Villain Lady

Visiting Shi Yan

Visiting Shi Yan

1Wei Liuying and Yang Xian looked at each other then laughed.      2

Gao Ling looked at the two of them and sighed. She truly wondered how these two could be so similar to each other. Were they actually the same person inside? But that should be highly impossible since they clearly have different lives. One was an orphan of war while the other was a low concubine daughter.     

Yet, they have similar gift when it came to their brain.     

They were capable to create such complicated scheme in a short amount of time given to them.     

"Anyway, I don't think I can hear you two play zither anymore. My ear is tortured by the sound alone," Gao Ling said with a grunt.     

"In that case, I won't play again," Yang Xian said and retracted his hands. "I was never good when it came to delicate arts like this, so please pardon this one for making you hear such embarrassing song, Lady Gao."     

Gao Ling rolled her eyes once more. Can't they speak normally, ah?     

She was already tired with the way those people talking so formally to the point that their words could create damage in her heart. However, she restrained her feelings and only sighed.     

"I'll be the one to play until Prince Ji Sheng arrived."     

"In that case, we'll be your listener."     

Gao Ling smiled and started to play a different song. Her fingers nimbly moved on top of the zither, producing beautiful tune as time passed by. It was only through rigorous training would she be able to play so elegantly and gave happiness to those who heard her play.     

Time passed by.     

Since Gao Ling didn't want to hear the off tune songs from either Wei Liuying or Yang Xian, she was the one who played zither all the time. It was beautiful and enchanting, making them forget that time continued to pass.     

"General Sheng has come!"     

Gao Ling stopped playing and turned around. She could see Prince Ji Sheng entered the garden, wearing his purple robe. This time, he didn't wear his armor because it was unsuitable for the occasion.     

"Gao Ling (Yang Xian, Wei Liuying) greets General Sheng."     

"Rise. There's no need for formality here," Prince Ji Sheng said unhurriedly. He took a seat and looked at Gao Ling. "Do you have fun during your stay here?"     

"Yes. Strategist Yang and Strategist Liu are really good," Gao Ling said with a wide smile. At the same time, she was trying to push the thoughts of them doing so poorly in arts to the back of her mind. It was so unbearable even if she didn't have to do anything and only watched.     

"Did they reach your expectation?"     

Gao Ling sighed. "Your Highness, do you really think that these two are capable in arts? I would suggest you close the window when they started playing so that they would not embarrass you who recommend them."     

Yang Xian and Wei Liuying couldn't refute. It was never their intention to be good at arts too because they had already busy learning many other things. Besides, when would they have the time to enjoy such things?     

Prince Ji Sheng laughed. "I can see that, Ling'er."     

"Your Highness, have you finished with your work?"     

"I'm done. Xian, Ying, you two can leave now. Thank you for your hard work today," Prince Ji Sheng said.     

"Yang Xian (Wei Liuying) excused himself."     

The two of them walked out from the garden while Prince Ji Sheng looked at Gao Ling in amusement. "I can tell that you're having fun around them. Even if their performance is bad, they can give you amusement, right?"     

"It's indeed fun, but I can't believe that they're really bad," Gao Ling replied. "They're truly a good pair, good at strategy, warfare, and martial arts, but bad when it comes to arts and the likes."     

Ji Sheng listened to Gao Ling's complaint and smiled. "You're correct."     


"They're truly a good pair."     

Gao Ling could notice the light in Prince Ji Sheng's eyes, but she could not understand what he was thinking. She was only saying that they matched each other when it came to their skills, right? Pushing the thoughts to the back of her mind, she smiled brightly.     

"Since you're here, Your Highness, would you like to accompany me a while longer?"     

"If that's what you want, I'll stay, Ling'er."     


The two strategists who left the garden heaved a sigh of relief. They had to admit that having to study arts for the entire day were not fun at all. Both of them preferred to study books and read rather than spending their time to learn the arts that were so difficult to master.     

"Strategist Yang."     


"Where are we going now?" Wei Liuying asked.     

"Since today is the day Lady Gao comes, the security is a bit lax. We'll be able to sneak away from here and met with our old friends," Yang Xian replied. His dark iris stared at the direction of the north wall.     

Wei Liuying smiled. She knew that the reason Prince Ji Sheng sent them to attend to Gao Ling was in order for them to not meet with the people from Gao City. Some of them were not really genuine soldiers and instead, they were spies sent from other places to monitor this place.     

Even though their faces were already known to their soldiers, they would never make any move unless it was during war. They looked exceedingly similar to ordinary young men who were new soldiers here, which would be greatly advantageous to mask their real identity during the time Gao City's soldiers were here.     

"In that case, let's sneak out."     


They didn't use the front door to leave Prince Ji Sheng's Residence. Instead, they were using the back door and headed to a different residence that was located not far from Ji Sheng's Residence. With their skills, it was easy for them to bypass the guards and sneaked away.     

"You still need to learn how to erase your presence better," Yang Xian said when he saw Wei Liuying nearly alerted the guards.     

"I'll learn better, Strategist Yang."     

"When we're outside, call me Xian."     

"I can't do that."     

"This is an order."     

Wei Liuying glared at Yang Xian and sighed. Prince Ji Sheng had ordered them to stay away from the soldiers since it was very likely that there would be people sent to monitor them. Yang Xian had already ordered some people to arrange their stay, but it would not be beneficial for them to stay in the dark without doing proper work like this.     

The defense of Prince Ji Sheng's City relied greatly on Yang Xian's skill and arrangement. They couldn't possibly let him roam free like this all the time.     

Before long, the two of them arrived by the house.     

Knock! Knock!     

"Who is it?"     

"Yan, you better open the door."     

"Uwah, how do you know that I have arrived here?" there was sound of something hard fell on the ground then the door was opened. Shi Yan's face with disheveled clothes appeared in front of them. Based on the way he looked like, it was clear that he was feeling annoyed.      

"What in the world are you two doing here?"     

"Long story short, we're hiding," Yang Xian replied. "Now, would you like to let us in or we talk outside?"     

"Come in," Shi Yan said begrudgingly. He had only returned yesterday and currently resting here while counting his profit when these two came.     

They sat down in the small guest room and Shi Yan handed Yang Xian a tube.     

"What's that?"     

"Letter from Shi Mo. He's still in his position, watching over Her Highness's safety from a distance away," Shi Yan explained.     

Yang Xian opened and read the content before he put it away. The situation was as he had expected. Xiong Tribe didn't show any sign that they were going to break the treaty and currently staying quiet far at the north.     

However, they needed to stay vigilant for attack from Xiong Tribe in case they change their minds suddenly.     

"Will you go to the north again?" Wei Liuying asked.     

Shi Yan nodded. "There's one last trip before we'll be unable to head to the north. Snow will start to fall in a few days' time, so we have to hurry and prepare everything for the last trip before we're unable to leave."     

"The north is really cold when it's winter. They wouldn't survive if they have to roam around the area when it's freezing cold."     

"Also, there are possibilities that some wars would happen soon."     

Yang Xian nodded. "Good work, Yan."     

"I'm only message courier." Shi Yan stretched his body. "I don't know why you're here aside from the message. There are no other messages."     

"You're going to stock your goods, right?"     


"I need you to deliver another message."     

Shi Yan: "…" he truly had the feeling that he had become their official message courier. Ah, he wanted to return back to his old profession as nothing more than merchant!     

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