Villain Lady

Gao Ling

Gao Ling

1"The battle is our victory!"     

Wei Liuying hopped down from the horse when they entered the city. She had enough of staying on Prince Ji Sheng's horse. There were too many soldiers looking in her direction when she was there.     

Besides, having a little kid joining such an important battle was quite rare. Other children her age would be still in training because their skill and strength couldn't match with the adults.     

"Prince Ji Sheng!"     

Hearing that high pitched voice, Wei Liuying raised her head instinctively. She could see a young lady donned in light armor ran towards them. Her hair was tied into braids behind her while she was holding bow and tube of arrows on her back. Seeing how everyone respected her, Wei Liuying could guess that this must be Gao Ling, Prince Ji Sheng's fiancée.     

As the young lady got closer, Wei Liuying could see her appearance more clearly. She had fair and lustrous skin. Her cheek flushed red either because of the heat, excitement, or the battle before. Her long eyelashes fluttered in happiness at the sight of Prince Ji Sheng in front of her.     

"Gao Ling," Prince Ji Sheng responded. His face was still as cold as ever, but there was traces of warmth within his eyes.     

The young lady, Gao Ling, smiled widely. "Thank you for coming. My father is still busy arranging the soldiers and to give proper funeral for those who had died."     

"I understand," Prince Ji Sheng replied. He stretched his hand and lifted Gao Ling's chin lightly. "Do you also participate in battle?"     

"Eh? I'm only at the back, helping with the archer," Gao Ling replied.     

"You should have stayed behind."     

"I'm not going to leave my father alone. Come on, you should come with me. I have already prepared a place for you to stay for the night."     

Prince Ji Sheng nodded. It was then he recalled something. "Ling'er, there's someone I want to introduce to you."     


"Liu Ying."     

"This servant is here, General Sheng." Wei Liuying cupper her hand and kneeled down with one knees. This was one of the way of greetings that the soldiers gave to their superior.     

Prince Ji Sheng pointed to Wei Liuying. "He's Yang Xian's apprentice."     

"So young?" Gao Ling was astonished. Wei Liuying's figure and childish appearance gave her an utter shock. Could it be that the one who gave the order back in the battlefield just now was this young kid? He didn't even look like he was over 13 years old!     

Wei Liuying still cupped her hand politely. "Lady Gao, this servant is 14 years old."     

Gao Ling nodded and looked at Prince Ji Sheng in surprise. She herself was only 15 years old, which meant that their new strategist was even younger than her. Somehow, she felt that Prince Ji Sheng was truly a people treasure picker. He often brought some new people with him regardless of their status and each of them proved to be exceptional.     

"I'll prepare a place for you near us. Is that fine, General Sheng?" Gao Ling asked.     

Prince Ji Sheng nodded. "That'll be for the best."     

With that sentence, Gao Ling knew that Prince Ji Sheng valued Wei Liuying greatly. Well, someone who could surpass or on par with that black bellied strategist were all really good in Gao Ling's opinion. She had seen how Yang Xian managed to have calm head even in the midst of large battle, he could analyze everything perfectly.     

Even if Wei Liuying couldn't match up to Yang Xian yet, there was no one who could tell for the future.     

Her interest was piqued up.     

But that was for later. The most important thing would be to bring Prince Ji Sheng back.     

"I'll see the soldiers first, General Sheng," Wei Liuying said and excused herself. She had seen Yang Xian did it before and with the help of the commanders from Gao City, she could help the soldiers have their place to stay for the night. After all, an increase in several thousands of people would not be easy.     

It was only after she had finished everything that Wei Liuying headed to the small house that Gao Ling prepared for her. A maidservant was already waiting for her.     

"Apprentice Strategist Liu," the servant greeted.     

"You are?"     

"This one is Hai Yue. This servant will serve you during your stay here, Young Master," the servant, Hai Yue, said in her soft tone.      

Wei Liuying blinked her eyes. She was posing as a man, right? Why would they send a young girl to serve her? Oh wait, it was normal for a young girl to serve men here. She forgot since most of her brother's servants were boys.     

"Did Lady Gao send you here?"     


"I see."     

"I have prepared dinner and bath for you, Young Master. Would you like to see if it suits your taste?"     

Wei Liuying nodded and walked to the dining room. Looking at the food on the table, Wei Liuying was speechless. It was too many! However, Wei Liuying didn't say anything and sat down.     

"You don't have to serve me. I can eat by myself."     

"Yes, Young Master."     

When Hai Yue left, Wei Liuying took out a needle from her head and checked the food one by one. Upon seeing that none of them made her needle turn black, she started to eat. It was not bad to have a servant prepared everything for her since she had long gotten used with it back in her residence. However, she always has to stay vigilant because there were many instance when they tried to poison her.     

It was more tiring than anything.      

Wei Liuying took a short bath and rested. She sent Hai Yue out and stayed inside her bedroom before drifting to sleep. Her sword was placed on the right side of her bed, ready to be used when it was necessary.     


The next morning, Wei Liuying woke up early and finished her preparation. Hai Yue prepared a simple meal for her before she departed to Prince Ji Sheng's place in order to inquire what they were going to do next.     

"You may not pass here," a guard said when he saw Wei Liuying.     

Wei Liuying stood before the gate and nodded. "Please give a message to His Highness the Third Prince that Apprentice Strategist Liu wished to meet with him."     

"We'll relay the message."     

The guards were confused when they heard how Wei Liuying introduced herself, but they didn't try to probe deeper. There were a lot of soldiers who came with Prince Ji Sheng yesterday, so there might be Apprentice Strategist Liu among them.     

Not long afterward, the messenger returned back, telling them to let Wei Liuying in. A servant was assigned to guide her to Prince Ji Sheng's location.     

"Please follow me, Young Master Liu."     

"Thank you."     

Wei Liuying didn't feel that comfortable when they called her with young master. However, she chose to stay silent and accepted it. Maybe in the future she would be able to find a different way to call herself.     

The house where General Gao lived was a large residence. It took her some time circling the garden and all before they could arrive in the location where Prince Ji Sheng stayed. He was sitting while enjoying tea when Wei Liuying came.     

"Liu Ying greets General Sheng."     

Prince Ji Sheng glanced to Wei Liuying and nodded. "Did you have a good rest yesterday?"     

"Yes, General Sheng."     

Even without Wei Liuying saying it, he knew that she was coming here to inquire about what they should do. Different with Yang Xian who was already highly familiar with how he did things, Wei Liuying was still clueless for most things.     

"We'll stay here for a day and departed back to my city tomorrow morning. For the time being, you should accompany Ling'er."     

Accompany Gao Ling?     

Wei Liuying was stunned with Prince Ji Sheng's request, so she looked in his direction with questions all over her face.     

"I'll tell her about your real gender. She'll be happy to have another female in the military."     

Wei Liuying: "…" now you're using me to make your fiancée happy?     

However, Wei Liuying nodded and cupped her hand. "I understand, Your Highness."     

Prince Ji Sheng pointed to the wall. "Wait here. She'll come soon."     

Wei Liuying did as Prince Ji Sheng said and stood near the wall. She was wondering how Prince Ji Sheng could know when she faintly heard footsteps from a distance away. It was clear that there were several people who were coming.     

"General Sheng, Lady Gao is here."     

"Let her in."     

The door was opened and Gao Ling entered. Behind her, there were two young ladies with one of them was Hai Yue. It seemed that Gao Ling sent her own maidservants to prepare for Wei Liuying's needs.      

"General Sheng," Gao Ling greeted.     

Prince Ji Sheng nodded. He looked at the two young ladies behind his fiancée, which send message to Gao Ling. "You may leave."     

"Yes, Miss."     

After her two maidservants have left, Gao Ling didn't stand on ceremony and quickly sat down. Her eyes twinkle mischievously. "So, is there any interesting news from the capital city?"     

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