Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Hardest World Yet

Fifth World: Hardest World Yet

2There is nothing much scarier than a pissed off Wen Qinxi roaming around aimlessly. His body was surrounded by a dark looming shadow as though accumulating the world's entire resentment energy. If he knew where this character lived, he would have shut himself off rather than scare the sect's junior disciples.     

Everyone knew Zhao Zhi was an approachable person with a great temperament despite being their senior but today it was like he was shouldering decades worth of resentment all in one go.     

Those who were smart enough ran off as soon as they saw him but the stupid ones greeted him resulting in them being at the receiving end of an oppressive pressure. Concerned that he might stir up trouble for himself, Wen Qinxi picked an isolated forest and walked in without considering what could be lurking inside the thick bushes. He found his way to the edge of a cliff overlooking a deep valley and sat down trying to calm himself down.     

This was too much for him to handle especially when he was coming from a world brimming with happiness only to plunge into a sea of despair. What made it worse was that he had no idea what he was dealing with. If this continued he might end up having an emotional breakdown.     

Lucky for him, the system came through for him but the information didn't necessarily make him feel better.     

In this world, Qie Ranzhe was a talented young master from a prominent family in the cultivation world. Everything about his life was perfect and subject to envy. That is until the day a labyrinth suddenly appeared near the Qie family property.     

Being the righteous fair type of person, Master Qie openly publicised the presence of such a labyrinth to all the righteous sect leaders. While awaiting the arrival of the sect leaders to tackle the labyrinth together something unexpected happened.     

A random group of demonic cultivars stormed the Qie Mansion and forcibly opened the labyrinth but this so-called labyrinth wasn't as simple as it seemed. It turns out it was the door to some type of underworld but this place was far worse than hell.     

The entire mansion and surrounding towns were engulfed in this eerie dark place filled with monsters and beasts only known to exist in fairy tales and folklore. To prevent any creatures from escaping out of this hellish place, the cultivars of the Qie family sealed off the entire area with a dome-shaped barrier.     

That is after discovering that none of them could escape from this calamity. It was basically a one-way entrance, one could enter but none could leave.     

The ferocious creatures hunted down the cultivars consuming them whole till there was nothing left, bones and all. A bloody massacre wiped out the entire population with only a few survivors including Qie Ranzhe. He knew he couldn't leave so the only thing he could do was maintain the barrier as much as possible till the righteous sect leaders arrived.     

Because he was the only remaining member of the Qie family it meant he had no help whatsoever maintaining the barrier. The surviving demon cultivars were basically useless as they could only think about keeping themselves alive.     

He had to endure the pain of watching his entire family massacred in front of him and still maintain a level head to keep the already weak barrier intact.     

Exhausted and grieving, Qie Ranzhe collapsed as soon as the righteous sect arrived to close the gateway completely. He had already accepted his fate the moment he stopped fighting. But who would have thought he would wake up beside a spiritual lake in a Shaolin sect halfway across the continent. But he wasn't alone.     

In his arms was a wrapped up dumpling that closely resembled him. The monks didn't know how he ended up there let alone where the baby came from. The highest-ranking Taoist priest examined them both and found that they had the mark of evil attached to their spiritual roots that couldn't be extracted.     

Qie Ranzhe had been demoted from the late core formation stage falling back to the late foundation establishment. The mark on his spiritual root meant he couldn't make any further breakthrough no matter how hard he cultivates.     

As for the little dumpling, he had an intricate seal on his dantian, a seal that could only be removed by whoever placed it in the first place.     

The only good news was that whoever did this was definitely in the mortal realm as traces of their powerful dark Qi was all over the place making this Taoist priest uncomfortable.     

They could have helped him track the culprit and eliminate the evil entity but the dark Qi was minuscule because the Yao had taken human form. They had to wait till the Yao returned to its original form which would intensify its Qi but Qie Ranzhe couldn't wait.     

Whatever creature it was, it had taken a human form and since it had produced a child, it must be female. With that in mind, Qie Ranzhe went on the hunt looking for this female Yao that took advantage of him and hindered his progress. This meant every woman with a dodgy background was a suspect. This so-called harem was nothing more than a silent observation to catch the culprit.     

Besides his unusual hobby of collecting harem members, Qie Ranzhe started his own sect after being shunned by the Zhao sect. He used to be the sect's senior disciple before this calamity befell the Qie family but when he returned he bore the blame for the massacre.     

Questions like how did he manage to escape and why did he escape alone were tossed around resulting in him being blacklisted in the righteous sects. Despite blacklisting him Qie Ranzhe rose above them as it wasn't only his cultivation that made him shine. His resourcefulness and ingenuity made the Qie sect rise from the dust to one of the major sects in the cultivation world.     

What he didn't know was that behind the curtain someone was plotting against him from the very beginning. The same shadow that sent the demonic cultivars to besiege the Qie family and force open the labyrinth was the one that brought Qie Ranzhe and his sect down.     

This time they succeeded in destroying him by reopening the realm where the Qie family was massacred right inside the Qie sect. No matter how hard he tried to defend his sect and prevent the beast from running rampant in the mortal realm his entire sect was slaughtered including himself. The other sects refused to assist the Qie sect choosing to patch up the problem by creating a barrier to prevent the beasts from escaping.     

But that wasn't the real tragedy. The villain discovered Qie Xieling's special constitution when they captured him outside the Qie sect. He was basically a human cauldron that could skyrocket one's cultivation to becoming an immortal. One could only guess what Qie Xieling's fate was after his father was gone.     

This information had Wen Qinxi's head spinning haphazardly in all directions. This was the toughest world yet because he had no idea who the bad guy was which meant he was going in blind.     

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