The Emperor's Pampered Wife

Respect and Gratitude

Respect and Gratitude

3Only the ticking of the clock can be heard inside the room. The three of them were just there, staring at one another, weighing for the right time to speak up their many questions.     

Wei Yan had a lot to ask, about her husband's arrangements and the job this woman was tasked to do. When it comes to her husband, she has countless questions to ask. Although she still has no right to know his identity, she still wants to know her husbands' preferences or anything that may connect her to him and lessen the gap separating them.     

Qiu Meixiu, on the other hand, wanted to ask more about Hou Wei Yan. She wanted to know how she ended up becoming a doctor even though she was an heiress and how she had captivated a demon she never expected to be tamable. Ji Li Zhao is infamous to military families because he came from the Bei Family who was revered as the best of the best in terms of shooting and killing. When his men came for her, she almost had a heart attack! She began thinking of the mistakes she had done, thinking that she was doomed. But alas, he was only looking for a suitable assistant which was surprising on another level.     

Meanwhile, Xie Na just wishes to interrogate her about the military. Her dream job is right before her eyes! She can't let this opportunity go! She had always look up to military women ever since she was a kid. In her eyes, they are strong, independent, reliable, and beautiful.     

"What did they ask you to do?" Wei Yan bravely asked when she saw Xie Na was helpless.     

Meixiu eyed her new boss and warmly smiled at her. Before answering her question, she took a sip at the newly brewed coffee on her cup and surveyed the room. It looked so simple, something that she finds odd considering her position as Master Ji's wife. "Assist you"     

Noticing how her new assistant lingers her eyes slowly on her walls, Wei Yan cannot help herself but sigh. She must be knowledgeable of her husband's identity which is why she's oddly staring at her simple interior design. "May I know the specifics?"     

"Hmmm, I was tasked to assist you in any way possible, and that is what I will do from here on" she answered as she looked at her side and met Xie Na's astonished gaze. For a moment, she felt herself flinching away from the odd woman. It felt like she was in danger with how Xie Na's eyes scanned her body, leaving no side nor shadow to be unseen.     

She knew of this woman's identity. The Xie Corporation is quite a big shot in Beijing and has been considered a part of the Royal Families 50 years ago. Their company was made even better by their heir Xie Zedong whom she was acquainted with. Zedong used to be her father's student alongside her. From childhood, she had considered him her Senior and had always looked upon him with astonishment. But some circumstances occurred which forced him to strengthen his influence on the business industry rather than the military.     

Every time Zedong pays a visit, there was always a tiny child hugging his legs like a koala. She was Xie Na, smaller on size and way cuter than this one in front of her. "Do you need something, Miss Xie?"     

Xie Na who was so occupied with Meixiu's beauty earlier was suddenly caught off guard with her question. She looked at Meixiu and as their eyes met, she cannot help but blush. She looked so beautiful!     

"Xie Na, stop drooling. You're scaring her" Wei Yan said out of the blue while sipping her own coffee. This statement brought Xie Na back to reality. "Say what you want to say"     

The astonished woman can only stare at her best friend and scratch the back of her head. Well, there are many things she wants to say. For example, she wants to talk about the detailed life of a soldier and the missions she had already accomplished. But she knew, military issues and missions are strictly confidential.     

So instead of a decent question...something quite surprising came out of her mouth. "Uhmm, how does the bicep looks there? Military men have nice physique right?"     

Wei Yan who was waiting for her to start blabbering like she used to suddenly spat her drink. She can only look at her friend in horror as she continued to cough quite embarrassingly in front of her assistant.     

What the hell!     

What happened to this woman? Why would she suddenly talk about that and skipping the beginning phases? She could have asked more about Meixiu first before going down that road!     

Meixiu who was only showing humble responses earlier suddenly found herself smiling sincerely. Things from the past simply cannot change that easily. She concluded as she watched the young woman before her very carefully. "I inspect injuries, not biceps"     

"Nana" she added and sipped her coffee again.     



Xie Na looked at Qiu Meixiu with horror in her face. Such a bold act! Only a few were allowed to call her that!     

Now that she thinks about it, this woman feels familiar. Somehow, she can sense familiarity in her and she knew it was not just her silly imagination. "Do I know you?"     

Wei Yan can only smile at her. "Zedong Gege had a mentor in the past, right? I remember his name was Qiu Yanlin"     

A bolt of realization hit Xie Na quite hard. How can she forget! "Big Sister Qiu!?"     

She was only around 5 back then, and she can remember vaguely the graceful yet terrifying fairy of the Qiu. Her special feature was her eyes, the sun-kissed eyes serving as the Qiu's trademark! "I'm sorry for forgetting! Its been so long!"     

"Don't fret about it. I'm now Doctor Hou's assistant, I'll be under your care" she said sincerely as Xie Na continued to scratch her nape.     

"Why did you accept the job?" Wei Yan asked all of a sudden, taking both women by surprise. "Aren't you a General's daughter? You could have made it big in the army"     

Meixiu looked at Wei Yan seriously before placing down her cup and smiling. "Why did you become a doctor? You're already the heiress of the Hou and the Xing. You don't need this job to live"     

At the mention of her real identity as a big shot, Wei Yan became lost for words. That's right, she doesn't need this job to live. Even if she does nothing, her family can support her for a lifetime. So why?     

It was her childhood dream to serve others after witnessing a boy getting beaten up and dying in the process. She hated her helplessness in the past, but that can only become a dream...a forgotten one. Her stay in America made her realize where she was meant to be. At the hospital, where she can use her smile to calm someone and use her skills to save them. If she was forced to enter the business industry, she'll just frown and never smile at all. She believed that if she takes on her heiress identity, she might forget how to smile in the future.     

"We don't have to follow our parents' footsteps and we're not trying to become their shadows because we ought to make our own legacy" Meixiu said all of a sudden making Wei Yan smile to herself.     

That's right. They are no shadow. They are who they are and if they just blindly follow a set path by their parents...they won't be remembered for who they are but rather remembered as their parents' offspring. She won't be known as Hou Wei Yan...but Hou Guanyu and Xing Mei Yi's daughter. Her efforts can be denied just because of this.     

"Besides, I've been trying too hard on the military, I thought it was time to rest from all the action and follow my heart. The memory of my father is all I remember in the military. I don't belong there now because of my wounded heart and mind that always replays my father in every action that I do"     

Wei Yan looked at Meixiu sadly. She's a loving daughter, a well-known one. The bond she has with her father is strong but it can never be compared to Meixiu's. She loved her father so dearly and her father loved her back unconditionally. He was willing to remain single forever for his daughter and even vowed never to remarry for her sake.     

"Your father would also want you to follow what you want. Yi Lan Hospital is not that chaotic and you don't have to do much with me around. I'll be a good boss, Sister Qiu" Wei Yan sincerely said making Meixiu smile earnestly.     

Ji Li Zhao is damn lucky to have her as a wife.     

A comforting silence befell the room as the three of them continued sipping their coffee. Wei Yan who was enjoying it suddenly saw the cookies. Meixiu's presence is all thanks to her husband, she needs to thank him properly. Maybe she can borrow the kitchen later so she can bake him some cookies.     

A huge smile dominated her face as she thought of such an idea. She will make sure her feelings of gratitude would reach him.     

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