The Emperor's Pampered Wife

A Silly Love Sickness

A Silly Love Sickness

3The most dreaded time has come. He was bloody sweating it felt horrible. Does he smell? He hoped that wasn't the case because it would ruin everything he had planned.     

After the old lady that he accompanied earlier, Wei Yan began calling for his name. "Next is patient Ji Li. Whose patient Ji?"     

Like a little kiddo, Ji Li Zhao raised his hands, totally disregarding his identity as Tianshi Conglomerate's mighty CEO. In front of her, his shackles seem to always fall off, revealing the side he never let anyone see. Wei Yan smiled at his gesture and she can't deny, he's quite strange but cute. "Kindly, come inside please"     

Li Zhao immediately stood up and strode towards her in gentle but eager steps. Wei Yan opened the door let him inside first before closing the door and following. He remained beside the door making Wei Yan smile at his strangeness. Was he waiting for her to lead him?     

"Please take a seat, Mr. Ji Li" she said as she guided him towards his seat before sitting on her swivel chair. As she took hold of his medical record, she took a glance at him and noticed his broad shoulders and build, but what caught her attention was his mask that covered his face really well. "Do you have allergies, Mr. Ji Li? Or perhaps suffering a cough that warrants you to wear a mask?"     

"I'm Li Zhao. Ji Li Zhao" She was taken aback because his answer was far from her question. But she smiled nonetheless.     

"I'm so sorry, there must have been a mistake on our part" Her apology was directed on their mistake on his name. But that name, where did she hear that? She was pretty sure she had encountered than name because it rang a bell and its stuck in her mind. But she can't remember who it was. "May I request you to take off your mask. I want to see my patients face so I can remember them"     

Ha, excuses! To be honest, she wasn't that strict on this. Sure she wants them to show their face so she can remember but she never pushed it through and requested it. However, this time, she was curious because his name was really intriguing.     

Since the request had come directly from his future wife, he never hesitated and took it off in an instant. He took a glance at Wei Yan with his palms sweating in nervousness. Is she going to remember? "I'm allergic to dust"     

Once again, excuses. How can he be allergic to dust when he's the one cleaning the spared room he has at his house for his one true love.     

Wei Yan's movements slowed down as he displayed his face in the open. It didn't even take a second for her to remember where she met him. He's that's that handsome man in the airport who took care of her panda. Suddenly, she felt happy and nervous. Ever since her return, she was always at the hospital occupied by her work. But somehow, a part of her brain was occupied by the thought of the man she met at the airport.     

She remembered his face so vividly she once even thought she was crazy. Sadly, though she didn't remember his name. Only his face was plastered in her brain and she slowly forgot about her interest in him because that was probably their one chance meeting.     

Who would have thought he'd appear in front of her. Now that he was in front, staring at her, her heart suddenly took a leap. But she knew it wasn't right. She's currently the doctor and he's the patient so such emotion was easily disregarded by her. "I did not expect we'd meet again, Mr. Ji Li Zhao"     

"Neither did I" Lies.     

She gave him her warm smile and took hold of her stethoscope. "Well, let's begin this consultation with your height and weight" This statement made the grown man sweat. Oh-oh, here comes trouble.     

Wei Yan first directed him to the mechanical beam scale. Normally, an assistant would do this but she didn't want to look too distant to her patients. Of course, as a professional, after the consultation, the relationship ends there but as a human, she remembers her patients well that when they are in trouble she'd step out to help them. So of course, to know them well she does everything in her small little office.     

"Please take off your shoes first and step in the balance" she said which he obeyed immediately. As he stepped in, Wei Yan drew closer and adjusted the counter and small weight of the mechanical beam scale while nodding her head.     

He has the perfect 6'3 height a lot of women loves and his weight is reasonable for his fit body. "Do you exercise every day, Mr. Ji?"     

Ji Li Zhao who was too occupied keeping his heart in check gathered the courage to look at her. But to his surprise, she was looking at him too, which rendered him speechless. The innocent Wei Yan only looked at him for an answer and when she didn't receive one, she just continued her work.     

"I don't do it daily, but I maintain a schedule" he said out of the blue. Wei Yan smiled at him and directed him back to his seat.     

After putting on his shoes, he sat obediently and behaved really well, a complete polar opposite on how he acts on his company. "Do you have any difficulties breathing afterward? Or had any sickness that was brought by your exercise?"     

He thought of it well and remembered that he didn't have any. Which means, he has no reason to let her monitor him. He took a peek at his woman and didn't really want to lie. He had lied too much and planned too much without her knowledge so he shouldn't spoil her professionalism.     

"Never happened to me" he answered truthfully, which fully convinced Wei Yan. She stood up and sat in front of him while holding the sphygmomanometer or the blood pressure meter.     

"Let's check your blood pressure" Wei Yan said which was never answered by Ji Li Zhao. How can he when she was holding his hands. After a long time, she finally held his hands...though not in a romantic way...but its already a feat for him who had to endure a lot.     

Silence fell in the room. The only thing that can be heard was the pumping of the meter. As she seems to be focused on her work, he was there lovingly gazing at the girl who held his heart since he was young. When he was only a boy who was even yet to learn how to make a complete paragraph, she showed up and abruptly made him feel like he skipped a thousand-grade level and learned how to love at a pro-level.     

"It's normal, with no signs of abnormality at all. So far, you're healthy" she took out the sphygmomanometer, destroying the moment he liked so much. But was it really destroyed?     

Without warning, Wei Yan drew close to him and placed the stethoscope in his heart. Earlier, it was already in a fast it became complete chaos. With her close, he saw the seriousness in her eyes as she listened to the beating of his heart. Well, she could only hear a sounding of an extremely fast-paced drum...but Ji Li Zhao wanted her to translate its beat and listen to its meaning.     

"Wei Wei!" A loud bang suddenly erupted in the door and it opened up immediately. What popped out wasn't a person but roses! Lord, there's tons of it! "Your admirers kept on pestering me on my day off and even forced me to take all of this here today!"     

Xie Na came in with a basket of chocolates in her hands and a big bouquet of roses on the other hand. She was so focused on pushing in the other flowers that she didn't notice the cold aura slowly spreading inside the room. "He's too eager, isn't he? Pfft, and it looks like he wants to propose and marry you on the spot! Seriously? He's not even---"     

She looked at Wei Yan ready to laugh at her suitors' extreme methods when her attention was taken by a cold guy looking at everything in a deadly manner.     

"---your boyfriend" she finished since she was utterly in a dizzy mode. Oh God, what did she say? She's doomed!     

[What the fuck is Ji Li Zhao doing here?!] she thought to herself in a state of panic.     

Not only that. The scene in front of her looks like it was really good and progressing. She interrupted it! She had actually interrupted it! What a shame.     

Ji Li Zhao continued to stare at the flowers and chocolates coldly. Who dared covet his wife? Who on earth actually dared to do so?     

Wei Yan withdrew her stethoscope and looked at Xie Na. "I'm working"     

With this statement, Xie Na was given a chance to smile back awkwardly and revive the moment.     

"I know right. Sorry for disturbing you...please continue" she took a look at Ji Li Zhao but he seems dissatisfied.     

"Uhhmm. But Wei don't have to worry about this. I'll take it all away and this is now mine. Nobody gave you anything. You have no suitors at all. Bye bye" she abruptly said and immediately fled the scene. Xie Na easily found some people and carried everything all out of Wei Yan's office at lightning speed. Not sure of what really happened, Wei Yan just shrugged it off like it was nothing.     

But it was not 'nothing' for a certain someone.     

"Let's continue?"     

Ah, his mood is now ruined. He wants to speak to this person and make peace with him by transferring him to a different city. Or perhaps it's better if the man gets transferred to another country? He was too occupied with thinking that he can't savor the moment any longer. Though he still feels warm...the vibe developing earlier was no longer there.     

Just then, his phone started ringing and displayed Huang Xun's name. He took a look at Wei Yan which she only replied with a kind nod with her signature smile. "Go on, I'll be here"     

Huang Xun was monitoring the situation and planted a device on the President's button, so of course, he knows when to step in and deliver another great news. "President! Mr. Hou immediately accepted the invitation. But since he had to go to Italy tomorrow and come back after a few weeks...he suggested that you meet today. Would you agree?"     

Right, he has to take on her father first and receive permission so he can officially begin to take a big step in their relationship. "Give CEO Hou the address of Li Wei Mansion"     

Huang Xun smiled. "Yes, President"     

Such a bold move. He's taking his soon to be father-in-law to see the house he specially built for Wei Yan and their future children. Now he just hopes Hou Guanyu would choose the best path for his daughter.     

Ji Li Zhao hung up the phone, now in a predicament. Staying here would mean spending more time with his beloved. He likes that idea and he wishes to stay too.     

But if he meets Hou Guanyu it's equivalent to a lifetime with Hou Wei Yan. Now that is something worth it. He looked at Wei Yan and gave her a dejected look.     

'Oh wife, I have to go so we can have a future together' he wanted to say it out loud but he didn't. He needs to restrain his feelings for a moment and settle some things. But for sure, once it's finished no one's gonna hold him back from embracing his beloved.     

"I'm so sorry Doctor Hou, my cousin had collapsed and I'm her only relative here" Wei Yan nodded her head in understanding.     

"Do come back if you have time, there might be a problem with your heart" she said sincerely yet seriously. She's a cardiothoracic surgeon, after all, she knows it's not a normal beating.     

Ji Li Zhao smiled secretly. Oh, he'll come back for sure. He might even do it on a daily basis.     

"I will doctor" he said and excused himself. After closing the door, he leaned on the wall for a short while and clutched his heart. How silly, it's not a problem. But yes it might be a sickness. A silly lovesickness.     

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