The Emperor's Pampered Wife

For Wife, From Husband

For Wife, From Husband

2It was already evening when Ji Li Zhao managed to return to Li Wei Mansion after making sure his subordinates in Evergreen Estate was well organized. Supposedly, it should have been an hour visit but alas, his men had too many shenanigans and teasing tactics he cannot yet evade.      4

"Young Master, welcome back" Gu Man greeted along some servants who was on night duty. Li Zhao simply nodded his head and proceeded upstairs. Halfway through, Gu Man realized where he was going and called him out. "Master, Young Lady is at the entertainment room"     

His statement made Li Zhao stop on his track and look at his watch. It was already 11:30 in the evening, she shouldn't be staying so late on her precious breaks.     

"Why is she not sleeping yet?" he mumbled to himself and hurriedly went down the stairs. "Did you check on her? She's supposed to be sleeping at this hour"     

"Young Lady is fast asleep there, we didn't want to disturb her nor cross the line" he said truthfully which was only replied with a sigh from Li Zhao.     

His wife is fast asleep, how can he allow anyone to carry her than him. They would only be seeking death if they dare do something like that. So he understood their point and hurriedly made his way to the entertainment room.     

The room was dark with only the big television set playing some sort of cartoon movie making light. He smiled at the movie and was amused once more by his wife's antics. As he walked to the sofa, he heard her slight snore and smiled even more. Judging by her deep slumber, she won't wake up till morning, that's for sure. So he dared to walk to her and immediately kiss her cheeks like what a husband would do when he comes home. A few seconds later he pulled away and ruffled her hair. "I'm home, wife"     

Li Zhao took hold of her hand and was petrified by its coldness. She's so cold!     

"Ah, she's really careless" he mumbled to himself and began to look for the blankets. He pulled open a drawer in the room and immediately took a thick blanket out.     

Before returning to his wife's side, he turned off the television and hurriedly wrapped his little wife in the blanket. Wei Yan snuggled in the blanket for its warmth making her husband sigh at this. She was struggling in the cold, why didn't she say anything to Gu Man?!     


As this sound went out of Wei Yan's lips, Li Zhao immediately scooped her in his arms. He cannot let her stay in this cold room any longer. He planted a kiss in her forehead as she snuggled the blanket closer to her. "You troublemaker" he said as he went out of the room and went straight to their chamber.     

The room was now quite filled with Pandas. The animal that both of them love so much back when they were young. He never thought that such memories would remain in her mind, and yet the man who shared those memories with her would be forgotten. As he placed her down the bed, Li Zhao cannot stop but smile sadly at the many disturbances of their relationship. Childhood sweethearts turned to strangers till high school senior and junior friends pushed to a dead end.     

But he cannot blame anyone but himself. It was no one's fault that Wei Yan had to encounter bullies at their meeting place and encounter a tragedy. Nor anyone at fault for her witnessing something everyone would never want to see. It was all his fault for being so careless and useless back then. He wasn't strong enough to protect the love of his life.     

And now, he became a big coward. He was afraid of her reaction if she ever remember his crime that taking things slow is his only option. His friends did have a point about how he could have made things easier for both of them. But if he did so and she realize it was him that caused her misfortunes, then everything would go down the drain.     

The impact of the past on Wei Yan is big that he's not sure whether his love for her and her future love for him would be able to hold down the fort. He just hope that when the time comes for the truth to come out, his wife had already accepted him in her heart.     

"Wei Wei, I'm so sorry" he whispered as he hugged her to sleep. His dearly beloved wife. He had lost her twice, he cannot allow it to happen again.     


Li Zhao woke up around 5 in the morning. Everyone thought that he would leave immediately just like last time, but alas, they were all proven wrong and was left dumbfounded and speechless by his actions. Their master was already wearing his business attire, but instead of a suitcase he was holding a spatula in his hands and an apron was tied on his waist.     

What is this miraculous sight?! Are they still dreaming?!     

"Young Master" Gu Man approached him and looked upstairs.     

"She won't be up till 7, I assure you that" he said upon noticing his concern. He smiled as he remembered her cute drooling face earlier. Ah, it seems like he falls in love with her deeply each day!     

"But this--" the butler suddenly said as he watched his master skillfully mix the vegetables on the pan. On his side, there was already 2 dishes, an omelette rice and a bread egg-in-a-hole.     

A smile made its way to his face which sent some servants who were observing turn to stone. Oh no! What did they just witness! Their boss...their boss smiled! And he looked too good with it!     

But what came next made them more defeated. "Can't I cook for my lovely wife?" he said, his tone undeniably warm and loving.     

Ah boss! There was a lot of them who were single! How could he do this! Its too much, clearly too much! After he married he seem to enjoy throwing dog food at them!     

As the oven made a sound, Li Zhao glanced at it and at the pan. "Fang, the oven"     

A man dressed in casual clothing with a pink apron suddenly came running in from the dining room. His hair was a mess and he was only wearing his slippers. Everyone was petrified when they saw his face clearly after taking out some blueberry scones out of the oven. What the heck!     

Its Fang Tao! Its the Fang that was too cold to be simply approached!     

"Fang, you're in on this?" Gu Man asked as he began to help them with the breakfast preparation.     

Fang Tao took a glance at his busy boss and sighed. "Dragged" he simply said which Gu Man immediately understood.     

He was dragged by Li Zhao from his sleep. No wonder he was still in his sleepy mode. His adorable side according to his half nemesis Laurens. With the help of Gu Man, the preparation was fastened up and in no time Wei Yan's breakfast was already served on the table.     

Fang Tao immediately took off the disgusting pink colored apron and went back to his room to sleep a bit more. Wei Yan has no plans for the day and it's Ye Zhe's time to take over.     

Gu Man thought that his master would immediately left as well but he was dumbfounded when he saw him bringing in a ketchup. Li Zhao approached the dining table and the omelette with a serious look on his face. Because of this, Gu Man did not dare disturb him and simply observed whatever he was doing.     

He was writing something on the omelette which took quite a few seconds to finish. Afterwards, he beamed as smile at his creation and went back to the kitchen. Quite curious of what it was, Gu Man walked towards the omelette and cannot help but smile at it as well. Oh, the young lady is in for a treat!     

And yes, how true he was. When Hou Wei Yan sat on the chair for her breakfast, she was served with something she thinks was way fancier than what she was served in the past. The omelette rice had something written on it that instantly warmed her heart.     

"For my beautiful wife, from loving husband" she read with a blush on her face. This husband of hers has now leveled up in her heart!     

She had met so far no man way cheesier than him. She dig in the food and was even more surprised at its taste. A warm smile suddenly dominated her face as the food melted on her tongue.     

Its delicious. As she took a bite of all the food her husband had prepared, she cannot stop but smile at it. It was a feast of her husband's delicacy and she loved all of it.     

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