Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Nu Shen Makes A Comeback

Fifth World: Nu Shen Makes A Comeback

3Wen Qinxi persisted for ten days straight blocking the system till they arrived at the town nearest to the ghost villages or as the locals called them the villages of death.      3

Jolie even tried to knock on his door asking to be unmuted but Wen Qinxi remained resilient. It was about time the system felt how it feels to be abandoned as it ditched him in the past.     

The word town seemed a bit off when it came to describing this place. It was more like a city with overcrowded streets like a wet market. Because it was overcrowded, they were soldiers standing outside preventing carriages and horses to enter. This meant he was left with no choice but to disembark and walk into town.     

The group of disciples led by Wen Qinxi strolled through the market heading towards an inn. Though there were interesting things to look at and purchase, this particular group was the least bit interested. At the edge of town, was a standard inn that could easily pass for two stars in the real world. This made it the most expensive inn one could book in the town.     

Wen Qinxi was the first to enter heading straight for the reception but before he even reached there, the innkeeper walked over in a panicked voice. "Young, young master I apologize but we have no rooms left. May I trouble you to look elsewhere," he said while wiping his hands on a white apron.     

"Typical," said one of the disciples standing by Zhao Zhi, "Shixiong, what are we going to do?"     

Wen Qinxi pursed his lips wondering if it would be feasible to sleep in the bushes when someone suddenly embraced him from behind. Startled, Wen Qinxi removed the slender feminine hands from his waist before turning around to see the face of the person who was brazen enough to take advantage of him.     

His heart almost stopped when he saw Nu Shen. Like a vicious ghost, this woman was here again after giving him trouble in the third world. She had made a comeback dressed in a pink robe. This meant she belonged to the all-girl sect known as Xiannu meaning fairy.     

"Gege, what took you so long," she said in a coquettish voice that could rouse sweet feelings in a man. She then proceeded to rub Zhao Zhi's hands affectionately but Wen Qinxi wouldn't let her.     

He took back his hand abruptly. "Shimei (junior sister) please watch yourself," he said in an ice-cold tone rejecting her but that only made things worse.     

Nu Shen stomped her foot while pouting and said, "Gege, you are so mean. I and my sisters have been waiting for you for almost a week now and I booked this entire inn so you wouldn't have to sleep outside."     

'How considerate,' he thought but it was obvious Nu Shen was pursuing him which meant she would be highly considerate.     

Wen Qinxi wanted to refuse but based on the situation outside it meant he wouldn't find another place. It seemed the ghost villages had attracted a lot of cultivators to this place which meant there would be no rooms left.     

"How much?" he asked as another disciple opened his interspatial bag to take out some money.     

Nu Shen smiled like an angel and took Wen Qinxi's arm leading him to the inn restaurant. "How about we discuss instalments over lunch," she said with great enthusiasm.     

Wen Qinxi signalled to his disciples to check out the rooms and reluctantly allowed Nu Shen to drag him over. Nu Shen sat next to him barely leaving any space between them and began to yammer incessantly. Wen Qinxi would have stood up and left her there but she began to narrate what was happening at the villages in great detail.     

This compelled him to stay. It seemed the various sects cast lots for villages and swept them clean. As expected, the large sects were highly effective. There was but one village remaining but another sect had claimed that it was their hunt so no one intervened. They were just waiting for that sect to fail so they could swoop in and take over.     

It seemed his cowardly plan was a success so Wen Qinxi planned on relaxing for a few days before returning to the sect. Unfortunately for him, the universe had other plans as seen in the future.     

"Shijie, you two are perfect for each other," said one of the pretty girls belonging to the Xiannu sect. They had been sitting at the corner of the room but couldn't resist coming especially with the presence of a handsome deity descended from heaven.     

Nu Shen smiled shyly and rubbed Wen Qinxi's arm in a possessive manner as though marking her territory. "Is it?" she asked about to lean in closer but Zhao Zhi suddenly stood up.     

"Here's what I owe you," he said before standing up to leave. He knew if he stayed any longer this groper might take things further so he left and grabbed a room key as he passed the reception. To make sure Nu Shen doesn't come looking for him, he exchanged rooms with his disciple and warned him not to tell anyone which room he was staying in.     

This was apparently the best decision because Nu Shen did come knocking on that door three hours later. She wanted to have dinner with Zhao Zhi and possibly keep each other warm but she was met by a stupid disciple who didn't seem to have the ability to tell right from left.     

The poor nerd was forced to eat in his room just to run away from Nu Shen. If that girl put as much effort into her cultuvation as she did in pursuing him then she would be a genius who would have ascended to the heavens at a very young age and become an immortal.     

Wen Qinxi thought locking his door would make him safe but it didn't protect him from a certain someone with a rich daddy. Wen Qinxi was about to eat when there was a knock on his door. He hesitated to open it for a while but the voice of his junior disciple coming from the door had him standing up.     

He opened a small gap on the door and the disciple handed him a jar of wine saying, "Shixiong, the inn ran out of stock so I had to go elsewhere. Hope shixiong doesn't mind."     

Wen Qinxi smiled while thanking him and closed the door but as soon as he latched the lock he heard a familiar voice say, "What's that?"     

Terrified out of his mind, Wen Qinxi almost dropped the jar of wine. When he turned around he found Qie Xieling helping himself to his dinner. The kid looked comfortable chomping down on only the meat dishes deliberately skipping the veggies.     

"Are you fuckin kidding me?" said Wen Qinxi not watching his language in the slightest.     

Qie Xieling raised his chopsticks and pointed them at him while chewing, "You said a bad word," before carrying on with his meal.     

Wen Qinxi, "..."     

'Is it too late to return him to the hospital for a refund?' thought Wen Qinxi at a loss.     

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