Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Lanterns Of Love

Fourth World: Lanterns Of Love

3If Wen Qinxi knew her thoughts he wouldn't have hesitated to make her disappear the very first time he came into this world. Such a black-hearted person doesn't deserve to walk among normal people.     1

"Even a guy like Casio wouldn't mind dating you. At least he would shower you with so much love and make you feel like a princess," suggested Li Meimei with a sly smile on her face.     

Casio's face turned ashen thinking of it. He felt his entire dinner creep up his throat. He was greatly disturbed by this notion that he couldn't help but ask, "Mei-Jie, do you hate me that much? Why would I want anything to do with a psycho? How about you? Why not offer yourself up as a sacrifice?"     

Li Meimei chuckled while Ting-ge pulled Casio to his side just in case Zhao Huangzhi took it seriously. "Shh.... don't give her ideas," he said wishing he could duct tape Li Meimei's mouth as well. After all, who can fathom the mind of a psychopath?     

"I can't sacrifice myself because she's into men," replied Li Meimei.     

"When has that ever stopped you?" said Casio in an accusatory tone, "She looks like a trainwreck right now but I am certain she will be your type after a good clean up."     

Li Meimei propped the side of her head with her hand staring at Zhao Huangzhi with a cunning smile. "You are right... She is the type I like to kill," answered Li Meimei while raising a single brow.     

Zhao Huangzhi snorted and looked away from this group of idiots. If Madam Qie's purpose was to torture her then she had succeeded. Zhao Huangzhi was officially tortured. If she only knew what awaited her in the not so distant future she wouldn't have complained about this.     

Even Qie Ranzhe had to congratulate her for officially making Madam Qie come out of retirement. This is because in a few hours Madam Qie personally tortured her to death. After watching such harsh and cruel methods Ting-ge begged to worship her as a master. One look at her face and one wouldn't think she was as cruel as Hannibal Lector minus the cannibalistic tendencies of course.     

Back to the present, Zhao Huangzhi's stray gaze fell on Qie Ranzhe who was ogling at Su Xin like a hungry beast. Her heart twisted painfully as a tear flowed from her swollen eyes. She couldn't help but ask herself what it would take to get Qie Ranzhe to look at her like that? Did she have to undergo a sex change or something to get his attention?     

Bizzare ideas like these raced through her mind but the person she was thinking about didn't even spare her a glance. She stomped her feet feeling life was truly unfair.     

Unfair as it may seem to her, Qie Ranzhe was the happiest man alive. He walked over to Su Xin and whispered something in his ear and the family of three went outside.     

The guests followed behind after Machu announced something to the crowd. Zhao Huangzhi was also dragged along into the starry summer night. It was about time they released lanterns so the grooms can finally have their first night of marital bliss.     

If only people knew that the bridal chamber was done ahead of time before the banquet, they would facepalm in defeat.     

Wen Qinxi and Qie Ranzhe lit their lantern with written characters blessing their marriage before releasing it into the sky. Once the first lantern rose to the sky, several more followed and the starry night was suddenly painted bright yellow creating a beautiful scene straight from a painting.     

The four of them sat on the lawn watching the skies with beaming smiles. One could only describe this scene as the perfect ending to a troublesome world. Wen Qinxi was lying in Qie Ranzhe's embrace while Qie Xieling's head rested on his dad's lap.     

As instructed Machu sent out a warning to the entire underworld to stay furthest away from Su Xin. If none of them complies the punishment would be severe. The severity of the consequences will be demonstrated through the Zhao family's demise starting with Zhao Huangzhi.     

Madam Qie embraced her two sons, kissed them both on their cheeks before saying, "Don't overdo it," pointing at the both of them before walking away. She had a pig to slaughter tonight and the earlier she starts the earlier she goes to bed.     

As soon as she was gone, Wen Qinxi mumbled, "Too late for that advice," as a slight sting from his backside reminded him of the island sexcapades.     

Qie Ranzhe smiled and pulled him closer with his hands on Su Xin's waist. "It's not like you can't handle it," he said with an evil smirk on his face.     

Wen Qinxi pursed his lips trying to maintain a straight face. "No comment," he said with his cheeks gradually heating up.     

Qie Xieling raised his head from his dad's lap and asked, "Handle what?" with a puzzled look.     

Qie Ranzhe lightly smacked him upside his head and said, "Stay out of adult business."     

"Ouch.... dad look. He's hitting people," complained Qie Xieling pouting his lips while rubbing his head. If there is one thing Qie Xieling knows to do well, it's acting pitiful but the success rate was fairly low when it came to these two.     

Wen Qinxi rubbed the back of Qie Xieling's head while questioning him. "How did you even hear that when we were whispering?"     

"Whisper? Ha! It's more like a loud whisper," exclaimed Qie Xieling while lying back down.     

"Can you hear this?" asked Wen Qinxi before whispering something to Qie Ranzhe as an experiment.     

Qie Xieling rubbed his ear and answered, "You said you love Lin Lin and Ran-ge."     

Wen Qinxi, "...."     

"You see why I took you to the island? You always hold back when.... you know..... No matter how good the soundproofing is, there is a certain someone who has excellent hearing," explained Qie Ranzhe. Besides his kinky preferences, he wanted to hear his man scream without worrying about being heard and boy, was it worth it.     

Qie Xieling sat up straight again and asked, "What? Is there something I am not supposed to hear? Are you two keeping something from me?.... Am I going to have a little brother?..... Ouch..... If daddy keeps hitting me like that I will become stupid. Do you want an idiot for a son?"     

"A stupid one is better than a mouthy one," replied Qie Ranzhe while pinching those cheeks with verve.     

Wen Qinxi chuckled while responding, "Little brother my foot. More like a puppy.... maybe."     

While this harmonious family were squabbling over trivial matters, Zhao Huangzhi was getting her skin peeled off by a ferocious mama bear with a vendetta. Be it crashing the wedding, cursing or fighting Qie Xieling, Zhao Huangzhi paid for all of it in one go.     

No amount of snort and tears could move this woman. Once she was done with her she mailed parts of her to the entire Zhao family including Mr Zhao who thought he had run far away. She was mailed in neat red packages.     

When Wen Qinxi found out he was so grateful Su Xin dodged a bullet otherwise this character would have had the same fate as Miss Zhao.     

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