Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Ran-ge Drooling Over His Wife

Fourth World: Ran-ge Drooling Over His Wife

1Qie Ranzhe made sure he fed his bride both ways on that deserted island and only took him back to the wedding banquet when they were both satisfied.      0

Satisfied? Yes, Wen Qinxi was satisfied but he was also aching. Only the heavens know how nervous he was with each thrust. He was so afraid to be seen which undoubtedly made it more exciting but it was simply too much pressure.     

At some point during sexercise on the beach, he heard something rustling in the bushes and instantly softened down south. His soul flew out of his body at that moment making Qie Ranzhe displeased. Qie Ranzhe had kissed him viciously after that and pounded him like there was no tomorrow. Wen Qinxi got hard from such provocation that the fear he felt earlier was replaced by intense pleasure.     

He was so worn out by the time they returned to the resort. The nerd had to down a couple of energy drinks to attend the banquet. This is why Wen Qinxi was glaring at him during the festivities. Qie Ranzhe was so energetic as though he was injected with chicken blood. Of the two of them, it seemed he was the one suffering the most.     

This man was so sly that he promised they would only do it once but of course, how could it be that simple? They had a rare chance to have an entire island as a bridal chamber so Qie Ranzhe broke his promise and did it a second time.     

To express his dissatisfaction, Wen Qinxi decided to act like a proper shameless shou throughout the entire banquet. He glared, glared, glared and glared some more till his eyes hurt. Qie Ranzhe knew he blindsided Su Xin and didn't give him enough time to mentally prepare. If he told him in advance, don't talk about negotiating, he would have been coldly rejected.     

Besides, it was more exciting seeing him squirm while trying to escape. Once Su Xin got into it, it was the most rewarding experience especially the way he moaned when he took him from behind.     

That thought had Qie Ranzhe's JJ rising under the table. He couldn't help it, Su Xin was too sexy. Placing his arm behind Su Xin's chair he leaned in and whispered, "Baby, if you keep staring at me like that I won't be able to help myself."     

Wen Qinxi's face sank wondering how on earth he got mixed up with a horny beast. "Glare, not stare. I am fuckin glaring at you," explained Wen Qinxi into his ear. The music was too loud so he had to whisper.     

Qie Ranzhe smiled sweetly and said, "Glaring or staring, it doesn't make a difference to me. Look what you have done," before taking Su Xin's hand and placed it on his crotch.     

The heat from that place brushed against Wen Qinxi's fingers making him retract his hand like he had touched something hot. His cheeks turned pink as he withdrew his gaze while taking a sip of wine. He had to get away from Qie Ranzhe otherwise they won't make it to the hotel room. The urge to shove him into a bathroom was growing stronger and stronger.     

It's a good thing, Qie Xieling came to the rescue. He stood at the opposite end of the high table and said, "Let's go dance together." The kid was referring to the both of them but Qie Ranzhe's unfortunate condition made it inconvenient for now. Besides, he wasn't one to dance so he shook his head in refusal.     

Who would have thought his husband would ditch him without a conscience. "Let's go... your daddy has issues so he can only watch," said Wen Qinxi taking Qie Xieling's hand before walking away.     

"Baby.... come back," said Qie Ranzhe but Su Xin ignored him and joined Qie Xieling on the dance floor.     

Wen Qinxi wasn't a dancer in the real world but he and Wen Danzhe used to fool around with the music on full blast when their mother wasn't around. It was one of the happiest times in his life because for once he could be unrestrained and free. The bright smile that accompanied those mediocre dance skills was enough to charm anyone especially Mr Qie at the high table.     

With his elbows on the table, Qie Ranzhe stared intently at the man of his dreams with a beaming smile that could shake the earth. Machu couldn't help but sit beside him and pat his shoulder saying, "Ran-ge, you are drooling."     

Qie Ranzhe didn't move his gaze away from Su Xin while giving him an unintelligent response. "En," was all he said making Machu question what type of drug Su Xin fed his boss to stupefy him. If that drug exists he wouldn't mind buying it for personal use.     

"What did you two do after the ceremony? Is it something fun?" asked Machu taking a sip of a funny looking blue cocktail, "Maybe I can go check it out later."     

It was this question that finally had Qie Ranzhe's gaze shift to look at Machu. He answered, "I will tell you when you get a wife," concise and straight to the point stabbing at this single dog's sore spot.     

"Ran-ge, you really know how to trample over my heart. Cold and heartless," complained Machu after being roasted for no reason.     

While the two friends were chatting away, Zhao Huangzhi was given a front-row seat as promised. Her hands and feet were bound to the chair. With the duct tape covering her mouth she couldn't speak. She could only watch the boisterous crowd celebrating all around her.     

It was Su Xin's gang of merry bandits that were surrounding her supposedly to keep her in check. She had to endure Li Meimei's incessant lecture to get over Qie Ranzhe which was rather annoying.     

"You are a beautiful woman so why are you obsessed with one sea bass when they are plenty of fish in the sea?" explained Li Meimei with her finger tracing the rim of her wine glass.      

"True, true, I mean they're a lot of men who would kowtow at your feet and make you their goddess but instead you chase a married man. How does that make sense?" said Casio while taking a picture of the father and son dancing on the dance floor.     

Ting-ge saw Zhao Huangzhi roll her eyes expressing her mockery so he said, "There must be something wrong with her head.     

Zhao Huangzhi glared at Ting-ge like she was going to skin him alive if given the chance but she was like a toothless bulldog. All bark no bite.     

"Haha, too bad you won't live long enough to get the help you desperately need," whispered Ting-ge in a menacing tone.     

This would have scared Zhao Huangzhi but she truly believed her father was already coming for her. She couldn't wait to be free and exert revenge on all those who wronged her. Number one on her kill list would be Su Xin, followed by that brat who beat her up with her bouquet and finally this Ting-ge person. She would have her dad cut out his tongue first for calling her crazy. Let's not forget Zhao Hua for lying to her. Her father wouldn't punish her sister so she would have to come up with her own form of punishment. Zhao Huangzhi was caught between an acid attack to ruin her face or a slash and take her sister's vanity away.     

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