The Emperor's Pampered Wife

Belonging To Doctor Hou

Belonging To Doctor Hou

3The events of her secret rendezvous with her husband were still marked in Wei Yan's mind as she walked out of her car. The warmth she felt with him never subsided making her blush whenever she sees some flowers...and whenever she sees Fang Tao because she knew he was an accomplice of her husband.     

Fang Tao, on the other hand, remained stoic. He, of course, witnessed what happened. He watched along with the others from the start till the end. Of course, he feels happy and ecstatic of their boss' sudden level up but he had to leave that behind the mansion and focus on protecting Wei Yan. The enemy was already on the move and everyone in their organization is on guard for it. He cannot fall behind and do his job properly.     

"The hospital seems busy today" Wei Yan said after noticing the staff and nurses whispering to one another. When something like this happens, there was bound to be big news.     

Fang looked around and darted his eyes at some men looking their way. They just don't know how to give up! It's getting seriously annoying! "Hmm, more parasites"     


"Nothing" he answered immediately and looked at her eyes. Once their eyes met, Hou Wei Yan blushed and remembered her husband and this man's action to make last night happen.     

She flushed hard as the events of last night flooded her mind again. This is crazy! She's. Going. Crazy about it!     

"Wei Wei!" Xie Na yelled in a distance and came barging between them to hug her best friend.     

Wei Yan sighed in relief as her head got buried between Xie Na's well-rounded mountains. This way she can hide her flushed cheeks and calm her overly beating heart.     

After a while, Xie Na pulled away but her eyes remained twinkling in delight. "Did you hear! Did you hear!?"     

She backed away when Xie Na drew her face closer. Here she goes again. Her gossiper side resurfacing once more. "What is it this time?"     

"A big shot from the military hospital arrived! It's said that she will be working here from now on!" she said with a few squeals here and there. "Ohhh, I want to meet her. Can we?"     

A sigh escaped her lips once more with this. Since childhood, Xie Na always had a deep fascination for the military. She was wild and she knew she can use her strength to serve the country. But she was born as the Big Miss of the Xie Empire. Its something she cannot forgo.     

Aside from that, her family who had previously lost their princess would never allow her to do such a thing. She became a doctor so she can at least apply to be a military doctor after she had broken free from her family's overly controlling behavior, but they were not entirely out of her life. Their influence in her is much bigger than she thought, so she remained as a doctor. It serves the people and the country, but it was still incomparable to the dream she can only wish but never have.     

Wei Yan looked at her after remembering her biggest dream and smiled. "Okay. But no talking too much okay? We still have patients lining up"     

Xie Na immediately nodded her head with enthusiasm. "Promise"     

She squealed in excitement that she did not notice the man behind them was stupidly smiling at her actions. However, Hou Wei Yan was different from Xie Na. She immediately smiled at this sudden improvement and chuckled.     

Fang Tao who heard this suddenly blushed and it worsened when Wei Yan winked at her. Xie Na who also heard of her sudden chuckle turned around and saw Fang. "Oh Hi. Sorry for calling you Chicken last time"     

"And thank you for taking care of me and not letting my brothers know"     

When she said this, Wei Yan smiled again. She used to be terrified of this man but now here she is talking so casually you'd never suspect she was terrified of him at first.     

"I hope that never happens again" he answered sternly before looking away as if he was searching for someone.     

Xie Na looked at him for a second before sighing. That's right, they aren't close. What was she expecting from him? An answer that will open up a conversation?     

That's unlikely. Besides...she's already a committed woman. She shouldn't linger around him. So she can only sigh at her silliness and hold Wei Yan's hands. "Let's go? She will be introduced to us today"     

"Xie Na" Wei Yan softly said.     

She's her best friend for a reason. She can tell by the look in her eyes that she was upset. Xie Na was a beauty ever since childhood. She has deep oceanic eyes that would captivate anyone who would dare look at it, and she has the Xie's iconic raven-colored curly hair which reaches the waist. Although her height of 5'3" makes her appear small when compared to her, Xie Na still has the allure that could outmatch hers. Men flocks over her beauty, fawn at her majestic features, and even fight to hold her hand. Yet, this man is someone who was so different she can't stop but get interested. He's so cold and a conversation killer she's practically confused right now and upset about the fact that they aren't possible.     

Well, not right now that is.     

Certain things take time to be right and this woman is stuck at that. She has a boyfriend right now and it would be unreasonable to break up over a man she hardly knows.     

Wei Yan allowed Xie Na to drag her away. While she was occupied, she glanced back at Fang Tao and cannot help but sigh. She's no cupid but she has the feeling these two are meant for one another. It's just not yet their time.     


The doctors and nurses of the Cardiology Department were gathered in one room. Although she barely stays in the department as she usually helps out at the A&E (Accident and Emergency Department), Wei Yan still belongs to this group. She's a specialized doctor handling Cardiothoracic surgery making her a member of this department.     

Although Xie Na belongs to the A&E Department, she was a senior in the hospital and thus has the privilege to attend such gathering. Their Department Head, Madame Qiao Xiulan was standing firmly and seriously in the platform. "I'm here today to introduce to you the new staff of our department. She came from the Military Hospital and from now on will be working here as a Physician Assistant"     

The doctors who had quite a big rank in seniority looked at each other and smirked. If the PA came from the Military Hospital, she should naturally belong to the best. The Military Hospital is big and grand that doctors and PA assigned there are no ordinary. Anyone who gains access and works there are all known to be big shots in the medical field.     

Wei Yan looked at her seniors and sighed. She doesn't like this side of her work. Why must they care so much about matters such as the Military Hospital? They are here so they should clearly focus on what's going on here and be more attentive with their patients rather than the gossips and rankings.     

"You better hurry, I don't like this unnecessarily competitive atmosphere" she whispered to Xie Na which she immediately responded with a nod.     

"I don't like it either" she answered and folded her hands.     

"Please come and introduce yourself, Miss Qiu" Miss Qiao said making then both look at her way.     

As the anticipation rise and the buzzing increases, a young woman dressed in her military uniform walked in. Both of their eyes widened when they saw the woman.     

She's so beautiful!     

Her hair was that of a rich fondant cake highlighting her brilliantly colored golden eyes which greatly reminds her of the sun. They stood there captivated by her eyes. It felt like they were basking in the sun by how it shone. Not to mention, her body! It had perfect curves but strength could still be shown by the muscles sticking out of her military uniform. Her staggering height of 6'1" akin to Fang Tao also awed plenty of people. She looked so cool and beautiful that it's blinding them!     

The only thing missing was a smile on her face. As she walked to the podium, the look on her face remained stoic. She looked so professional as she stood firmly with her head held high at the podium. Truly, her aura belongs to that of a soldier. Strong and dignified!     

"Lieutenant Qiu Meixiu, 29" she said and scanned the room. The doctors who saw this smiled in anticipation. Whoever gets this girl would surely rise as well. Even though Lieutenant is not as grand as having a Captain or a Major, it's still a big deal to them, for having power or even connections to the army would ensure them, security.     

Meixiu looked around more for the one she was assigned to guard. When her eyes landed on the beauty at the back of the room, she can only smile to herself. "From here on, I shall be working as a Physician Assistant. Please take care of me"     

Everyone on the room clapped as the woman bowed down to show respect. After it died down, Qiu Meixiu turned around to leave the podium making the doctors below flustered. "Head, whom will she serve?"     

Miss Qiao who guided Meixiu down looked at the doctor and frowned when she saw who it was. It was the so-called Genius of their department, said to uphold the number one spot as the person who has most achievements this year and excelled in his thesis all the time, He Quan.     

For him to ask of this, it was obvious he had his expectations. But before Miss Qiao could refute and slap talk him to place him back where he belongs, Meixiu beat her to it. "I belong to Doctor Hou Wei Yan"     

The room fell into silence as she said such horrendous words. Everyone was at lost for what she said that they can only look at Hou Wei Yan's way.     

However, she too was shocked by the sudden event. Belonging to her?! That's absurd. She's a very important person from the infamous Military Hospital, how can someone like that fall in her hands?!     

Qiu Meixiu only bowed down towards Miss Qiao and walked towards Wei Yan swiftly and steadily. When she reached where she stood, Meixiu immediately bowed down. "Please take care of me, Doctor Hou"     

Wei Yan gulped as she was faced with so many eyes. What is going on?! This is too much!     

As she began analyzing the situation, a voice echoed in her mind. 'I'm no butler but a soldier. Your guard and temporarily your assistant'     

Fang Tao! That's right, he said he wasn't her real assistant but her guard. She looked at Qiu Meixiu in horror as Uncle Gu Man's smiling face flashed in her mind.     

'Young Master has yet to find a suitable assistant for you. Someone who can help you in your medical services, Madame' That's what he said last time. By aid her meant to have a Physician Assistant but she never expected such a huge gift to come her way!     

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