However, tears streamed out from the corner of her eyes. Unlike Wei Liuying and Gao Ling who had gotten used with battlefield, Shi Lu Wen had never gone to the frontline in her entire life.     

"Lu Wen!"     

"Liu Ying!" Shi Lu Wen replied with terrified voice.     

"Come here." Wei Liuying crouched down and pulled Shi Lu Wen up before she carried her up. However, at this time, there was sound of a sword slashing from behind and hit the pillar.     

"Lady Gao, catch!"     



Gao Ling was surprised by Wei Liuying's order, but her hands moved faster to catch Shi Lu Wen, whom Wei Liuying pushed forward. Or to be exact, she threw outside. At the same time, she could see the building before her crumbled to the ground as fire enveloped everything.     

Her face changed. "LIU YING!"     

Shi Lu Wen was about to call out too when she saw a man approached near them with his sword ready. She screamed out loudly, "HELP!"     

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