Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: A Tipsy Lin Lin

Fifth World: A Tipsy Lin Lin

2Wen Qinxi was at a loss of words faced by this naughty teenager but despite his initial surprise, he was glad he had someone to keep him company. He ambled over and placed the jar for wine on the table before sitting on the floor cushion.      2

Wen Qinxi flickered his long hair back and asked, "Did you steal from your father again?..... You know what his temper is like. He's going to burst in here and drag you home."     

A slight grin appeared on Qie Xieling's face as he placed a juicy piece of braised beef in Zhao Zhi's bowl. "Shixiong, you think I would be stupid enough to rob my father twice... Actually, I stole it from my uncle this time," explained Qie Xieling while watching Zhao Zhi pour out the sweet-smelling wine.     

Wen Qinxi chuckled as he placed the jar back on the table. With his beautiful fingers, he grasped the porcelain cup and raised it to his mouth. But before his lips touched the rim, he noticed Qie Xieling looking at him with teary puppy dog eyes like he wanted some.     

"Stop looking at me like that," said Wen Qinxi feeling uncomfortable being stared at like that. Those gorgeous eyes seemed to be piercing his body staring right at his soul. How can he resist such a pitiful gaze?     

"Fine, just one cup," said Wen Qinxi losing the battle easily. He placed the cup in front of Qie Xieling and poured himself another. A satisfied smile appeared on Qie Xieling's face as he picked up the porcelain cup. This wasn't his first time drinking but the other times he did, he sneakily took a sip or two when his father wasn't looking.     

His father usually kept the cellar locked and had a barrier surrounding it but there was one time when he forgot to reinforce security. Qie Xieling snuck into the wine cellar in the dead of night and took a few sips. The reason why he didn't directly take a wine jar instead was that his father knew the exact number and kept a detailed ledger.     

This meant Qie Xieling had to settle for sips and to make up for the weight, he added water. Of course, he was eventually found out but that was two years later when the jar was picked at random.     

His father was especially strict but this Shixiong was especially indulging. He wouldn't mind this man being his second father. He had his suspicions and he hoped the feeling in his heart was true. With that in mind, Qie Xieling drank half the cup with glee.     

"Hey, hey..... remember you only get one cup so you better savour it," said Wen Qinxi tapping the rim of his bowl with his chopsticks making a clanking sound.     

Qie Xieling smiled at him with shimmering eyes and responded, "En," while holding the cup with both hands.     

'What the fuck? Is he drunk?' thought Wen Qinxi while examining this little puppy. Feeling like Qie Ranzhe will pulverise him if he hears about this, Wen Qinxi made sure Qie Xieling ate a lot of food just in case but it was of no use.     

One cup was all it took for Qie Xieling to start acting up. He wasn't dead drunk but he was most definitely tipsy. "Shixiong... Shixionnnggg, Zhixiong, get it.... haha that one sounds funny," said Qie Xieling with a silly giggle while hooking his arms around Zhao Zhi like a spoilt child.     

Wen Qinxi had had the empty dishes taken away and asked for warm water in a basin. He was currently wiping Qie Xieling's face which proved to be a difficult task. "Lin Lin, stop moving," he said but it was like talking to air.     

"Lin Lin, uh... I like that name. Shixiong, call me Lin Lin from now on," he said before laying his head on Zhao Zhi's shoulder.     

Wen Qinxi sighed deeply thinking this child was still a big baby despite being over eighteen. He rubbed Qie Xieling's back trying to pacify him. "How about you get into bed?" asked Wen Qinxi but Qie Xieling shook his head in refusal as he wrapped his arms around Zhao Zhi like a bower constrictor. It's a good thing Wen Qinxi was now in the body of a cultivator otherwise he would have been uncomfortable.     

"Shixiong, do you remember what your mother used to call you as a child?" asked Qie Xieling in a sluggish tone.     

Wen Qinxi took a sip of whatever was left in his cup of wine lost in thought. After a moment of hesitation, he asked, "Why do you ask this?"     

This question had Qie Xieling unconsciously biting the inner lining of his mouth. He cleared his throat slightly and said, "I just want to know how it feels like having a mother."     

"Well, you asked the wrong person. I don't know either," he replied choosing not to share his real-world experience because Zhao Zhi didn't have a mother.     

Qie Xieling raised his lowered head and asked, "How come?" with a look of sympathy.     

"I don't remember anything after almost drowning," said Wen Qinxi while searching Zhao Zhi's memory for the nth time but like always, it was as blank as a sheet of paper.     

Qie Xieling lowered his head again before responding, "Oh..... don't you think it strange?"     

Wen Qinxi definitely thought it all strange making him wonder if the game difficulty level was tampered with. Even he had to admit that all this time he had had it easy.     

Just as he was about to respond he smelt a familiar fragrance. He caught a faint whiff of it when he fought with Qie Ranzhe the other day but today it was especially strong.     

His anger the last time masked the effects of the scent on his body but this time the effects were especially noticeable. A burst of excitement surged from within. The kind of excitement one couldn't easily dispel. "Do, do you smell that?" he asked while looking at the big kid lying on his shoulder.     

Qie Xieling could smell a faint floral scent but it wasn't worth having such a reaction. He unwound his arms from around Zhao Zhi and studied him carefully. It seemed this usually calm and collected Shixiong was unsettled and becoming extremely agitated.     

Wen Qinxi abruptly stood up sniffing everywhere to find that unusual scent. He felt like if he didn't find it he would lose his mind. What he didn't know is that he was already on the brink of losing his shit.     

Worried, Qie Xieling tried to calm him down asking, "Shixiong, what's wrong?" but Zhao Zhi's responses were becoming incoherent as his eyes began to emit a faint blue colour.     

Qie Xieling watched in concern when he saw Zhao Zhi lean out of the window looking like he was going to jump. Forgetting Zhao Zhi was a cultivator, Qie Xieling tried to stop him by pulling him by the arm back into the room. This only further aggravated Zhao Zhi.     

A faint blue light appeared on his palm and he struck Qie Xieling's chest pushing him a few feet away. It was clear he was no longer in his right mind as he flew out of the window.     

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