The Emperor's Pampered Wife

Your Perfect Match

Your Perfect Match

4The event that happened on board spread through quickly as the child Wei Yan helped was taken in by Yi Lan. The ones who greeted the stewardess could not believe that the child was already laughing in the hands of his father. They doubted their story but there were a lot of witnesses they don't know how to react.     

"But the young doctor left instantly, I don't know where she is" the stewardess desperately said. She fled making her think that perhaps she wasn't a doctor. But when she called Yi Lan they confirmed her identity. So why did she suddenly flee?     

The young doctor who finished helping the kid on the stretcher smiled. "Don't worry, she's indeed our doctor...though she's newly hired. She probably fled because of the crowd"     

The stewardess lingered her gaze and saw that there was indeed quite a crowd. "Why would she? She could use this for publicity"     

"True. But that's not her. She's not someone who uses for publicity" she said and allowed the parents to get inside before getting in as well. "Thank you for your hard work" she added and closed the door.     

The ambulance instantly left giving her no chance to refute. The doctor who had done great job mid-air was nowhere in sight, she disappeared as though an angel who leaves after a miracle.     


"Ah, Xie Na, what's wrong?" she asked as she strode the airport with her suitcase. "Did Yi Lan took care of the child?"     

A sigh was heard from the other line. "You left without permission again?"     

This took Wei Yan by surprise making her look around her surroundings. "What are you talking about? I never do that"     

Xie Na clicked her tongue which made Wei Yan gulp down. "I was the one who fetched the child, you psycho. Where are you? Go to the hospital so I can give you a beating"     

Hou Wei Yan laughed. Her adorable dimples showing and her eyes nearly gone from laughing.     

"You really think I would go after your threat?" she said and continued strolling around.     

"Hou Wei Yan, I'm serious. Everyone is dreading to meet you here, you can't skip on this one. They even prepared you some gifts and a cake"     

A sigh escaped her lips. They had gone overboard. She was just a new employee so going through such lengths is too much. She does not want people to resent her, she just wants to work diligently, that's all.     

"Xie Na, I'm---Ah!" A loud thud erupted as she landed on the cold tiled floor...butt first. It wasn't too painful but the impact was enough to numb it for a second. Her suitcase fell down as well which attracted some passersby.     

Blushing, she stood up and dusted her pants. She then bent down and picked her fallen suitcase and panda before lingering her gaze around, searching for the person who bumped her. It didn't even take a second because surprisingly, the one who bumped her was standing close to her in a frozen state.     

Confused, she called him out. "Excuse me, but an apology would do great, sir"     

As though hypnotized, the man continued to stare at her making her much more confused. Does he know her? She's been gone from China for 8 long years. Those who remember her are scarce and she knows them all. "Uhm, is there something in my face that warrants your frozen state?"     

The man was taken aback and was finally brought back to reality. He took firm strides with a stoic face on his face. As he got closer, she was suddenly sent into a daze. She can't believe she's seeing it!     

She can't believe she's actually laying her eyes on a very handsome man. He had raven-colored hair, held back and styled perfectly by gel. The color of his eyes was a perfect hue of gray like ash drifting on the wind and dancing as it goes up. His nose, his chin, his plump lips, and his long eyelashes were such perfection it harmonized too well. Not to mention, he was tall. She was already considered tall with a height of 5'9", but he was much taller than her. If she's correct, he's about 6'2"? No...6'3"? His height was worth applause!     

He was wearing a suit with a dark blue necktie which he wore like a model. His suit complemented his look very well, you'd want to give him more than 10 points for overall appearance.     

While she was caught in the trap of his brilliance, the man was already standing before her, analyzing her appearance. What he saw wasn't the supposed brunette girl, but a blonde curled woman. Her complexion was perfect in color and her eyes were an extremely rare colored emerald. Realizing he was drowning, he instantly diverted his attention to her expression. He was concerned all of a sudden, but it vanished when he saw adoration.     

With a slight unnoticeable smile, he touched her shoulders gently to bring her back to her senses. "I'm so sorry for bumping into you"     

Startled, Wei Yan took a step back which sent the man to vanish his smile. Did she remember something?     

"Are you okay?"     

Wei Yan shook her head shyly. "I'm fine, thank you for your concern" she said and glance up once more as the man was a bit higher than her.     

"I sincerely apologize. But you fell on the floor, are you sure you're not hurt?" he asked again. He took a step forward, he took slow steps as though he was walking on ice. Right now that is what he's feeling. If he's not careful, who knows how she will react.     

She shook her head again and gave him a sincere smile. As he walked closer, she just remained rooted on the ground. "Thank you for your apology. I'm really not hurt at all" she said and bowed down before taking her suitcase and instantly fleeing the scene as people were beginning to take notice of their interaction.     

She fled in haste, completely forgetting her stuffed panda.     

The man looked at her as she eagerly took long strides away from him. He continued watching her and the path she took even though she already exited the building.     

She's back.     

Finally, she's back!     

He's finally able to meet her after 8 years of restrain. A smile crept through his face as he looked at his hands that held her shoulders earlier. He looks like a crazy person for grinning widely right now, but he did not care. He was simply overjoyed by such wonderful news. Noticing the lone panda, he picked it up and held it securely in his hands.     

"Brother Li!" a woman's voice booming voice suddenly erupted making him turn his head back and break his fantasy.     

He took one final glance at the exit and then walked away calmly towards the calamity. His gaze fell upon a woman dressed in an American lazy style outfit. She wore plain white clothes overlapped by a black coat and loose ripped jeans complemented with a pair of white sneakers.     

"Changhai, your mother would faint if you go home looking like that" he said as he took hold of her suitcase and began dragging it.     

"Who cares about it, clothes don't actually matter. Even those with high profession wear so simple clothes and yet they still do their job properly" he looked at his cousin weirdly because she was somehow affected by someone to say such things.     

Changhai gave him a happy and hyper smile as she clapped her hands. "Ohhhh, by the way, brother. I found you a very good match!" she said as she hugged his arms in joy.     

Bored and uninterested, he simply gave her a grunt of disapproval. This sent her to pout and halt their walk. "Brother, I'm serious. She's really pretty and honorable you'll find her great too"     

"Changhai, you told me that a million times already" he said as he looked at her seriously. He wasn't interested in anyone, his heart was already fixed on a certain someone.     

She gave him a look of disappointment as she remembered all the wasted dates and friendships. "But you never even met any of my arrangements! This time for sure, you'll like her" she continued her chatter as they continued walking.     

"She's a doctor and she saved a kid having an asthma attack on the plane earlier. I was so amazed because she was humble and considerate! Much more, she has deep and rich colored emerald eyes you'd get mesmerized by it" she exclaimed in excitement as she remembered the color of her eyes. It held determination to save a life.     

He was taken aback by her description. Rare rich emerald colored eyes. Such a description perfectly fits Wei Yan's description. "Changhai, what's---"     

"There you are!" someone suddenly exclaimed. His attention was instantly drawn to the voice that echoed and not far was a panting woman gripping her suitcase.     

She took eager steps towards the man, afraid that he'd run away with her toy. "Excuse me but, that's mine" she said while pointing at the panda in his hands right after arriving in front of him.     

He looked at the panda and the woman. Did she return for the toy? Somehow, he felt glad when he thought of that. She came back, he can look at her again. "I'm so sorry for interrupting you but I dropped it and I really need that"     

Looking at her sweaty figure, she must have already gone far but had to return. He wants to keep her much longer, but who was he to hinder her appointments?     

"Here, next time check before leaving" he said as he handed down the panda to her with hesitation.     

Changhai remained there, watching as they interact with each other. Her cousin never really likes girls and he'd ignore or brush them off without giving them a chance to make a move on him. He was that adamant to women, but now look at him go! She was so excited, it was like watching a romantic movie with a very fresh start and soon it will blossom into a great love. She badly needs a popcorn right now!     

Wei Yan accepted the toy with a smile and bowed down to thank him. "Thank you so much"     

Noticing she suddenly took a step back, Changhai had no choice but to intervene. She can't leave just yet.     

[Their romance needs more time to bloom!]     

"You're the doctor who saved that little girl earlier, aren't you?"     

This made Wei Yan stop and look at her. She must be a passenger earlier. "If I remember correctly, you're doctor Hou?"     

She gave Changhai a warm smile. "Yes, I am. I'm so sorry but I really have to go. I still have a very important meeting to attend" she bowed down once more and gave an apologetic look.     

Changhai shook her head accompanied by her hands. "Ah, no. It's okay, being a doctor is tough work. Sorry for holding you back"     

Wei Yan smiled. "Thank you so much" she took one final glance at the two and instantly turned around to leave. Like earlier, he remained there, watching as she exits and watching her tracks. Changhai smiled and snapped her fingers.     

"That's the woman I was talking about. So what about now? Interested? I can arrange for you to meet. It's easier to approach her as a woman" she offered but he rejected her with one look. He took out his phone and instantly dialed his trusted assistant.     

"Huang Xun...arrange someone to watch over Hou Wei Yan. Make him report everything directly to me" he ordered and hang up. Changhai was left speechless as she slowly clapped her hand.     

"Woah, is this how Ji Li Zhao works his way to a woman's heart. Woah, you move quite fast. How did you know her name?" she asked but she was shrugged off as Li Zhao began walking faster and leaving her behind. Right now, he needs to investigate once more on the 8 years he missed in her life.     

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