Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: How To Get Rid Of A Thin Skinned Person

Fifth World: How To Get Rid Of A Thin Skinned Person

4He couldn't help but squint his eyes to take a closer look. This person couldn't be his father, right? He was about to walk closer and confirm but his eyes were suddenly covered by a hand.     

"Kids aren't meant to see such things," said Machu while watching this PG scene with great interest.      

Qie Xieling took Machu's hand away and directly asked, "What are you two doing?" This ended the fight that wasn't exactly a fight. Possibly a pathetic excuse of a fight. The two men paused looking like they had been caught with their pants down.     

Wen Qinxi shoved Qie Ranzhe off his body and stood up with his long hair looking like it had just had a fight with a blow-drier. He fixed himself up not forgetting to tattletale. "Your father is bullying me," he said to Qie Xieling while fixing his hair as he walked away.     

The two people eyed Qie Ranzhe like he committed the crime of the century. Feeling wronged he said, "I didn't," but the stares only turned meaningful. Qie Ranzhe shook his head and said, "Forget it... I don't need to explain myself to you." As soon as he said this he left in the direction Zhao Zhi disappeared to.     

While Qie Xieling and Machu were analyzing Qie Ranzhe's odd behaviour, Wen Qinxi was being surrounded by his eager disciples who had been traumatized by the dark mist. A barrage of questions struck him making him feel dizzy.     

He was cowardly too but this group of disciples were a disgrace to the cultivation world. From their faces, he could tell some of them wailed within the dark mist. Surprisingly, none of them died which was a miracle in itself. Wen Qinxi had to coax them like coaxing a cat before they could let him go.     

Surely, there is no rest for the wicked but in this case, Wen Qinxi had no idea what evil thing he had done to deserve this. This was because as soon as he stepped foot into the inn, he saw Nu Shen sitting on the staircase blocking everyone's path like a tollbooth.     

Well, a tollbooth grants access by paying toll fees but in Nu Shen's case, it was more like one had to answer questions before being allowed through. The best way to describe it would be like a police blockade and he was the fugitive she was looking for.     

Wen Qinxi took a 180-degree turn heading back into the street like he had seen a ghost. Choosing the unconventional way to enter the inn, he jumped in through the open window of his room. Feeling smug he looked down through the window praising himself.     

Just as he turned around, he unexpectedly bumped into a sturdy firm chest. He closed his eyes in comprehension to the kind of situation he was currently in. "You lost," said Qie Ranzhe feeling like he had conquered the world, "so you know what that means."     

Wen Qinxi took a step back and said, "I didn't lose. The fight was interrupted so it doesn't count." He walked past Qie Ranzhe and sat down on the bed taking off his boots to remove the dust from that scuffle. He thought it was a good idea at the time but he failed to land a single slap earning humiliation and dirt as the grand prize. It turned out he only got baited into horsing around.     

"I will go with you to the Qie sect if you give me the pendant," said Wen Qinxi walking over and stretching his palm towards the annoying sect leader.     

Qie Ranzhe pretended like he had cotton buds in his ear crossing his arms across his chest. "No, I will give it to you when we get to the Qie sect," replied Qie Ranzhe as stubborn as ever.     

Wen Qinxi heaved a deep sigh and walked away. He sat back on the bed taking off his socks which he harshly threw to the ground in frustration.     

Qie Ranzhe sat on the bed Qie Xieling slept on and asked, "What relation do you have to that man?" while crossing his legs eyeing him like judge, jury and executioner. He had heard that man refer to Zhao Zhi as darling a couple of times so it must mean they had a relationship possibly the toxic kind.     

Wen Qinxi stood up and undid his belt, the implication obvious but sect leader Qie didn't catch wind of the situation earlier. "I don't remember anything from the past. I had a near-drowning experience a couple of years ago," answered Wen Qinxi placing the belt on the bed.     

Qie Ranzhe raised a brow as he uttered, "How convenient.... so you have no idea why he was calling you darling.... Wait? What are you doing?"     

Wen Qinxi didn't want to be interrogated for something he had no answers to so he implemented operation 'how to get rid of a thin-skinned person. Well, Qie Ranzhe wasn't exactly thin-skinned but since their relationship hadn't proceeded to the intimate stage this plan was bound to succeed.     

"Taking a bath of course... Don't tell me sect leader Qie has a problem with it," explained Wen Qinxi while shedding off his outer robe.     

Qie Ranzhe felt his cheeks burn in embarrassment but there was no way he would let Zhao Zhi win so he put on a stern front and said, "Of course not. Carr-carry on."     

Wen Qinxi turned his face away with his lips pressed into a thin line suppressing a smile. "Okay, suit yourself," said Wen Qinxi with his hand unfastening the top half of his inner robe. It seemed innocent at first glance but for Qie Ranzhe who found himself watching, it suddenly turned into a striptease. The sect leader had thrown himself into the fire.     

Don't make the mistake of thinking Wen Qinxi was innocent in all of this. He purposefully spiced it up with subtle movements that could have dollar bills stuffed into his pants at a strip club.     

The thin fabric slid down his body showing off strong broad shoulders that could have anyone curious to see the rest of it. Qie Ranzhe was still okay then but once the shoulder blades were exposed it piqued his curiosity. The way the spinal line moved with Zhao Zhi's movements had this man's heart pulsing.     

All this provocation was bearable that is until Zhao Zhi turned around to face him with a lustrous smile. After that, it was K.O. for this sect leader. "Damnit," he muttered before walking out slamming the door right behind him.     

Zhao Zhi's trick absolutely worked. He thought he could endure it at first. Besides both of them were men but Zhao Zhi was a vixen. Better yet, a demon fox with the ability to tempt any living thing and it was his misfortune that he met such a person.     

"Father, is Shixiong in there?" said Qie Xieling who had finally caught up with them. He was afraid Zhao Zhi would be bullied further in his absence. Little did he know that his innocent-looking Shixiong was the one bullying others.     

"No he is not..... let's go," replied Qie Ranzhe before pulling Qie Xieling away. God forbid if he ever lets these two share a room ever again.     

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