Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Mist of Death 2

Fifth World: Mist of Death 2

4But just as he was about to tell Qie Xieling he was going out his body stiffened as he sensed something ominous. His eyes widened looking at Qie Xieling who was able to sense it before he did. He was thinking how could it be possible that Qie Xieling could sense that something was wrong before any of them when shrill screams echoed in the distance.     

"Father," said Qie Xieling feeling frightened to the point of quivering.     

Qie Ranzhe placed his index finger on his lips and bit his middle finger. A drop of crimson blood shimmered in the light making Qie Xieling nervous. Qie Ranzhe drew a magical formation on the floor creating a powerful barrier encasing the room.     

"Stay here," he whispered before exiting the room. He nodded at Machu in tacit understanding. The man entered the room and drew his sabre ready to defend his little nephew.     


On the edge of town, the person Qie Xieling was searching high and low for was sitting on a tree branch cursing Nu Shen to death. This incident wouldn't be such a big deal but Qie Ranzhe didn't push her way. In fact, it seemed he was somewhat enjoying the attention.     

The man was handsome and had a horde of women eager to serve him at his sect so what chance did he have?     

Surrounded by such beauties, who would be able to resist? These were Zhao Zhi's precise thoughts as he dangled from a tree drowning his sorrows in a jar of wine. He was fairly certain that he would most likely drown in vinegar before he manages to pass this world.     

"Shit!.... I need a fuckin voodoo doll to torment Nu Shen. No, no, to torment the entire harem I need all their voodoo dolls," said Wen Qinxi before tilting his head to fill his mouth with the sweet liquor.     

"Wrong world mate... there isn't voodoo magic here," said the system that had been accompanying its crazy boss in his endeavours.     

Wen Qinxi snorted while looking into the distance, "Says who. I, I am smart and I will cre-create it. Now, find me some straw and fabric."     

Jolie, "...."     

It couldn't help but wail wondering how it ended up with this lunatic for a boss. Little did it know that Frankenstein's monster asked the same question but couldn't come up with an answer.     

"How am I supposed to gather those things when I don't have a physical form?"     

Wen Qinxi wanted to answer immediately but he realised the stupidity in his words so he chose to say, "How about I use you to scare Nu Shen. You can appear as a ghost in front of her and scare the shit out of her."     

"No way, I will end up having talismans thrown in my face. I am not in the mood to hear her scream 'evil begone, begone back to the depths of hell'. Find someone else," it said but Wen Qinxi began to laugh out loud almost falling out of the tree.     

"Hahaha... wrong world. She's not a priest," he said with some sadness in his laughter. He decided to fight for Qie Ranzhe this one last time because he had no idea how things will be like between them in the outside world.     

While lamenting on his fate in the real world he sensed something was off in his drunken stupor. He leapt up like a superhero in a Hollywood movie and noticed a thick black mist approaching the town. "What the ....," he said but he couldn't continue when he heard the sinister laughter of a deranged woman permeating the air.     

"HAHAHAHA... AH HAHAHAHA!!" Was the sound reverberating in the incoming mist instantly sobering up this senior disciple of a prominent sect who was also afraid of ghosts.     

"Shit!" cursed Wen Qinxi as the mist slowly formed something that closely resembled a hand to grab him and pull him in.     

Breaking out in a cold sweat, Wen Qinxi drew magic frost and slashed at the mist. The hand made of mist dispelled at the swing of his sword letting out a shriek of despair.     

His actions didn't seem to please the laughing woman because she stopped making that sinister laugh and screamed at him instead.     

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!" were the devastating screams coming from the woman. The kind of screams that could make an ordinary man's ears bleed.     

It seemed he had only succeeded in angering her. Despite being terrified out of his mind, Wen Qinxi stood his ground to fight but the eerie mist of death and other ideas. It bypassed him and speed up heading towards the town.     

This town was flooded with people who came there because of the good business brought by the rich cultivators making it the biggest place the cloud of mist would have conquered if it succeeds. Wen Qinxi had to stop this monstrous attack otherwise the consequences would be severe but the mist had already reached the edge of town.     

He rode magic frost to the front of the eerie mist and began to cast a barrier blocking its path. The barrier seemed to work because the woman began to scream even louder while banging the barrier with verve.     

Numerous skull-shaped figures appeared from within the mist banging on the barrier while screaming as though trying to scare or intimidate him. Well, their intimidation tactics seemed to work as Wen Qinxi's blood ran cold but he wasn't deterred.     

Having found a flaw in this barrier, the dark mist moved up at light speed creeping to the very top to seep over it. Sensing victory, the misty cloud increased speed only to be met by more trouble. Wen Qinxi was no longer alone as a group of cultivators came to his aid.     

The men and women took on the task to defend the town throwing all they had as its citizens fled for their lives. The town's people had heard the rumours of how entire villages vanished overnight but didn't think this nightmare would come knocking at their doorstep after the cultivators dealt with the villages.     

Distraught and in fear for their lives they fled behind a dome-shaped barrier create by the Qie sect which successfully shielded the central part of town. Seeing that the regular town's people were safe within a luminous orange barrier, Wen Qinxi heaved a sigh of relief.     

But his relief was short-lived because his barrier began to crack under the violent assault of the black mist. It couldn't get the people in the central barrier so it intensified its attacks ready to devour anyone in its path.     

Large cracks appeared as Wen Qinxi's surroundings descended into darkness. There was no point in repairing the barrier so Wen Qinxi took out magic frost and inhaled deeply trying to calm his breathing.     

There seemed to be something lurking in the dark stalking him like a predator in the jungle. A still quietness filled the area with the screams and wails of the people fading away till it was dead silent. To Wen Qinxi this was a perfect example of the calm before the storm and a massive storm at that. He just sincerely hoped he won't get nightmares after leaving this world from such a sinistrous experience.     

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