Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Shooting Oneself In The Foot

Fifth World: Shooting Oneself In The Foot

2It took Qie Ranzhe an entire day to calm down meditating in the forest. He was basically off the grid making Qie Xieling believe he was off doing important sect duties. So when night time came Qie Xieling didn't hesitate to move over to Zhao Zhi's room for a sleepover despite his father's refusal.     

The two people had dinner together while chatting away like a pair of childhood friends. This harmonious scene didn't last long because two hours in, there was an impatient knock on the door. The two people froze before glancing down at the wine and mahjong tiles on the table.     

"Didn't you say your dad left town?" asked Wen Qinxi in a low whisper. Qie Xieling's brows knitted together as he pursed his lips lost in thought.     

"I didn't see uncle Machu so I assumed he was gone," replied Qie Xieling looking at the door, "Let's ignore it. They will probably leave when they are tired of knocking."     

Wen Qinxi shrugged his shoulders as he continued arranging the tiles. He sincerely hoped it wasn't Qie Ranzhe otherwise they would be in serious trouble. Not only was he drinking with his son but he was also teaching him how to gamble.     

To be honest, he probably wouldn't do this in the real world if he ever had a son but they were so bored. It was either cultivate or fight ghosts and the rest of the time they had nothing else to do. They had already been punished for this with that disgusting poisonous tea that almost killed his taste buds and he didn't want to be caught again.     

He was about to suggest packing up and hiding the evidence when his fear became a reality. "Zhao Zhi, is Xieling in there?" spoke an enchanting voice that only belongs to one person. The two people stiffened before they began to pack away the evidence in a frenzy.     

"Fuck... I thought he was gone," whispered Qie Xieling while packing away the tiles in the box.     

Wen Qinxi gave him a helpless look while placing the jar under his bed. "Obviously, you thought wrong," he replied before taking out a piece of candy to try and conceal the faint smell of wine. Lucky for them they hadn't drunk much. If Qie Ranzhe came thirty minutes later he would have found them sloshed big time.     

The knocks became even louder with time and it became apparent that if they didn't respond, Qie Ranzhe would break into the door like the FBI and the sentence would be much heavier. Wen Qinxi was about to do the responsible thing and open the door but he paused when he heard Qie Xieling speaking.     

"What the fuck?" whispered Wen Qinxi with a quizzical expression. This expression was warranted because Qie Xieling had adjusted his voice to sound like a girl and said,     

"Sorry sect leader it's me, Nu Shen. Qie Xieling isn't here and Shixiong is sleeping. He's tired from doing this and that," while twirling a strand of his hair like a flirtatious girl to complete the act.     

Wen Qinxi's mouth was agape and his eyes opened wider and wider with each word Qie Xieling spoke. The kid was splashing dirty water on his reputation disregarding his future interests. He wanted to get laid in this world, okay? Especially when he didn't know what awaited him once Qie Ranzhe woke up. His igit of a spawn was sabotaging him.     

"Do you even know what this and that is?" questioned Wen Qinxi while glaring at his unbiddable son.     

Qie Xieling shrugged his shoulders and said, "Isn't it just hugging and kissing?..... Ouch! Shixiong!" The last part was so loud as Qie Xieling broke character. This was because his forehead was flicked ruthlessly by Wen Qinxi.     

Qie Xieling's imitation was surprisingly pretty good. If it weren't for Qie Ranzhe's connection to Qie Xieling he would have believed it. He especially forbade Qie Xieling to stay in Zhao Zhi's room but he was naive enough to trust his son. Actually no, he was naive enough to trust Machu because he instructed him to watch Qie Xieling but as it turned out he ran off elsewhere and let the rabbit run into the wolf's den of its own volition.     

In Machu's defence, Qie Ranzhe didn't specifically instruct him to be wary of Zhao Zhi so when he saw Qie Xieling hanging out with him, he didn't see the need to keep an eye on this troublesome kid. Instead, he ran off to chase some skirt from a small sect. Surely, even sidekicks deserve love too, for instance, batman's sidekick, Robin had a little fling. No wait, that's wrong. Robin had several love interests. Tsk, how frivolous.     

So for a gorgeous skirt, Machu shoved adult sitting duties to Zhao Zhi. What could go wrong, right?     

Qie Ranzhe vowed to settle scores with him after dragging his son out of Zhao Zhi's room. "Xieling, I know it's you. Now open the door if you know what's good for you," replied Qie Ranzhe in a terrifying dad voice but come on this was Qie Xieling.     

"It's not him. Sect leader Qie you are wrong," he said after readjusting his voice once more giving Wen Qinxi goosebumps.     

"Stop that," reprimanded Wen Qinxi as he opened the door. He decided to bite the bullet and face the helicopter dad head-on.     

"Shixiong..... damn it. It was working," exclaimed Qie Xieling feeling like he indeed had a pig teammate.     

"Really?... Yeah sure, you keep thinking that," said Wen Qinxi as he walked back to where he was standing before.     

Qie Ranzhe strode in with his hands behind his back exuding an imposing aura. "Let's go," he said to Qie Xieling in an imperative tone leaving no room for discussion. Qie Xieling knew what this tone meant but he was also shameless so he said,     

"No, I want to stay with Shixiong. He's helping me cultivate." Wen Qinxi stared at the yellow belly sticking so close to him with a look of surprise. What cultivation? Qie Xieling was like a preschooler lying to his parents that he was doing homework at his friend's house when they spent the entire day frolicking at the mall.     

The funny thing was that while Qie Xieling was saying that he was hiding behind Zhao Zhi using him as a meat shield. The two looked at each other communicating with their eyes. If they were to use their words this is how the conversation would look like.     

Wen Qinxi: Cultivation? Seriously?     

Qie Xieling: Would you rather tell him we were drinking and gambling?     

Wen Qinxi: Couldn't you think of a better lie.     

Qie Xieling: Shixiong you better play along otherwise will both be punished.     

Wen Qinxi: "...."     

Wen Qinxi: Both of us?     

Qie Xieling: I will say it was your idea.     

Wen Qinxi:?     

Qie Xieling: Help me out this one-time Shixiong, please (kneeling and crying face)     

Wen Qinxi put on a stiff smile and turned to look at Qie Ranzhe who was watching their interaction with great interest. "Yes, we were meditating to, um.... improve his, um.... his um.....,"     

"My cultivation basis," interjected Qie Xieling attempting to save this sinking ship.     

Qie Ranzhe sauntered over to Qie Xieling's bed and sat down while nodding his head. "Then carry on. I can wait."     

Qie Xieling, 'Damn it!'     

Wen Qinxi, 'Shit!'     

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