Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: A Cowardly Senior Disciple

Fifth World: A Cowardly Senior Disciple

3The situation in the northwest was truly a story not suitable for the faint of heart. Two months ago a small fishing village unknown to most people was met with a calamity. The entire population of a hundred people suddenly vanished into thin air.      3

From the looks of it, it seemed the villagers simply vanished in the middle of doing everyday activities. The market that was meant to be boisterous with people buying merchandise and food was deserted as though the vendors simply up and left with no care for their things.     

Even inside the houses, everything was left as is like the entire town was raptured to who knows where. This eerie and puzzling situation was discovered by a group of travellers from the nearby village who had come to make their weekly purchases.     

The group explored the entire place with great interest but as nightfall drew closer, two of the men in the group decided to go back and inform their village head what they had just seen. That's after looting treasures from the abandoned homes.     

The result of it was that when they returned to the village the group of men they left behind also vanished overnight. This same situation happened again in another village ten kilometres away. Then a pandemic of villagers disappearing broke out.     

A group of cultivators were asked to come to take a look but because the remaining villages didn't have enough money to hire a bigger sect, they had to settle with smaller sects and rogue cultivators.     

The cultivators brazenly stayed for a night hunt in one of the deserted villages determined to eliminate evil and level up their reputation in the cultivation world. But it turned out they had underestimated what lay in the dark.     

As soon as the sun sank into the horizon a dark cloudy mist flooded the village making it hard to see. Sinister laughter coming from what sounded like a woman rang in the air making one's hair stand on end. The cultivators weren't as scared at first that is until the supposed vanished villagers appeared but they weren't the same.     

They were more like sinister spirits tearing at the cultivators with their long filthy nails. It was safe to say they weren't human anymore but unlike walking corpses, they were faster and lunged on the cultivators like hungry beasts. No amount of talisman could stop these vicious creatures from creating an unsightly bloody scene.     

What was odd about this was that the eerie laughter carried on throughout the attack and echoed in various places within the darkness. As the group of cultivators reduced drastically, the leader managed to send out a signal seeking assistance.     

But when other fellow cultivators arrived at the scene the sun had already risen with no person in sight. The streets were silent and clean concealing the grievous crimes committed on the previous night. The exact same situation happened in other villages earning them the infamous title of The Villages of Death.     

This creepy place with horrific stories taken straight from a horror film was exactly where this nerd was heading and boy was he unwilling. To buy himself some time he decided to reject the idea of riding on their swords taking a carriage instead. He used the excuse that some disciples in the group hadn't mastered the skill of sword riding so it would be best if they use a carriage and horses.     

The disciples all thought that the ones who couldn't ride properly could hop on another person's sword and hitch a ride but they didn't voice their opinions thinking about what they were about to face.     

Most of them were inexperienced and had never seen a ghost before so they were undoubtedly scared and appreciated this delay. They secretly hoped the other sects would have dealt with the problem by the time they arrived.     

So the cowardly group of disciples silently praised Zhao Zhi for being considerate but the system was having a blast. This went on since the previous night when the system told the eerie ghost story to Wen Qinxi.     

Jolie wanted to go as far as retrieving the footage of the horrific scene and play it like a movie but Wen Qinxi threatened it causing the system to reluctantly let it go. Wen Qinxi thought hearing the story rather than watching it would be better but was he totally wrong.     

The vivid description by the system of how each cultivator died had Wen Qinxi ashen-faced in fright. "Fuck, who thinks of scary shit like that?" was what Wen Qinxi said at that moment. After being terrified to death, he couldn't sleep at all. Each moment he closed his eyes his mind would conjure images according to the system's description.     

The poor nerd had to watch three episodes of teletubbies to calm his distraught mind. One might ask why a baby programme? It was because the system claimed to not have access to other series showing a greyed out section on all other shows.     

Wen Qinxi's mind was full of those cute tubbies shaking their booties the whole way. 'I say, why are you so afraid of horror movies? I mean the pump of adrenaline that comes with it makes you feel alive. The high from watching such gory scenes is so thrilling,' said the system mocking Wen Qinxi disregarding its safety.     

'You are a fuckin AI so what thrill and adrenaline have you experienced?' retorted Wen Qinxi feeling a headache coming up. If it weren't that he was trapped in this game for the time being and that he loved Qie Ranzhe he would have logged out and asked Machu to find someone else to complete this world.     

The powers were cool but the level of danger and horror wasn't worth it. 'Geez, why so much hate?' replied the system before letting out a pitiful cry, 'Wuwuwu... you are discriminating against species. I have feelings too. QAQ!'     

Wen Qinxi, '....'     

The system completed its pitiful act but Wen Qinxi still hadn't said anything so it called out, 'Boss.... boss.' But there was no answer so it changed the form of address.     

'Dage.... gege..... Qi-ge..... baobei.... babe,' with the last methods of address stated purely to rouse Wen Qinxi's anger. Surprisingly, there was zero response as though Wen Qinxi couldn't hear it. A bad premonition arose from its virtual circuits so it checked the status bar.     

Player Wen Qinxi has muted the system.     

"Damnit... QAQ.... how am I supposed to coax him now?" thought the remorseful system. How was it supposed to coax a person who doesn't want to talk to it?     

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