Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Lin Lin The Arrogant Little Brat

Fifth World: Lin Lin The Arrogant Little Brat

2All good things must come to an end is a proverb that means nothing lasts forever or happiness is fleeting. Wen Qinxi especially related to this statement as he lay on the ground like a flat pancake unable to discern what happened.     

When he fell asleep last night, he was in bed with Qie Ranzhe and Qie Xieling. The three people huddled in a king-size bed with him in the middle. The reason why Qie Xieling was there was that he refused to leave claiming that grandma was busy and he was scared to sleep in a room by himself.     

After much appeasing, Qie Ranzhe finally agreed but he had a lot of conditions in place which included going to the so-called bridal chamber island the very next day. Wen Qinxi felt cold shivers down his spine thinking about the anxiety and thrill that came with having sex on the beach. Thinking one only lives once he agreed to it. In some way, he was sort of looking forward to it.     

Who would have expected he would wake up and that beautiful world had vanished. Wen Qinxi covered his eyes with both his hands concealing his emotions that were spilling over. In a way, this was taking an emotional toll on him but at least this time he didn't die.     

"Boss..... um.... are you okay?" inquired the system in a hesitant tone. It wasn't used to this kind of Wen Qinxi, the silent gloomy type so it approached with caution lest it gets caught up in something that had nothing to do with it.     

"En," replied Wen Qinxi remaining motionless on the ground. "Can you open a communication channel now? I think I need a fuckin break."     

The system felt like pulling out its hair in frustration thinking of how it wasn't operating at full capacity. Jolie could tell its boss wasn't in the mood so it fumbled over its words.     

"I, well, here is the thing. Apart from you, no one can fix Flagship so they haven't figured out how to fix it... You have one more world to go and I am fairly certain it would be working then."     

Even actors need time to re-adjust their emotions when they take up intense roles but he didn't have the choice in the matter. Wen Qinxi was about to throw out curses to vent out his frustration when a system prompt appeared as bright and colourful as ever.     

System: Congratulations on completing the Fourth World_     

System: Press yes to proceed into the Fifth and final world.     

Wen Qinxi sat up straight thinking he should just take some time off in the darkness but it was too much to hope for. As it turns out whether he pressed yes or not he was still sucked into the Fifth World without his consent. This time he knew to keep his mouth shut especially after his experience in the third world.     

'Shit! Jolie, it fuckin happened again,' he complained as the darkness dissipated from his eyes. He was yet again tossed into another world without a script or any idea of what was happening.     

'Boss, calm down. I will load the game files just now. It's a Xianxia world this time.... just hold on,' replied the system walking on eggshells. They were nearing the end of the road and it hoped to coax this boss lest he owns up to his word and execute punishment for all the crazy things it did. To the system, this was like judgement day and if it didn't leave a good impression it would be given the harshest sentence a.k.a an AI for a smart toilet.     

Wen Qinxi wasn't aware of the system's line of thought as he had his own problems. Currently, he was in a huge hall straight from the heavens. It was a high ceiling grand hall with pillars furbished in gold and rubies. The design was of the highest sophistication surpassing the Vatican cathedral ten times over.     

The seats on the sides of the hall were packed by over two hundred young people divided by the colour of their robes. To the east of the hall, three groups were wearing red, orange and sky blue robes with unique designs and patterns.     

To the west side of the hall were also three groups wearing violet, green and pink robes. The ones in pink robes were only women, beautiful women at that.     

As for him, he was seated at the high table with several elders and senior disciples all dressed in different coloured robes. It was easy to tell who led which sect from their clothing.     

Curious, Wen Qinxi looked down at his own robe silently praying it wasn't pink otherwise it might mean he was a woman in this world. The colour was a beautiful sky blue bringing tears into his eyes. Just in case that kinky bastard conjured up a strange world and turned him into a woman, Wen Qinxi felt up his chest and heaved a sigh of relief when he realised it was as flat as ever.     

"What are you doing?" asked the elder gentleman sitting next to him. He was also wearing a sky blue robe but it was of superior quality. This could only mean one thing. He was most likely his sect leader. 'Fuck! Jolie you better fucking hurry up otherwise I will get found out and accused of possession,' he said to the system eyeing the man in vexation.     

The man eyed his chest with a raised brow before his gaze moved up to his face. "I know you don't want the Qie sect to take your sister away but believe me if I refused that brat he would find other ways of making trouble for us. Now.... don't be angry with me anym-," he explained but he was interrupted when the main doors were harshly pushed open.     

The once boisterous hall fell silent as a group of fifteen youngsters donned in black robes entered with an imposing aura. In front was a familiar yet much older face. Wen Qinxi narrowed his eyes studying the arrogant punk's profile with great interest. It wasn't Qie Ranzhe but a certain kid.     

'What the fuck?' thought Wen Qinxi wondering how his cute little man turned arrogant one world over.     

Qie Xieling cupped his hands and bowed before the elders with a sly disrespectful smile that had Wen Qinxi itching to walk over there and discipline him. This is the exact reason why Qie Ranzhe can't be left to raise a kid by himself. Wen Qinxi took a sip of the warm tea right in front of him ironically to cool down his anger.     

"Sect leader Zhao, you lost the bet," said Qie Xieling with an evil smile, "it's about time you pay the piper."     

The so-called sect leader Zhao was the man sitting right next to Wen Qinxi. He flung his teacup at Qie Xieling who dodged with ease. Seeing that he didn't manage to hit the brat, the sect leader lost his temper.     

"You!..... What are you being arrogant for? If you have the ability, why didn't you fight in the arena instead of using others? Such a wastrel with no ounce of cultivation yet you prance around my peak like a peacock! If your father wasn't sect leader Qie, I would have burnt you to death," said sect leader Zhao with his mouth foaming in anger.     

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