Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Lin Lin's Butt Spanked In Public

Fifth World: Lin Lin's Butt Spanked In Public

1This time he picked up a teapot and he was about to throw it at him but Wen Qinxi grasped the man's wrist subconsciously. Yes, Qie Xieling was a little brat right now but it was his duty to discipline him not an outsider. This is why despite knowing zilch about the situation he still reached out to defend him.     1

To his surprise, the sect leader's anger cooled by a huge degree patting Wen Qinxi's hand gesturing he was okay. It seemed his relationship with this sect leader was especially good.     

Qie Xieling naturally saw all this and when his gaze fell on Wen Qinxi, his heart jolted for no reason. An eerie smile crept up his handsome face as an interesting idea flashed in his mind.     

"Since sect leader Zhao lost fair and square it's about time you honour our agreement," said Qie Xieling while gesturing to the boy beside him to bring over a long blue jade box. The boy opened it revealing its contents. Lo and behold, it was a beautiful silver sword with a sky blue hilt with a wave design. But it wasn't its appearance that stood out rather the power emanating from it.     

The entire hall lost its calm as whispers filled the air. Wen Qinxi wasn't a full-fledged fan of Xianxia type of scenarios but judging from the elders' reactions it must be a rare divine artefact. It now made sense why an old man would agree to such a bet and let go of his disciple for a super awesome sword.     

"This is what you would have received if your disciple won but unfortunately.... he lost. I can hand it over to you," said Qie Xieling as the boy closed the jade box and retreated.     

"What do you want in return?" asked the sect leader in pink who had no business intervening. She had no use for this divine artefact but loved drama so she asked while twirling a loose strand of hair in between her fingers.     

Qie Xieling chuckled lightly and said, "Sect leader Fei, this has nothing to do with you but now that you ask, I am obliged to answer." He paced twice while rubbing his chin as though thinking it through.     

If he only knew that a certain someone was itching to spank him, he would have toned it down. As the saying goes, people perish due to a lack of knowledge.     

"Instead of senior sister Huangzhi then hand over senior disciple Zhi to join my father's harem," he said pointing at Wen Qinxi who was sipping on some tea to calm down. But as soon as he heard the word harem he did a perfect spit take on sect leader Zhao as the crowd broke down in an uproar.     

Words like arrogant, stupid and crazy were thrown around but Wen Qinxi was busy apologizing to his master. The man seemed to have a good temper because he didn't scold him choosing to remain silent. The older man used a talisman to dry himself before yelling at Qie Xieling. "Are you crazy!"     

Wen Qinxi was asking himself the same question unable to hold back his rage. This kid was busy walking around the entire peak pimping out women for his father's harem. 'Good.... very good,' thought Wen Qinxi at his tipping point.     

"Father," said Zhao Huangzhi who was sitting on the far end of the table. She was the one who was supposed to join Qie Ranzhe's harem so what was this situation?     

"So what's it going to be? The sword or your beloved son," said Qie Xieling with zero sense of danger. Wen Qinxi was so angry he didn't give a rat's arse about OOC. He stormed over and grabbed Qie Xieling's wrist. Because his cultivation stage was way higher than that of the Qie sect members he easily subdued them by creating a barrier separating them from Qie Xieling. This intricate barrier was also soundproofed so no one would be able to hear what they were saying.      

They were right, Qie Xieling was as powerless as a regular mortal which meant he could spank that kid to his heart's content. Maybe it was out of anger that he was able to create that barrier without familiarizing himself with the character. "You little brat. Busy recruiting women into your father's harem instead of cultivating. I am going to teach you a fuckin lesson," said Wen Qinxi spanking the supposedly seventeen-year-old.     

The entire hall witnessed the arrogant young master get his butt spanked in public. Qie Xieling tried to squirm out off Wen Qinxi's hold but all attempts were futile. He was instead led out of the hall by the elbow and Wen Qinxi locked the hall doors from the outside using another barrier. This was to prevent onlookers from coming outside to see the rest of the show.     

Qie Xieling who had his tiny butt spanked staggered backwards pointing at him. "Shixiong, you!..... You spanked me," said Qie Xieling in an aggrieved tone.      

"Serves you right... if I hear you are doing this again, I will spank you even harder next time," said Wen Qinxi before walking away in anger. He was all for time outs and a proud member of the anti slipper community but he was so angry he completely lost it. Now he understood why his mother would take off her slipper and chase after him and his brother when she was angry. Thankfully he didn't use much strength when he was spanking Qie Xieling otherwise the boy would be going home in a stretcher. "Jolie, get me the fuckin game files," yelled Wen Qinxi now taking it out on the system. How can he not be angry? Firstly, he has no idea what is going on. Secondly, his sweetheart has a harem, allegedly. Thirdly, his son is the one recruiting women. WTF!     

This world was off to a shitty start and Wen Qinxi was not in a good mood.      

As soon as Wen Qinxi left, the elders finally managed to break the barrier only to find Qie Xieling staring at Zhao Zhi's departing back. His sect members hurried over to check on the young master holding their hearts in their hands. If he has even a tiny scratch on him, the entire group would be subject to punishment. Their sect leader was the silent type but offend him and one would witness the fierce ruler hidden beneath. They heaved a sigh of relief after careful inspection.      

It's just that their inspection didn't extent to concealed areas especially butt injuries. "Young master Qie, are you okay?" asked one of his attendees but Qie Xieling would rather die than reveal what hurt.      

"Let's go, our business here is done," said Qie Xieling gritting his teeth to swallow down the pain and brave it out. If he so much as grimace in pain he would sell himself out.      

They were about to leave the peak when Zhao Huangzhi ran over saying, "Young master Qie, aren't you taking me with you?"      

Qie Xieling had already been spanked for this so he said, "No need... Sect leader Zhao, the deal is off," before descending the peak in haste. He had a feeling that Zhao Zhi was the person they had been looking for but he wasn't certain mostly because the gender was wrong. This is why he refused Zhao Huangzhi to follow them to their sect.      

Zhao Huangzhi's face twisted in an ugly way but she had already embarrassed herself enough. She shut her mouth and looked in her father's direction seeking assistance. But sect leader Zhao shook his head with a scowl on his face squashing her dreams in an instant.      

'Zhao! Zhi,' she roared internally harbouring tons of resentment.     

Thus the start of another adventurous journey glazed over with love.      

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