Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Kinky Pervert

Fourth World: Kinky Pervert

4"Good, you wanted to attend the wedding then will give you a front-row seat," she said as Machu dragged her before tossing her right at the front.     4

She then turned to the crowd of onlookers and yelled, "What are you standing around for? We have a wedding to attend." Her aura was both terrifying and imposing that everyone straightened their chairs and sat down like obedient preschoolers.     

Madam Qie straightened Qie Xieling's clothes and led him to sit down as well while wiping his face. She then took out her cellphone and took a picture of Zhao Huangzhi before sending Mr Zhao a message.     

MamaBearQie: You are so fuckin dead.     

This was the message she sent over with a picture of the offender attached to it. Only the heavens know how panicked Mr Zhao was when he saw that message. He was busy rolling in between the sheets with his mistress and when he saw that message his thing softened on the spot.     

He kicked his mistress out of the bed and left the country that very day by himself. The coward even left his wife behind without warning her. His motto was 'one man for himself, god for us all'.     

Wen Qinxi wanted to check on Qie Xieling but Qie Ranzhe stopped him and said, "Mom will take care of him. Let's, let's just get married baby. I am tired of waiting," before planting a kiss on the man's cheek.     

"Hey, hey.... you two. We don't have all day! Save that for the bridal chamber!" yelled Madam Qie hating iron for not being steel.     

The two men stared at each other chuckling while walking down the aisle hand to hand. The perfect ending to a beautiful day.     

Be it kowtowing three times, exchanging vows or rings, Zhao Huangzhi witnessed it all. Madam Qie had Machu pour icy cold water on her and wake her up. The method effectively roused her from her slumber in an instant.     

She helplessly watched Qie Ranzhe wed Su Xin. Since her hands and feet were tied up and her lips sealed, Zhao Huangzhi could only resort to cursing internally.     

The left side of her face was swollen with scratches from Madam Qie's nails. Her wet hair was tangled with flower stems sticking out and a stream of mascara ran down her cheeks looking especially tragic. She looked pitiful but no one paid attention to her mostly because no one wanted to be on Madam Qie's bad side.     

After the ceremony, Qie Ranzhe suddenly picked up Su Xin and carried him away startling everyone. But no one was as startled as Wen Qinxi himself.     

"Wait, where the fuck are you taking me?" He asked feeling rather embarrassed for being carried this way. He would rather be carried like a sack of potatoes rather than in a princess carry.     

"It's a surprise," said Qie Ranzhe carrying him to the dock with ease. He finally put him down and jumped into the speed boat. Qie Ranzhe beckoned with his fingers for him to come over but Wen Qinxi couldn't move a muscle.     

"I can't fuckin swim. What if it capsizes?" he said taking a step back while the guests took pictures of the two. Fair point. For a guy who can't swim water would be his biggest enemy but Qie Ranzhe wasn't messing around.     

"Then we'll role-play the titanic scene," he said in a light chuckle before pulling him in.     

Qie Xieling caught up and asked with a sullen expression, "Where are you two going. Can I come too?" But he was ruthlessly shut down by Qie Ranzhe.     

"Stay with Nana and will be back soon," before speeding through the water like a couple running away from their toddler so they can have date night. Qie Ranzhe was right to speed off because Qie Xieling was seriously considering jumping into the boat.     

Wen Qinxi wanted to reprimand Qie Ranzhe for ditching their kid but he was so frightened curling up instead of enjoying the experience. He couldn't help but question who does this? A speed boat is like a tiny island in the ocean with a high probability of sinking so why would anyone willingly get on one.     

Qie Ranzhe pulled him over and made him stand in front of the steering wheel. Wen Qinxi was about to panic when Qie Ranzhe stood behind him their bodies pressed against each other. "Shh... don't panic, daddy is here," he said whispering in Su Xin's ear.     

A combination of adrenaline, danger and seduction evoked an involuntary arousal in Wen Qinxi. He was so embarrassed when he got hard from such a messed up thing. Qie Ranzhe noticed and licked his bottom lip with a sly grin. He pressed their hands together and helped him steer the speed boat to a deserted small island.     

"We are here," said Qie Ranzhe anchoring the speed boat. He then rolled up his trousers, took off his shoes and jumped into the clear blue ocean. Qie Ranzhe then stretched out his hands beckoning to Su Xin to get into his arms.     

Wen Qinxi would rather be on dry land than on this tiny boat so he obediently hopped into his arms and Qie Ranzhe carried him to shore.     

The miniature island was indeed a sight to behold. If it was any other day, Wen Qinxi would have been eager to explore but he had guests and a wedding banquet waiting for him. With that in mind, he turned around and asked, What are we doing here?"     

To his surprise, Qie Ranzhe had already removed his suit jacket and spread a picnic blanket on the ground. "A romantic picnic," he said with a wolfish grin on his face.     

Wen Qinxi's brows creased eyeing Qie Ranzhe with suspicion. They could have done this tomorrow so why the rush? Qie Ranzhe spread out some miscellaneous things from the picnic basket before popping a bottle of prosecco. The fizzy liquid spilt out intensifying the festive atmosphere.     

Qie Ranzhe poured out half a glass and said, "Sit," patting the space beside him.     

Wen Qinxi took off his shoes and sat beside him without much thought. If he had known Qie Ranzhe's true purpose for bringing him here he would have made a break for it and hid in the resort. Like a wee little lamb, he was lured into the trap by the kinky tiger.     

Qie Ranzhe drank a sip but he didn't swallow. Instead, he pressed Su Xin down on the blanket and forced the bubbly liquid down the man's throat while kissing him. Wen Qinxi wasn't prepared for the sudden vicious attack that he could only lie there obediently.     

The fierce passionate kiss had the two rolling around in each other's arms out in the open. It seemed Wen Qinxi still possessed some form of rationality because he pushed Qie Ranzhe away with a face as red as a beetroot. Boy, he has a thick face but not thick enough to do this and that outside.     

"What are you planning to do?" he asked as he struggled to catch his breath.     

Qie Ranzhe chuckled lightly while enthusiastically grinding his hot rod against Su Xin's thigh. "You still have to ask?..... Okay, I will say it," replied Qie Ranzhe before leaning down to whisper in his ear, "I want to fuck you right here. You can cry out all you want because no one can hear you except me."     

Wen Qinxi, "..."     

'Damn it... He's a kinky pervert,' thought Wen Qinxi with no means of escape.     

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